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One thing y'all will learn is that Yasmine is a fat ass cry baby, like she could cry 30 times a day bro. VOTE!!

I couldn't stop crying the entire plane ride home, my sides and pelvic were on a million and now that we've landed I have no choice but to go to the hospital, they've gotten so much worse. They would come and go but they would last a while, I prayed I couldn't pregnant. There's no way it takes atleast 6 days and I lost my virginity like 4 days ago. But you never know.

"You just have tissue near the uterus this is Endometriosis. Common thing, well take you to surgery tomorrow to scrape it off. You'll be completely fine." Jahseh stands up quickly grinning and shaking his hand. I laugh loudly as it seems he's pretty happy I'm not pregnant. I shake the doctors hand too as he nods and leaves us in the room to file some papers.

(I'm rushing bc I kinda wanna skip over it, just know the surgery was quick. They usually are.)
I was rushed into surgery and already home. I was off some type of drugs to ease the pain and jahseh was laughing his ass off at me. "I wanna cookie tho, gimme-"

"No Yasmine, stop." He says as he pushing my hand away from his pants. He picks me up and lays me into the bed, I cry out feeling pain as my body scrunches up into bridal position. He lays me down, pushing the little wheel chair we have back into the closet. He soon comes up and takes his shirt off, he lays down and turns on Netflix. He quickly picks On my block, his favorite show ever. I whine out in need of attention as he huffs, he throws the cover over him and I as he rubs my stomach like always. I look up, I feel extremely tired but awake at the same time.

I can honestly say that I've never been so in love with someone, he's so sweet and he puts up with so much of shit that I do. Before I realize I'm crying. I lay on my back as he sits up on one elbow and the other hand rubs my stomach. A sob escapes, I feel extremely emotional also. "Baby, What? You hurting?" He ask as he looks down at me. I sob some more, "no no, you are so good to me, I am so in love with you. Let's be together forever, you mean so much to me." I cry out even more as he grins. "I love you too baby." He says kissing my cheek and still rubbing my side. He hands me my phone as I ask for it. Opening it, I get on Snapchat and take a video.

"Guys look at my boyfriend he is so amazing," I put the camera on him as he laughs. "Baby stop-" he grabs the phone but he slid over causing it to keep recording. "It's recording it's recording!" I yell fascinated almost. "Okay baby chill." He stops the video. I feel a mild cramp, but still very painful as I wince. He sets my phone down and gets up to turn off the light, it's nap time. He plugs in my colorful lights and wraps himself around me. We cover up and get comfortable before soon falling a sleep.
I wake up to doors opening, I see jahseh near the bathroom as the water runs, but for a shower. I whine feeling the pain in my uterus back. "Hold on baby!" He yells. A couple minutes later of me falling in and out of consciousness, I feel him pick me up, but I stop him. "No no you can't see me I haven't shaved that's gross." I say embarrassed but boldly. "Baby I don't care, I will literally shave you for you. Don't play."

I whined but agree cause I feel disgusting. He helps me peel off my bandages showing little scars, I didn't like them but shit happens. Jahseh helps me wash up, even washing my hair for me, I moan at the feeling causing him to get a little excited down there. "Fuck." He says groaning. I decide to help him out since the pain isn't that bad today, surprisingly. I get on my knees, he pushes my head away claiming that it'll hurt me but I slap his hand away and began doing my work on him.

"Aw fuck," he moans as I take him down my throat. I moan around him cause him to jump and stick his hand on the back of my head. I keep this up and he soon cums all over my boobs. "I love you." He says hugging as I do too. Both tired.

We finish up in the shower before drying off and lotioning up. I throw on spandex and a t-shirt, also socks. I'm supposed to be bleeding for a couple weeks and I'm not supposed to have sex until I'm done and the pain is gone. I take the meds I'm supposed to before running downstairs with jah to eat. "Gah, gag!" I say as I see mama puke. "Jahseh come get the fucking dog bro!" I yell as he runs downstairs. "Oh fuck, that's disgustino jit." I refuse to clean it up as I make him. (Mama is her pit)

He cleans it up as I decide to cook up some food. He goes into the living room, watching anime I think. "Fucking nerd!" I yell as he yells 'fuck off' back. I laugh, making some stir-fry shit. It has chicken, corn, broccoli and, some other veggies. I finished it up adding seasoning, I poured it into some bowls and grabbed 2 water bottles.

"Here baby." I say walking into the living and handing him his food. Once we're done we sit on the couch and crack jokes and cuddle. "Nah your ass is fat." I Say slapping his ass as he jumps. "Aye quit that gay shit."

"Aight vro." I say shrugging and moving away from him, he moves me closer. "What you know about vro?" He says wrapping his arms around me. "I'm fucking one of he vros so I thought I'd say it." I say shrugging agin and getting closer to him. He laughs before slapping my ass hard as I scream and slap his arm.

We soon slump on the couch, just having a regular day.

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