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Get ur popcorn bitches, comment your opinions and vote! (Not edited ok)

We waited four whole hours, I had came back into the light so Yas could rest herself. I sat on Jahseh lap as his hand lay on ass and around my waist. He'd kiss my head here and there while we waited, trying to help me remain calm.

God I fucking love this man.

"Got her!" Chilli says as we all stand. "Y-where is she?" We all ask in unison. "She's at the ware house, I broke into her imessage too. She knows where coming so whisper y'all, I think someone is around us." Before I can even see it Trixie punches the weird black guy that came with chili. "W-what the hell!" He says as she throws him to the ground and harshly kicks him in the face.

My stomach feels weak as I fastly walk to the bathroom around the corner and vomit. "Baby you good?" Jahseh says grabbing my hair and patting my back. I puke at least 2 more times before I lifting my head up and going towards the sink. I grab Trixies mouth wash and gargle it. Yas loves watching shit like that but I can't.

Hell yea that's the fun part!

"Shut up!" I yell. Jahseh makes a weirded out ass face.

 Jahseh makes a weirded out ass face

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"What I do?" He ask.

"Nothing I'm talking Yas, she's fucking annoying."

Bitch shut up!

I refrained from saying anything cause truth be told I'd snap my own neck trying to kill Yas's dumb ass. "Okay baby, who is Yas?" He ask sweetly I guess trying not to piss me off. I laugh a little, "you remember that story I told you? About making her in my head when I got molested? Well shes in here," I point towards my head as he makes a 'ooohhh' face. "I can hear her sometimes when she's close to the light, she's just annoying."

"Wait so- you can control when she comes into the light?"

"Yea, it's confusing but it's like a tugging feeling. There's a chair and a light, I'm in the chair and Yas is basically the alter. She just stands next to me and tries to basically come to the light. It's confusing as fuck. But I push her away most of the time so she'll be in the very back of my head. So when I need her in my head I'll yell for her and she comes. It's weird." I say as he looks genuinely interested.

"Well I love both of y'all."

Men are fucking gross 🤮

"We love you too."

You fucking lied

After our moment we head back into the living room. "Are y'all ready?" Trixie says as everyone looks at us. We both nod before suiting up in all black. I wore leggings, a vest just incase I get shot and tight leather jacket. Jahseh wore a all black track suit with his all black Tim's,
Of course looking sexy. I decided to head towards the bathroom but I heard moaning so I ran.

I looked around the living room noticing ole boy must've been gone but his blood still lay on the floor.

Here goes nothing
"Nigga I'm scared, you go!" Jahseh yells as I punch him. "Stop being a bitch and go!" Chili whisper yells as we stand outside the wear- house. Yas tugs so I decide to let her handle all of this.

I twitch.

"Quit being bitches and come the fuck on. Trixie and Cuban eskitit." Yas grab the gun that hides in her waist band, ready to blow Geneva's cap off.

Please Yas just make sure she's safe! I don't want her to end up like us.

"She won't, I got her."

Trixie stays behind Yas as Cuban stays behind Trixie. We kick open the door, instantly bullets fly. They run behind some random boxes, the entire warehouse reeks. 2 bullets fly as It goes quiet. "Geneva Geneva!" Yas yells laughing and stepping out, as does Trixie.

"Mulatto bitch, we just wanna talk y'all. Make a little deal." Cuban says grinning.

Yas observers the warehouse, dirt, traces of shit, blood, and piss filled the room. There was a floor  above with a small window on it. Showing from where they had shot at. Yas quickly signals to it and runs up towards the exit door the must lead up to the stairs. Their boots stomp against the ground as they all run up the stairs, as soon as Yas reaches the top she stomps the door knocking it down.

Geneva grins, her black nails wrapped around a semi-automatic shot gun. "It's been nice seeing your pretty girl over there," she signals towards Artemis who's knocked out on the floor. You can hardly see through the res light but you can see she isn't in her best form that she was left at. "Too bad she's on her death bed. She's been sleep these entire three days, she seems a bit hungry too." She laughs loudly as Trixie makes a shot at her leg.

She stands quickly missing. "So you wanna get into the action early? Let's fucking get it!" She shrieks as two large men and women walk out. Trixie hits her ear which signals Jahseh and chilli to come up. That lord for devices. Yas clutches the gun as her blood boils, she may be mean as fuck to Yasmine but that's her sister. She will never ever let anyone cross Yasmine again.

She points towards the first guys head, pulling the trigger she hits him right in the head. Instant death.

Someone let's their gun off hitting Yas in the shoulder, Cuban jumps towards Mullato, pistol whipping her. "You think that's gone knock Yas down? BITCH IM CRAZY!" Yas shrieks before aiming at the other guy, shooting him dead square in the head. Trixie wrestles other female as Yas drops her gun.

"Put the Doonka down pussy bitch, put your first up." If y'all know that Tay-K song turn up.

Geneva slides her gun down as Yas install attacks her. She rips at her hair, and uses her nails to scratch at her face.

Geneva lands a blow to her stomach knocking the wind out of her, she ignores it before flinging Geneva on the ground.

She kicks her right in the face, stomping her. "Bitch did you really fucking think-" she kicks her once mroe. "You were gonna come out of this shit alive." Geneva gags, spitting up blood. She lays on her side, laughing loudly as blood spills everywhere. Jahseh and chili walk in.

"Aye get off my bitch!" Chili yells before kicking one of the bitches off of Trixie. "You got me fucked up hoe!" He pulls a gun out before shooting her. Jahseh runs towards Cuban as she screams, he kicks the female off of her. As I look over I feel a stabbing pain.

This bitch just stabbed me.

I kick at her, grabbing the knife out of my thigh. I felt super weak with as much blood as I lost tonight. I pull out my gun, I'm ending this here and now.

You're losing blood Yas! I'm slipping!

"Hell is expecting you, enjoy luv."

I pulled the trigger, the bullet hit her right in the head.

But I collapsed, I'm losing myself.

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