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Yas p.o.v
I watch jah punch him as I scream for them to stop, a security guard hears the screams and lights flashing down. "Break it the fuck up!" A tall buff security guard yells, pushing me and knocking me down in the process of him running to break it up. I fall landing on my ankle and knee. I hiss in pain, I can't feel much seeing I'm extremely drunk. "Jacqueline, get me the fuck out of here." I yank itat her shirt as she nods and pulls me up, but her falling too. I feel someone picking me up, relived to see its ski. "Bro I just wanna go home." I sob into his shirt, the drunken mess I am. "I'll get you there, just calm down and chill. They took X outside, can you walk?" I shake my head, I feel extremely emotional. I'm probably gonna start my period soon.

"Ski, just take let me take her back to the condo. You and x can come, get his fucking head straight." Jacqueline says taking her heels off. She drops them and grabs me bridal style. "Aye," He says as she turns to leave. I wince and lean my head back, as he kissss her lips. "I love you." He whispers kissing her again. "I love you too." She kisses him back, I slap him with my clutch as Jacqueline laughs and he winces. "Ow ma, ima go get X now. Be safe y'all." He says running towards X and shaking his head.

Once we get in the SUV, they take us right back to the condo. Instantly once we're in the rolm I rip off my pants, exposing my swollen ankle and badly bruised knee. Jacqueline wraps my knee and ankle up. "It really hurts, I'm hurt." I say sobbing some more. "Yass, baby shut the fuck up, you are o-fucking-kay." She sighs. "I'm going to my room. Don't hurt yourself please." I remind her to redress me, I put on a huge plain white t-shirt and change into a lace thong. I instantly collapse into the bed.

I'm awaken by someone moving in the bed, a wet kiss is planted on my head. I whine, smelling a strong smell of weed and cologne. "Baby, I'm sorry about tonight, I love you." I turn over seeing X with both arms next to my head. "It's okay, I'm sorry too I love you." I say kissing his lips. The kiss gets deeper as I wrap my legs around him but I wince in pain. "What?" He says looking at me in the eyes as my face scrunches up. "I fell at the club and my leg and ankle hurt really bad." I say frowning. He kisses my frowning face and moves to look at my injuries. He slowly kisses my ankle, going down to my knee. Once he hits my knee he keeps going as I gasp, he slowly sticks his wet tongue out, licking my inner thigh, I moan.

He kisses my complete core and groans at the sight of it in lace. "God damn baby, what do I Do with you." He groans. "Baby stop," I say breathing heavily, he looks up at me. "I think I'm ready." I say making complete eye contact with him. The lights were dimmed setting us in the mood. He leaned down kissing me, deeping the kiss.

"Are you for sure?" He says leaning his head on mine. "Yes baby, please." I moan. He kisses me some more, I feel him slide my underwear down. I breath heavily the sexual heat getting the best of me, I moan as he sucks harshly on my neck. He moves his head to pull down his underwear, his eyes trail down to it as he grabs it. He looks at me one last time to make sure I'm completely okay with it, to which I nod. He spreads my legs, looking at my bare core. "So pretty," He whispers. He looks into my green eyes, I notice his pupeles are bigger, filled with excitement and lust.

He leans down aligning himself with me, I look into his eyes as he does me, he slowly slides in. I close my eyes and cry out due to the pain. "Baby, it's not even half in yet." He says confining a laugh. "Oh my god shut up." He pushes himself in more and when I tell you that shit hurt, it hurt. I moaned feeling slight pleasure. Once he was fully in I gasped out in pain, he went down kissing my neck. "Oh fuck," he moaned moving slowly in and out of me. He  kept up the pace moaning each time, while I moaned more in pain then pleasure. He pulled out and stopped quickly, shooting all over the cover. "Oh shit." He groaned catching his breath.

We both dripped in sweat, I also tried to catch my breath. "Baby I love you." He said flopping onto me. I whispered it back, exhaustion getting the best of me, I slumped, with regret.

Yasmine || XXXTENTACION FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now