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We sit in the jet as jah is amazed, not even tired anymore. I smile at him being so happy, warms the fuck out of my heart. "Why his fade look like a sow in?" Ski says joaning on jah. "Ignore him jah he's just excited it's skinny penis season." Jacqueline says as I bust out laughing as does everyone. "But who crying over the dick?" Ski says as we all bust out laughing again.

"Yea she be taking my shit so ion wanna hear all that." Ski claims. Jah gets up and heads for one of the sleep rooms on the jet, as does Jacqueline. "It leaves us too." Ski huffs. "True."
I wait a minute before speaking up, "Ski answer a question for me, I promise I won't say shit to jah. You gotta tell me why he came home soaked in blood that one night." I demand captivating his eyes. "I don't know what you're talking about." He says shrugging and leaning back into his seat. "Ski don't play forreal, I'm not gonna say anything I just-" He huffs standing up. "Stop it Yas, I'm not saying shit." Before I can even gasp he walks directly into his room with Jacqueline.

How's the trip going?

Not good, Ski won't fucking tell me why jah had blood on him. I'm pissed.

Bro does jah know you had me watch him that night? Bro he'll beat my ass if he find out.

No he doesn't & he won't. I kinda hinted but I don't want him thinking I'm crazy or I don't trust him cause I do just not her. Smh

Ok good cause I don't wanna die. Aye just try to talk to him about it yanno? He'll crack, we all know he has a sweet spot for u 🤐

Hah only when he wants too, I'm so shitty like out of all things he won't tell me ☹️

I know sounds pretty dumb but eh don't beg him you'll figure out one day. 😁

Me and Hailey are back together btw so no more dates with me you trip and J 😭

Bro that's fucking rad !!! 😽 eh it's okay, jah will beat me up if he ever found out you bought me food lmao he doesn't like sharing

It's not sharing when I don't like you and you don't like me tho 🤨

Yea ik lmao but still I don't want him thinking I'm cheating or anything cause def not the case.

Me too, I'm scared of jahseh he might beat me to death one day fr when he punched me he knocked my tooth out so I'm pretty scared of him 😂

Me too I'm lucky if he doesn't beat the shit out of me one day 😂😂😂

Hah idk what I'd do I'd try to help but jah is scary.

He's cute tho lmao ima gts pray I don't chop his dick off or his cunt friends Gn ily D

Love u too

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