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I have such anxiety if I don't update fast everyone will not read this anymore :( so I'm definitely taking a break so last update till Monday or so. I gotta get my head out of Wattpad, it's mentally draining and I don't feel I'm writing my chapters to the fullest as much as I need. Here's a small plot twist before I go.
Yasmine and jahseh are so complicated
Not edited BTW

How is artemis!
Is it true you set Geneva up?
Is Geneva the real baby mama?

Paparazzi screamed as we walking inside of the ice cream shop. It was Jacqueline and I. Jacqueline had just had her baby and excited was an under statement. Santana was a month old, he was absolutely adorable. His name was Stokely Santana Jr, he was so fucking cute. He had huge brown eyes and he really looked like his Daddy, and ski was inlove with him.

"So this morning I woke up to Ski trying to wake up Santana up. He was so shitty I told him to get away from him." She laughed as she poured frozen yogurt into the cup. "Why do you call him Santana instead of Stokely?" I ask adding strawberries in my chocolate yogurt. "Because when Ski pisses me off I'll scream Stokely and he'll get all in feelings thinking I'm talking about Jr, like hell real life spazz on me. I be like boy move around." She says as I laugh.

"I swear jahseh wont leave Artemis alone, he's in love with her. He spoils her so much, o swear he buys her new shit every single day. He just got sent some baby LV kicks that are custom for her cause they love that he buys so many for her." I say shaking my head. "Oh. My. God. Same." She says as we both laugh.

"I can't believe we're actually about to get married and settle down. Shits crazy, you're about to be 20 and so am I. It makes me happy but- I have to confess something to Stokely and I don't know if I can." She says looking down. I swallow the yogurt before looking down at her.

"What'd you do bitch?"

"I- I fucked Diego. It was at the start of our relationship and it was one night when he stayed the night after you and jahseh went on that break up for 10 days. I don't know it was a while ago and it's been bagging at me. I couldn't trust Ski and I have yet to tell him why." She claims. "Just tell him, he can't be mad." I say grabbing her hand. "I know. But you and jahseh, how are you guys?"

I stab the spork into the ice cream. "He's distant and I don't know- I'm sick of him leaving Artemis because he doesn't know what he wants. He claims he loves me and her and shit but he'll go on there long breaks. I'm really sick of it." I say shrugging it's true. It ducking hurts being a second choice. Yesterday I tried so hard to go through his phone and he wouldn't let me.

We always argue and I really don't get it anymore, I'm so confused so I went ghost on him as well. I was tired of arguing for him to love me, he always went cold on me. I've been visiting this tekashi kid, he's so sweet but I have yet to let him meet Artemis. I looked down seeing jahseh calling me as I sighed, picking it up.

"Hey baby."


"Stop." He said softly. "I've been working on myself, and something for you. Come home. I wanna talk."

"I guess."

I hangup before he can say anything.

I pull up, seeing him in grey sweats, Nike slip ons and no shirt. He held Artemis as she giggled, my happy mama. "Arte!" I yelled a si got out of the Range Rover. "Baby, I missed my mama." I said kissing her head and taking her from jahseh, he reached in for a kiss but I dodged it, he sighed.

"Look baby, I have something I wanna tell you. I- you promise me you won't leave me?" He says scratching behind his back. "Let's take this inside." I said before heading upstairs to set he rin her crib, she began to get fussy not liking it. I turned on sponge bob as she sat and observed  loving the show. I stepped out the room and walked down the stairs, not ready to face what actually is going on.

"I- I did something really fucking bad, and I left you alone for it so you can get tired of me and leave me. I- I fucked Geneva."

My heart dropped as I felt sick. "W-when was this?"

"When she stabbed you, I fucked her the day before and I wanted to tell you-"

I slap the fuck out of him. "So you're telling me that this whole time- you fucked her?! You cheated- Jahseh bro get the fuck out before I stab you." I bark. "Yasmine I can't, I can't leave you. I wanted to and I tried, but I can't. All those little breaks were so fucking hard, I've never wanted to take my life more.  I can't be without you!"

"You should've fucking thought about that when you fucked that nasty bitch. You fucked me after- you fucking disgust me jahseh. Get. The. Fuck. Out." I screech pushing him as hard as I can but he just moves a little. He shook his head as tears began to fall out of his eyes. "It isn't my fault, I was off my medication you know how I am. I forgot what my actual life was, you know this. Please forgive me Yasmine I can't do this without you."

He fell to his knees, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Yasmine, I'll do anything just forgive me." He says as I push him off to me turning around. "She- she tried to kill me and you fuck her?"

"I wasn't in my right mind, you know how I am with my medicine it wasn't in my control. I don't even know if we had sex, I just- I don't know what else to say besides I'm sorry Yasmine. I've been leaving to help you live without me and same for you but I CANT live without you."

I can't decide what the fuck to do, I know jahseh turns into someone else when he doesn't have his medicine due to his PTSD from fighting so much in jail. He doesn't even tell me the full story, I just can't think.

"Leave jahseh, ill- I'll text you." I say as I began to break. "No, Yasmine I can't."

"Then go, go somewhere else the fuck away from me. Go jahseh!" I yell turning around and covering my mouth as I look at him, he's been hiding this shit from me so fucking well like he did the secret about my virginity. I can't do this with him at all right now.

He gives me a weak smile.

"Remember; you are what I prayed for."

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