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We headed to the hospital cause I still felt like death, it was weird, completely weird knowing I'm carrying a child in me. "Yasmine Martinez?" I pick my head up as does jah, we head towards the room. I noticed some fans of his taking pictures while we've been in here and thankfully there were removed and rescheduled from the office. "So, I check for your results and in fact you are pregnant. You are about 2 months."

"Holy shit, so that means I've been pregnant for a minute. So wait-"

"It's March so you got pregnant in January and we conceived it in December or early January. Or 6 days before January, the egg must've connected with my sperm. God damn." Jahseh says holding his chin. "You're smart, sexy." I wink as the doctor tried to ignore my comment. "Anyways, we will call your doctor back in Florida and schedule an appointment for you to get echo." The doctor says shaking our hands and leaving the room.

Jahseh hugs me as I hug him back. "You're carrying my fucking child Yasmine, I can't wait to tell my mom and shit," He let's go of me looking me in the eyes. "You think I'm gonna be a good dad?" He says. I grin, "Yes baby, you'll be an amazing ass dad. I love you."

It's been a couple days since the visit, me and jahseh currently aren't on good terms due to him wanting to post-pone the tour to help me but I didn't want him to do that at all. He has fans and they come before me, always. I sit in the living room of my house, on the comfortable couch, today I wore a revenge sweatshirt and leggings with fuzzy socks. My mom sat next to me, hand on my thigh as she talked with my personal trainer and someone to help me with my diet, my father and step-dad also sat across from me listening.

"If her regimen is healthy the birth will be fast and easy. To keep the pregnancy completely good we need protein, more iron, calcium, folic acid. This entire diet will consist of these foods." She slides me the list as my eyes almost pop out of socket at how long the list was.

Protein: meat, poultry, fish, eggs, beans, tofu, cheese, milk, nuts and seeds.

Whole grains: oatmeal, whole-wheat pasta or breads and brown rice

Diary: (Aim for 3 to 4 servings of dairy foods a day) yogurt and cheese

Things we should avoid: Unpasteurized (raw) milk and foods made from it, such as feta, Brie, Camembert, blue-veined cheeses, queso blanco and queso fresco. Pasteurization involves heating a product to a high temperature to kill harmful bacteria.
Hot dogs, luncheon meats and cold cuts unless heated to steaming hot before eating to kill any bacteria.
Store-bought deli salads, such as ham salad, chicken salad, tuna salad and seafood salad.
Unpasteurized refrigerated meat spreads or pates.

I look up. This is gonna be a long ass 7 months. They all agreed I will also work out 3 days a week, so my body will be rocking after. "I can't believe my baby is pregnant!" My father said after everyone besides my parents and him left. "Me too! When are we gonna meet the Daddy?" My mom said grinning. "He'll be in town tomorrow, he went to Orlando for a show. We can meet you at that diner we use to always go too, how about that?" I say grinning as they smile and all agree.

The thing between my parents is I have a white-Mexican mom who is not my blood line mom, she's married to my step-dad Ryan. I begged and begged them to find my father, I had a complete feeling he was alive and to my happiness he was, we've gotten so close and we joke so much. We literally are like twinz, hot headed and cry babies. Explaines us so much.

"We can start your diet stuff tomorrow but I'm really really tired from jet lag, I love you yassy goodnight!" My mom says standing and kissing my head, as does Ryan. I smile as I watch them walk up to there bedroom. I look over at my dad seeing him also somehow almost falling asleep on the couch, we also had that in common, we could sleep forever. I shoved him and told him he could sleep upstairs, he nodded kissed me too and headed upstairs.

Aye let me in, the water has been out my house for 3 days I need to shower and I have like no food.

How the fuck did you get here?

I walked of course, let me in I'm here.

I walked towards the door and let him in, he reeks of ass and garbage but I don't say anything as he walks in and shuts the door. "Please do my laundry and find me some clean ass cloths, I feel like fucking dirt." He says as I laugh and nod. I lock the door before leading him too my room and grabbing him some free cloths jahseh left over here. He thanks me before hopping in.

I lay half asleep in bed as someone knocks, "Come in!" I yell as Diego opens the door. "Aye there was some black car outside your house, creeped me out but just letting you know." He said twiddling his thumbs. "You sleep in here tonight, I'm paranoid." I say as my mind over thinks. I decide to text jahseh and tell him about it, I get a bad vibe from what he said.

Bitch guess what

There's a black car outside the house and I don't mean to sound crazy but I think it's Geneva.'like no lie.

Wym? Like you do?

She just fucking tweeted, I'm watching you. Like this is some creepy shit I'm sure its her outside my house.

Baby chill, don't stress I'm sure it's not she wasn't crazy like that, she crazy but not stalker type shit


I slide over as Diego sits in my bed, I sigh feel my eyes shut as I text jahseh most of the night about my day.

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