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Kinda boring chapter, hope you guys enjoy tho!

I groan as I feel pain in my side, "shit." But besides that the first thought in my head is where is my daughter. I open my eyes looking over noticing I'm in the hospital, white sheets over me and an IV in my arm. "Where is she?" I rasp, my lips and throat feeling dry. I see jahseh stand with her in his hands. He walks towards me and places her on my chest as I hold her. "Baby I was so worried, what happened?" My dad says

"IS SHE UP BRUH- where my sister bruh!"my step brother Demarcus said I sigh annoyed as artie got fussy, she whines a little but latches on to my nipple causing her to calm down. "Chill out bitch!" My other sister barks, gabby. My dad just now showed me his other two kids he's had and we've all grown super duper close. "Aye, watcha mouf!"my dad snaps back at her. "Y'all yelling like I didn't just get stabbed forreal, Shut the hell up." I says annoyed.

Jahseh stands coming towards me, his eyes watering, I grab his face confused echoed on mine. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you or her, I should've killed her when I had the fucking chance. It's all my fault and I just-"

"No no baby it's not your fault, stop that. You and I had no clue, Geneva will get what's coming to her, I promise you."

I was out of the hospital, feeling way better. We made sure our house was on complete lock down now, we were completely confused on how the fuck she got in here but I'm sure she hacked into the system revealing the number. The gate lady said she didn't see the girl at all which meant that Geneva had someone else drive her and type in the code.

I sway with arte in my hand as she giggles liking it, I look down grinning at her. Her dainty hands touch my face as she coos me. "Hey mama's." I say kissing her forehead. She giggles at that.

"Aye bru, Listen I need 1,000$." Demarcus says as I look up at him. "What'd you do?" I ask still rocking arte.

"Might've crashed jahsehs car and I might have-"

"DEMARCUS!" I heard jahseh yells as he comes flying out, he tackles Demarcus as they both fall in the pool. The movement causing arte to fuss. "Y'all! Fucking stop!" I snap knowing damn well they can't hear me. They come up from the water laughing, jahseh getting his new joggers soaked.

"Sorry baby girl." Jahseh claims walking towards me but I move to the side seeing he's wet. "Nope, go take a bath and dry off." I say as he nods drying off but he soon ignores the bath part and picks up arte. It was near night as everyone started packing inside of the house.

Almost everyone stayed at our new mansion, I didn't mind, my anxiety was a bit high now so security stayed outside our house but I had a plan. I am going to get Geneva back.

Blood will be shed.

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