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Don't hate me but it's 3am I'm updating it unedited SMD next chapter will be more interesting!

Ever since the incident, jahseh won't touch me, and if he does he ask. He's given me my space, after we met up I still stayed with ski. I forgive him but me and Jacqueline I don't think will be the same. We tried to talk it out over text cause I didn't wanna face her and she of course was being inconsiderate of my feelings. Saying it's 'not that big of a deal' and 'we can't change it so just get over it' type stuff.

I don't plan on forgiving or seeing her until she actually understands what she did was wrong and was completely out of her character, I mean we've been friends for fucking years.

I've had her back more then her spine did and this is how you do me?

Yea it's like that.

Right now I sit with Gazzy, we are currently at the mall trying to buy new shit but we can't cause of course he takes forever. Jahseh isn't liking being at the mall either, but he looks around too purchasing certain stuff. 20 minutes later they both leave with 2 full bags of Gucci cloths and some other shit. I stand, groaning and stretching, ready to go eat, but yet I still need to shop for this event my mom and step-dad our hosting. I get up, stretching.

I decided to put on jahsehs red and black revenge hoodie and black puma slides. My hair braided back too. Nothing crazy like usual, I think I'm more of a comfortable dresser so picking a cute dress might be hard. I thought on it and decided to go my own way, I went towards a little pop up juice shop and picked up a really good banana and strawberry smoothie. I walked around a couple stores, drink in hand. I knew someone was following me and it was jahseh, I know it was 100% hard for him to keep his distance but he did it.

I stop in my tracks seeing a really pretty black dress, I stare at it before calling jahseh over. "Can you sit there while I try this on?" I ask quietly as he nods. I pick it up, and start to head towards the dressing room but I forget I have my smoothie. I left my smoothie with jahseh and headed towards an open room, I undressed quickly, and slid on the dress. "Holy shit." I whispered seeing how pretty it was, I wasn't wearing a bra today either way so my boobs poked out a bit, a little Cleavage but it looked beautiful. It complimented my hips and thighs.

I stepped out. "Jah, you like it?" He looked up his eyes widening. He stares at me and my body for a minute. "You're so beautiful Yasmine." He smiles a little. I walk towards him and peck his lips as he pecks me back. "So a yes?" I do a spin, showing him my ass and back mainly as I face the mirror. I see him eyeing my ass as I smirk. "You can smack it, I know you wanna." I laugh as he does so smiling.

-I came back to the condo with jahseh for tonight, tomorrow it was decided we'd all go parasailing and some other activities

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I came back to the condo with jahseh for tonight, tomorrow it was decided we'd all go parasailing and some other activities. I lay in the bed, well really on top of jah. I lay between his legs, my arms on either side of his stomach while my head lay on his chest. He holds me tight while playing with my curls and rubbing my back. I sigh in his hold, those thoughts of betrayal still linger in my head.

"Stop." He says holding my face.


"You're over-thinking, I can feel it."

"It's hard not to when the-"

"Stop." He says before kissing me. "It was a mistake." I sigh and roll off of him and onto my side. He spoons me huffing too. "I know but listen," I leaned up, starting to vent to him.

"She was like my bestfriend." I say leaning up. "I gave her everything jahseh, I loved that girl with my all. I don't wanna rub shit in her face but I don't know. I did everything for her- what if she still has feelings for and shit?" I stress. "Tell me you didn't love her like you do me? Or there was no feelings please tell me." He frowns.

I lay on my stomach now looking up at him, grabbing his big hand. "Baby I've never loved anyone but my mother, grandmother, Geneva and, you. I'm being 100% right now, that's why I included one of my past. You're the only real relationship I've been in since 2 years, you mean that much to me and boy-" he let's out a little laugh. "Did Geneva Fuck me up."

"What'd she do?" I ask.

"It's a story for a different day, when we get back I'll tell you baby I promise."

We laid down and talked some more after that, he was acting weird though. He'd stare at me when I wasn't looking and kept huffing. He also kept wiping his eyes, it threw me off he up and left to the bathroom. I got up, sliding on socks and headed towards the door. My heart stopped as I heard him sobbing. "Jahseh, open the door." I demanded as I turned the door-nob noticing it was locked. A few minutes of standing he opened it, his face was red and eyes were puffy. I realized it was one of his episodes ski told me.

When he doesn't have his medicine he becomes a huge emotional mess, he gets delusional and scared. That only thing I can do to help is hold and comfort him, so I do so. I wrap my arms around him as he sobbed, his crying made my complete heart ache. "Baby I'm so sorry, please don't leave, please!" He sobs as I hold him.

If you guys have not read instanity an X fanfic you are missing out !!! All credits to her for this scene haha! I'm crazy in love with the book and I just finished it, go check it out!

We head towards the bed where he lays, finished crying, between my legs. His arms around my neck as I rub his back, showering him with kisses too. I coo him and whisper things in his ear like 'I'm not going anywhere' or 'I love you baby' about 10 minutes of that and he was out. I laid with him for a few more minutes before sliding up, my stomach felt empty and I was craving chocolate and food. I quietly, got up grabbing the keys and my slides.

I squeezed the keys tightly in my hand and watched as jahseh flip over and over on the bed while he was sleeping. I quickly ran over realizing he was looking for me, grabbing a pillow so he would wrap his arms around it and hold it. I soon left towards the vending machine after ordering a pizza to the condo door.

I hurried quickly, grabbing M&M's, chips and, little shit. I raced back up stairs, unlocking the door just to see him sill on the bed asleep, cuddled with the pillow. I smiled before setting the food down and waiting for my other food.

As it arrived I rub his back and ate, then soon, after cleaning up, I fall asleep with one leg over his hip and my arm over his. Basically spooning him.

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