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"No jah get up, you fucking reek of blood." I say almost gagging. He huffs but quickly gets up, stumbling in the process. He's fucking drunk. "Come on." I say guiding him into the bathroom, he stumbles the whole way. "Oh shit." He groans as I sit him on the toilet. I gasp at how much blood is on his shirt, and his black ripped jeans. "Why is there so much blood everywhere?" I ask. Even on his black timberlands. "Come on get in the shower, take this off." I rip his shirt and shorts off, including his boxers.

"Holy shit!" I scream as his dick flips out. I run towards the door. "T-take a shower, I go-gotta go wake up Jacqueline." I stutter as I shut the door and hear a loud laugh. "Shut up!" I yell hitting the door with my fist. I run down the stairs, towards the game room in the basement/bar room. "Jacqueline! Bro get up!" I yell while still running. I wake her on the couch by turning on the light, but to my surprise i don't know how I didn't hear them but they were fucking. "Babe, why did the lights turn on?" He ask lifting his head from under the covers. I don't even hear the rest before I scream into my hand and take off up the stairs.

I go in my room, grab a pair of clean boxers, shorts and, one of his shirts he left over here, Once he came over for hours for a straight week where we did nothing but chill, kiss and, eat. I hurry and change my sheets that now are covered in blood and my sweatshirt then I run to the bathroom to hear the shower running, "you can open it, I'm not in yet." I do so opening the door. He still sits on the toilet, but naked. I look up yelling his name, "jahseh!" He laughs, hiccuping. "I'm not getting in unless you get in. Period, sorry." He says shrugging. I felt from his tone of voice that he was coming back from being drunk.

"No way, bro my body is so ugly." I say leaning over the counter, looking into my green orbs. "Baby, you're beautiful." He says standing up, coming behind me he quickly grips my hips. "He says 11 days later." I say sighing, I look down. Tears brim my eyes, I've missed jahseh so much. "Can you blame me? I just needed space Yasmine-" before He finishes, I walk out before I start crying. The door slams shut while I run down the stairs, needing to clear my head. 11 days without the person you really depend on is hard as shit.

"Yas wait!" Jah yells back, I stop. "Listen I'm sorry for what I said! But that doesn't mean you kiss other females in my face!" I yell at him as he comes closer, I turn around to see the moonlight shinning on his dreads. "I'm sorry, I thought you and Diego fucked or did something." He huffs, he puts his arms around my waist but I push them away. "Did you fuck her?" I say, my eyes watering. He opens his mouth to speak but I stop him,"Do not lie to me jahseh. Don't." I say staring at him directly in his black eyes as he does me.


With all my might, I pushed him as hard as I could but of course it didn't do anything but make him stumble back a little. I start to walk away but he grabs me. "No! Get the fuck off me !" I yell pushing him. He grips tighter. "Stop walking away from your fucking problems Yasmine. Stop!" He yells. "No!," I bark pushing him away from me with all my might, he let's go. "I'd never do that to you, Id never thought of fucking Diego the way I do you! I'd never let him touch me, ever! And you just go fuck some random bitch cause your mad at me?" I yell, tears streaming down my face.

(He is not naked btw!)


"No! Just go the fuck away!" I yell turning around and walking away, but he's not letting me go. I shook myself in his arms, he turned me around and forced my face in his now clean shirt. I realized he changed his cloths before he left my house. I try to pull away but it's no use, I feel weaker by the moment. I finally give In wrapping my arms around his neck and crying hard into his shirt. He tells me to jump so I do so, crying on his shoulder. "I got you, forever." He whispers squeezing me and beginning to walk back to my house.

Once he's up to my step, I force my self off of him to walk back inside. It's dark as we go through the house, I hear the locks click as he locks the front door. He quickly heads to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

Stepping up the stairs quietly I feel crazily drained, it feels like everyone is against me, and it kills me to not get closure but I always end up walking away. Some shit I just don't wanna handle. "Yasmine, listen," He says as he enters my bedroom, I lay on my side facing the wall. I hear him dip on the bed, he pulls me towards him, sitting me up and on his lap. "Listen Yas baby, you didn't ask me when I fucked her, I fucked her a whole ass year ago. I only hung out with her because pump invited her, I swear up and down I haven't been fucking on anyone. I'm sorry I kissed her, I really am but I'm not the only demon in this situation, you say shit you shouldn't say sometimes." I look up at him, his thumb leads up to my face wiping a tear away.

"I'm sorry too, I know I shouldn't say bad shit like that when I'm mad, I'm just really not use to people caring now a-days." I shrug. He captivates my eyes before kissing me on the cheek and holding me closer to him. "I'm sorry I called you a bitch Yas, I never meant it." He says kissing my cheek again. "We all said some fucked up shit but it's okay, we're fucked up ass people." I laugh loudly as laughs too.

Sexual content mfs

"Oh- baby" I moan as he sucks my clit. My feet sectioned on his shoulders, as I ghost a blunt I rolled up. I whine and moan as he sticks his tongue inside of me slowly. My hands go under the covers straight to his hair, I pull on it as he continues his actions. I moan loudly once he finishes me up, licking me. He peeps his head up from under the covers, smiling, lips soaked. "You taste pretty good." He says going in for a kiss. I decide to spice it up and kiss him back, tasting myself in the process.

"My turn." I say handing him the blunt. I reach for my underwear under the blankets and slide them on. Once I'm done I rip my shirt off exposing my tight push up bra. "What're you doing?" He asked confused. I began to tie my hair up. "Are you finna? AWSHEBOUTTOSUCKMYDICK!" He yells as I laugh. "Shush up!" It was around 4 am and he was screaming like no tomorrow. He hit the blunt as I pulled down his boxers exposing his huge length. I really have never ever done this and I lowkey wanna take off running but momma ain't raise no bitch. Eskitit.

I began licking the tip, swirling my tongue around. Next thing you know it's completely down my throat now. I bob my head, sticking it all the way down my throat since god blessed me with no gag reflex, I keep this up swirling and sucking.

He groans loudly, before I can have a say he slams my head down forcing it down my throat. "C'mon princess, take it." He groans. I take all I can and before I know it his kids out in my mouth.

"You full?"

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