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  Not edited cause I'm busy af but enjoy!

Things seem to be getting better as the days go on. I have excepted what has happened and had a secret burial for my baby girl.

Jahseh and I don't talk about it anymore, it's a touchy subject.

I sat in the car with Jahseh and Santana, we were currently on the way to get Artemis from Diego. But once we arrived there cops and tape was everywhere. "Where's my daughter?" I yell as I exit the car. Jahseh grabs Santana exiting as well.

"Are you Artemis mother?" An officer as me. I smell metallic but I try to slow my thoughts down. "Yes, whats happened?" Jahseh says. "We had a break in- Diego claims he was asleep and someone broke in, he was shot and stabbed but he's in stable condition. He was shot in the shoulder and stabbed at his side but he should be okay. He said someone female, about 5'6, mixed, and black curly hair came in as he slept with Artemis and attacked him. He claims he tried to stop her from snatching her but she attacked him once again. We are on a hunt."

My heart stopped.

I'm gonna murder this bitch.

Jahseh and I looked at eachother.

We're gonna murder this bitch
"So what do we do? Fuck is the plan?" Trixie claims as I laugh. "We just need to find where she is and kill her-"

"We aren't killing her yasm-"

"Jahseh shut the fuck up! This is your fucking fault!" I yell as he frowns. "How the fuck is this my fault!? I'm sorry I couldn't just fucking pop
Up there-"

"You fucking knew that that fucking Bitch was crazy yet-"

"Both of y'all shut the fuck up! Last thing we need is an argument, we need your fucking kid back." My heart dropped as I remembered. I'm the worst fucking mom. "We don't need this at all, we need to get her. I'm gonna call up The gang and get this issue fixed."

She left the room as I looked down at my shoes. My heart hurt, it was one thing after another. I just wanted her dead, why is she doing this? She needs to leave my baby alone. I felt jahseh wrap his arms around me, as I began crying in his arm.

I lost one baby and I'm not gonna lose another.

I cried for a minute before Trixie came in with 3 other people.

I stopped an fixed myself as they all stared at me and jahseh. But jahseh went quiet and all of a sudden started jumping on one of the 2 guys. I looked closely to the girl and saw- Cuban. She looked over as did I, making weird eye contact. "Boiii yo ass ugly, I fucking missed you bitch ass nigga!" Jahseh says as we all look around confused. "Aye you just gone act like you don't see me hoe?" Cuban says as I look over at her smiling. I close in a hug with her.

"I'm sorry I just got other shit on my mind and-"

"No girl you coo- we gone get this bitch. Where's Yas? I miss that bitch." Cuban says, I twitch feeling her try to get into the light so I decide to let her.

Usually my voice goes deeper, my eyes go from green to Hazel and my strength lowkey gets stronger. Jahseh has never ever seen Yas but if we can shit at the same time and grossly talk about who's is bigger, I think this shouldn't matter. "Bitch I missed you too!" Yas yelled hugging Cuban. They hold eachother for a second, both basking in memories between them in their hood-rat years.

"Not too long Bitch, Yasmine needs her daughter." Yas says letting go.

"Who the- I'm confused." Jahseh claims

"Don't be. What's understood don't need questioning. Now about this plan, we need to get this over with." Yas says as we all look at each-other.

"I know jahseh bitch ass got its number-"

"It? You mean her?" Cuban says as Trixie laughs. "Nah it's an It and I don't know how jahseh fucked IT but I mean jah is a little fruity-"

"Bitch I will slap you!" Jahseh yells as Yas hushes them. "Anyways were gonna track her, and boom find her and beat the breaks out that hoe."

"Okay who are you?" Yas ask. "Nigga I'm chilli- but you can call me daddy." Chili says as Jahseh frowned before punching his shoulder. "She's mine." He wraps his arms around Yas but she just ignores it. "The plan nigga- the plan!" Yas exclaims.

"Okay so we need Ski sexy ass- shut up I'm playing." Chilli says looking at Jahseh. "As the driver, we know he be driving like its GTA. Trixie, Cuban, and Yas go do ya magic. My main job here is to just track her."

"But realize she's not alone, when Ski shot Mulatto he didn't end up killing her. I don't know where she is but I know she's with Geneva." Yas claims. "Exactly. Mulatto and I have been beefing forever. You tackle G and I got M. Trixie can be the back up, but the last thing we need to do is drag ski in this, he just had a baby." Cuban claims.

"The internet can't know about this, Yasmine is famous so we can't be caught doing this. We gotta cancel what ever shit you got going Yasmine, this is the top priority."

Bitch it's my child, I think I would know.

"Eskitititit." Gazzy says walking into the room.

"Where the f- I'm not finna question this anymore, okay? Y'all just weird." Trixie says fave palming. Gazzy walks towards Cuban, smacking her ass and wrapping his arms around her waist as she smiles. "When did this happen?" Yas ask as did Trixie.

"I like my cholos." Cuban says as Gazzy grins. "What the fuck ever, when can we do this plan y'all?" Yas says as everyone thinks on it. "I'll bring Jahseh- Everyone to my house and we can start from there."

Something sparked in Yasmine as Yas grinned.

Little does anyone know what Yasmine has in store.

If you like this chapter comment a red heart or just comment haha I feel like it's butt but it might now be :)

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