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Okay so Jacqueline is spelled Jacqueline or jacqualine. It's confusing but catch my drift and realize I'm meaning Jacqueline haha.

It's been a week since what me and jah did. I haven't really had complete time for him since my parents are home and we've been arguing a lot. He's more clingy then me, but the angry type. I told him it's way too early to meet my parents and him being pissed was an understatement.

"You expect me to keep my distance like this? It's been 3 weeks of us talking and meeting. It's not that easy, you act like I can't miss you." He sighs over FaceTime. "Babe chill out, we aren't even a thing yet." I say as he huffs. Over these past weeks I've learned he's a huge cry baby, he hates being away. Don't get it twisted I love it but I need space at points. He's more attached then me tbh.

We talk a little bit before he hangs up claiming he's tired, I roll my eyes but go with it. I was getting ready to go to dinner with my parents, dressing in black heels and a red dress. I kept my makeup simple, lashes, highlighter and, red lipstick. They shouted for me as I huffed but headed down stairs. We shared no words the entire car ride as usual.

We were seated at this expensive ass dinner, waiting for our drinks. That's when the talking happened.

"So hows everything going?" I usually would beam with excitement but I can't say I'm in love with my parents anymore (she means adore like when you're in love with someone you adore them and they mean a lot to you) , they only text me to send me money or just a quick how ya doing. That I love you shit isn't said anymore and I'd be stupid to say that I don't care. It's not true. "Fine I guess but you'd know if you were actually here." I hiss. Usually they only leave once a month for a week now their just never home. I miss the attention.

"Well I'm trying to provide for you, you should be happy your fed and have a house over your head." My mom hisses back. "You can't throw that back in my face like it's not your responsibility. Mom. No one told you to have me." I bark. People look over at me but I'm so I'm the moment I could give a fuck less. "Stop it." She hisses loudly. "You're lucky I don't cut your card off, since you wanna disrespect us." My dad also hisses at me.

We don't even get to order before I loudly scoot out of my chair and leave. A huge lump in my throat. I call Jacqueline, to which she doesn't pick up. I call X and ski also but they don't pick up neither. So my last resort was Diego, I felt like I was walking for hours and my feet fucking hurt. I say on a concrete step to someone's house super far from my parents, and that stupid restaurant.

As soon as I call he picks up, "hello?" I sigh and quickly a sob comes out. "Diego it's Yasmine, will you please please come get me?" I ask. He instantly says 'yes' I give him my current adress to whoever house that was, my phone died but I could give a Fuck less. While I wait I finish crying, and in 10 minutes he pulls up. I don't even care if he's lowkey a murder or anything shit he'd be doing me a huge fucking favor.

I hop in the car quietly, opening the door I quickly sit. I wait for him to pull off but he doesn't, instead he turns off the car and turns toward me. "Are you okay? Listen I dont really know how to help you with this but, I know girls like ice cream." He whispers as I laugh loudly. "Yes you can buy me ice cream but this is not a date, deal?" I say sternly trying not to laugh as he nods, sticking his hand out as we shake on it.

We go to this ice creamery place, grabbing some frozen yogurt. Time flies by as we sit and laugh honestly like brother and sister, but I did notice the way he would stare at me and smile and I really couldn't catch a hint of him thinking it was gonna be something more. And I was glad. We talked for atleast 2 hours in his car and jamming to music. He showed me one of his songs he made but has yet to release, called 'betrayed'

We bumped to it for a minutes well actually hours.

"And her pussy taste like skittles, what!?" I screamed as we laughed. It's been about 5 hours or so and I'm having so much fun. We took a real quick pic of us posing before he finally decided to drop me off.

I was extremely happy the ride back, I could bounce off walls. We talked a bit before he pulled up, I hugged him, thanked the fuck out of him and hopped out. I was confused on why a huge black Ferrari was out side my house. My parents definitely weren't home, they probably left anyways. I luckily kept a spare key always indented in my bra, well most the time. I grabbed it and quickly unlocked the door to find X, Jacqueline and ski. They all stared at me, not saying a word. I remembered Jacqueline knows where the spare key is.

Jacqueline looks over, as do I, only to see a mark indented in the wall. "Who did that?" I ask quietly looking at ski. That's when all hell breaks lose.

X shoots up from his seat and grabs me, screaming in my face almost breaking my fucking ear drum. "Who the fuck was that!?" He screams. I push him away from me, "I'm not fucking doing this with you!" I bark back. I run up the stairs but he of course, is hot on my trail. "Nah, Yas, you gone tell me- who the fuck that is, now!" He demanded as I screamed frustrated. "You are not my fucking boyfriend, so whatever I do I will fucking do! If I wanna go fuck 5 niggas right now I will, your lucky I didn't fuck him!" I yell pushing him. X goes silent, and I instantly regret it as he balls his fist up and storms out, I follow after. "Jahseh Stop, I didn't mean it that way!" I say begging. He pushes me, hard as fuck onto my back. "I should've known you were like one of these heart breaking ass bitches, god I- get the fuck away from me. Ski let's fucking bounce!" X yells.

I instantly break down, again. But I don't even go after him, this is all my fault.
I sit on the bottom of the shower floor, completely upset. Blood washed into the drain.

Once I charged my phone, I saw the messages X was leaving me and my heart ached. So I broke my phone so I couldn't look at it anymore, of course Jacqueline stayed behind to help me clean up the mess and cry on her shoulder.

I finish up in the shower, getting out I lotion up and put on socks, one of X's huge ass sweatshirts and spandex shorts. I go down stairs and see Jacqueline posted up in the basement with ice cream and a pizza she I guess ordered? I smiled at her and jumped on the couch as she grinned back. She clicked the fire stick, getting on Netflix and turning on the kissing booth.

"Fuck ski and X we only need our damn selfs."
She winks, and here's what my night consist of.

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