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Grab ur popcorn, action!

(Artemis is one month now :)

"Where's arte?" I ask as we head towards one of jahsehs performances. The media has gone completely nuts over her so we've been laying low but the tour is finally back on, woohoo. I sat back looking over at jahseh who clearly didn't hear me so I punched him in the arm, he looked over. "Where's arte?" I ask once more. "She's at home with Gazzy and Jacqueline." Ski answers for him. "Thank you, ski." I say annoyed. Jahseh face palms as do I.

Ski has been giddy lately him also finding out Jacqueline was pregnant too. When I was 5 months she was already a month so at 3 months she noticed she was gaining weight so she went to the doctor and found out she was in-fact pregnant and ski being excited was an understatement.

I feel pretty tonight with the outfit I'm wearing.

I feel pretty tonight with the outfit I'm wearing

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"You look sexy, even sexier when you had my kid." Jahseh says winking as he scans my outfit. "Really? My pussy literally went from an o to an O." I show off an example with my hands. "It doesn't feel loose, it feels the same, maybe tighter." He says shrugging as I lightly punch him. "Stop tryna hype my pussy up." I say laughing as does he. He looks over and kisses me, adding tongue.

We really haven't had sex, he's fingered me like once backstage before weirdly but we've been waiting. It's hard when he's always on tour and artie is too young to fly so if it's in state I'll end up going. I felt kinda empty without her, she was always by my side and I miss her little giggle. We sat in the car a bit more before pulling up, jahseh got out first as paparazzi stormed around him, I got out soon after holding his hand as they snapped pictures of us. "We love you!" A fan screamed as I looked over and blew a kiss at her.

We headed up to the stage to view everything and for him to practice, I watched him before grabbing him up and throwing my hands behind his neck as his laid on my waist. "Your ass is so fat now baby," He says as he slides his hands down squeezing and slapping it, I laughed. "I can't wait to fuck, I'm so stressed." He claims being dramatic. "You can get it tonight, Daddy." I say winking as he slaps my ass when I walk away.
I checked up on Jacqueline to find she wasn't answer my text nor was Gazzy, it was nearing the end of his show as he sang 'look at me'


He jumped up and down screaming and throwing the water all over the crowd, I laugh or try to but I'm so filled with worry right now I just wanted to be home. I decided I couldn't take it anymore, I told his manager to tell him I headed home cause I wasn't feeling good, I also texted him.

(Y'all it's about to go down Hahahah)

I got into the black SUV and headed back home, and thirty minutes later I was there, thank lord the tour was back in our hometown. We bought a house in a gated community now so no fans could bother us, I said the code aloud as the driver drove me in. I noticed a strange black car outside next to my Bentley, it was also a SUV. "Hey do me a favor and come in here with me?" I said to the driver.

He nodded and helped me get out of the car, I was extremely worried. "Here, stay outside the door and I'm going to go in. I don't know who is in my house." I said as I felt chills. This didn't feel right, I know something is up. "I will call 911 right now, I don't care if it's not someone you know, better safe then sorry." He said nodding, he was in his mid 40s and was about 6 foot so I knew I could lean on him.

I'm smart so I slid my shoes off, grabbing the pocket knife in my little bag I headed in. Once I did I stayed behind the wall, peeping over into the living room I saw Jacqueline and Gazzy gagged and tied up. Tears falling down her face as one eye was busted, Gazzy sat terrified too. I looked around seeing no one as I ran over ,  I know better than to just talk and ask them so I ran over there and began helping them get undone. Jacqueline's eye lit up as she saw me, as did Gazzy. I ran behind her in the chair, slicing up the rope around her hands. She screamed a sound out as I sat confused.

"What?" I felt a stabbing pain at my side as I screamed, right into my rib. I looked over seeing- Geneva?

She laughs as I struggled to stand, breathing heavy as blood pours out my side. Before I can think she punched me right in the jaw, hard. I fall to the ground, I feel myself twitch. She's coming.

"So you take MY fucking husband and you run with your whore ass to have a kid with MY FUCKING HUSBAND?!" She yells as I flinch. I hear sirens go off, as she huffs. "I'm going to be back bitch, this shit ain't over!" She yells before I slip into unconsciousness.

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