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Y'all they crazy. Vote sexies

(6 months later)

It's currently me and jahsehs one year and I couldn't be so happy with someone, I'm so in-love with him. We've gotten into small arguments but I always come back to him as he does me. We haven't done anything today due to ski needing him for the studio but he promised he'd take me to dinner tonight and I was super excited. I decided on letting Instagram know were still strong 6 months later, I still posted just never of him. I wanted to keep our relationship private, everything lowkey but he still posted me sometimes.

123k likes - 5600 comments  Yasmindd: 🦄🥀🌻✨🌈 I love you, thank you for the best year of the my life

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123k likes - 5600 comments
🦄🥀🌻✨🌈 I love you, thank you for the best year of the my life. I can't wait for many many more with you sweeeet boy. @xxxtentacion

Jahsehmydad: MY HEART ILY GUYS

Yasmindd: @jahsehmydad lmaooo at ur name but I love you baby.

Liar: 🤭
Yasmindd liked this comment. (She's being petty)


XXXTENTACION: I love you ❤️

He's also posted about me on his Twitter

1 year and I can't shake you 🤓❤️ @yassybaby

I noticed his little ex's tweets, I'm sure they were about me. But I wasn't worried, I don't do twitter beef.

I'll always be his forever

He will ALWAYS be my forever

How my 🐱 taste baby?

But do you have a song named about you?

I decided to fire her up a bit more, knowing she recently followed my twitter,

Pussy so good his EX wanna still fight me 🤓

I noticed Jacqueline tweeted at her as did Ski, backing me up.

Low life bitches don't have anything to do but antagonize bad high class bitches.

Lmao who are you bitches?

Double cup my luv, she's da one I lean on ❤️ happy 1 year, I've kept it as private as I could but nothing can describe the love I have for you. @jackiedaslumpGOD

Yasmine is one of the coolest females I know, to hate her before you know her is pretty odd.


I sit jahsehs apartment deciding to sit down my phone, fuck Geneva whore ass bitch.
(This is her back story, I added this for more details on why she is the way she is lol)

One thing I never shared with Jah or anyone is that I'm actually mental, I can't go to college because my high-school experience was in a mental hospital. I never shared it with jahseh or anyone cause I really didn't want him to think I was crazy but truth be told I am. I was molded and shaped by being molested at 14, thankfully I'm not one of those girls who keeps it to myself forever. I ended up murdering him.

I pleaded insanity causing me to do 4 years in a state mental institution where I had no choice but to stay, I was adopted while in there, I didn't have a perfect ass life growing up on the street and running from foster home to foster home. It's a story for another day on what all happened and I soon plan to tell him.

I waited a while, he was supposed to be back an hour ago but I guess not. I was ready and dressed but still no text back from him. I waited and waited and it hit midnight and pissed was an understatement. I took all my makeup off and changed into his sweatshirt, only underwear and socks. I laid in his bed watching Netflix.

I was half asleep after 2 hours of watching Netflix when I heard the door open. I heard his thumping, as he shut the door groaning. He walked into the bedroom, I stay still feeling groggy and still mad. "Baby, you sleep?" I decided to play with him, since he wanted to play with me I will play right back. "No Daddy," I whined turning on my back, I yawned and crawled on my knees. "I need to be put to sleep Daddy." I moaned, he grinned. He wore a adidias sweat-suit. Taking his jacket it off, he zipped it down. I crawled off the bed. "Go get a chair, I wanna dance for you." I rasped as he nodded.

I ran into the bathroom, shutting the door and grabbing my lace set I hid for tonight. I jumped up and down laughing at how mad he's about to be. I stripped myself naked, grabbing a piece of gum I stuck it in my mouth and slid on the set. My boobs looked perfect as did my ass, I took a quick picture before setting it down and going outside. "Baby come here." I hear the lust in his voice as he rasp his sentence. I walk towards him, his eyes lead down to my boobs and private parts. He watches as I strip off my silk robe. "Hey," I rasp also.

I seat right on top of his dick. He sits in yellow track pants that felt extremely soft on my shaven legs. I literally shaved every part of my body, keeping it smooth. My back to his front as he grabbed my hips, I grinned. I rubbed myself against him, slapping his hands away claiming to not touch me. I grineded some more, touching my body and hair. He couldn't take it as he touched me but I smacked his hand away. "Go lay down Daddy. We can go to sleep." I say winking as he bit his lip and stood up as did I. He walked to the bed and laid down on his back.

I walk towards the bathroom throwing a huge ass hoodie over what I'm wearing and slide my Nike socks on. Jah was gonna be pissed as I just up and left him rock hard, I walked into the room as he made a confused face. I crawled into bed, rolled on my side and pretended I was asleep. "Aw nah, you gone get yo ass up." He says getting on his knees as he tried to flip me over but I scream slapping his hand away. "No, go fuck on the studio since you're up her ass." I say angrily. He frowns. "Babe, you aren't my first priority, I have shit to do Yasmine."

"It's our one year ass hole, you promised we'd actually see eachother but no I've been here all day by my damn self waiting on you and I NEVER got a fucking text back." I frown feeling my eyes water. "Well I'm sorry I'm fucking busy trying to work on myself- I don't have time for this Yasmine."

"Yea but you always have time to fuck me and go to the 'studio' right?!" I exclaim standing up. I slide on my leggings quickly, pissed off and ready to go. "Yasmine, shut the fuck up." He groans collapsing on the bed. "Fuck you jahseh!" I yell before heading towards the door, I heard him get up to come after me but I didn't even care, I sped up.

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