2.4K 101 106

(Y'all gone hate me for this one omg) long chap btw

He comes closer to me, his body heat listing with mine. I wrap my arms around his neck as we kiss, tongues battling for dominance. I moan into his mouth as he slaps my ass loudly. Squeezing and grabbing it, I jump on him wrapping my legs around him. I moan into his mouth as he backs me up against the wall. "Please, fuck me." I say getting tired of kissing. He nods and before slamming into me. I feel a huge ounce of pain, but he waits to move as I adjust to his size. I bite down on his shoulder as he slowly moves inside of me.

I moan every time he slides into me as he curses under his breath. He speeds up as I squeeze my legs tighter, crying out I feel my stomach tighten as the pleasure becomes to much. He speeds up, cursing as I moan loudly. He lays me on my back on the shower floor, giving me slow deep strokes. I cry out as I feel myself release, he curses as he gives me my last stroke, pulling out to come on the shower floor.

My legs are jelly as he carries me out the shower drying me off. I was thankful my period stoped when I went to use the bathroom at the theme park. I'm glad we got to shower before this and I got waxed before we came. Bless up.

It was 2:00am and when jahseh dried me off he made me go another 2 rounds, he lays deep asleep on his stomach as I lay on his back on my stomach as well. I grab my phone on the night Stan, bored by the show I just watched. I click on my IG seeing my followings go up, I was at 13k now I'm at 20k. I look at the positive comments and the negative ones as people go spam and comment on my pictures. I decide to comment back to some.

Treat my jahseh right!!!

@DaggerD!!ck I got you baby cheeeeeks ❤️

@yasmindd does he treat u good if not I'll cut his dagger off.

Haha always he treats me like a lil princess 👸 @Yasssmineisgold

Lol ur just gonna do him like Geneva did you dumb hoe, do it and I promise you you'll regret it. Hate lil fame mooching ass ig models like you, he doesn't deserve you and I'm sure you have bad intentions like his last did lmao

(Sis went offfff she is not playing)

@jahsehislife My only intentions is to love and respect this man. I will forever be in love with him as he will me, you know absolutely nothing about our relationship or anything. I'm not gonna explain anything else to you haha just stay bitter baby 💋

I decided to get off IG and my phone entirely. People mentally draining when they comment rude things, I could explain myself so much but I'm not going to cause they are bitter people who don't deserve my time. I got on jahsehs since he already went through mine before I decided on snooping, not cause I didn't trust him but because I'm bored.

I click on a message that says babymomma, which it is me.

Aye cheeko u sexy mamas

I text myself a couple more times laughing. I find a couple more messages but there's one that sparks my interest. G E N E V A.

No Geneva

But I need you, it was you and I forever

No stop, stop texting me

Baby listen, I'm in love with you, it's always you it was never him

I will fly you back when I get home from vacation. Just physically, I never want to be bonded to you emotionally again Geneva, I hate you so fucking much

Baby no you don't, I love you say it baby

You left me in the cold Geneva but I love you.

Before I realize it I sit up, sliding up my underwear and getting off the top of him. I feel weak and wounded again, jahseh doesn't love me he loves her, it's always gonna be her. I pick up his phone and throw it at the T.V creating a loud breaking sound as the on the wall T.V falls to the ground as does his phone. I hear his body lift up, but I ignore it grabbing a huge T-shirt from the floor. I go to the kitchen and grab ever dish I see and throw it against the wall and the floor in a fit of anger.

"Yasmine! What the fuck are you doing!" Jahseh yells coming towards me but I throw a plate at him. He ducks luckily, I prolly would've cried if it hit him. "I hate you so much!" I cry out as he grabs my arms. "Stop, Stop. Please just talk to me." He says calmly as a sob comes out. I drop the plate in my hand, it landed on my feet cutting them but I didn't care, about the pain or anything for the matter. I felt numb. He picked me up as I cried on his shoulder, wrapping my legs around him.

I'm gonna go crazy over this boy.

We sat on the balcony, he wrapped my feet up with some medical tape and covered me in a blanket. "Tell me what you saw in my phone to crack it Yasmine." He said as he put my feet on his lap but I quickly moved them away, just for him to harshly put them back. "Stop." He said sternly. I frowned and took a sip of my water. "You texted Geneva and you said you want to be physically bonded to her and you love her and you just-" I slam the glass cup to the ground. "You can have her X, I don't care. It's her and you foreve-"

"Did you even look at when I said that?"

"No b-"

"Yasmine, you're lucky I love you." He sighs putting his head in his hands. "I sent that shit months ago Yasmine. Before I met you." He sighs. "I'm sorry." I say feeling bad, my sadness subsides and now there's a sadness for him. I feel bad for jumping to conclusions, but what can I do I know nothing about the girl but he loved her too. "Let me tell you about Geneva Yasmine," he picks me up and carries me to the bed, my legs wrap around his waist and my arms around his neck. I sit my chin on his shoulder, looking at the darkness from outside.

He shuts the glass sliding door with his foot and goes to sit on the bed, I stay on his lap straddling him. He looks at me, grabbing my hands he closes his eyes and kisses my knuckles. "Geneva broke me, more then anyone ever could." He keeps his eyes shut as he tells me who she is.

"I met Geneva around 16, we were on and off forever but I didn't want anyone but her so I stayed to her even if I wasn't with her." He opens his eyes looking at his lap now, my hands still in his but on my thighs. "I went to jail when I was 18 and she cheated on me, it broke my heart to pieces. She got mad when I found out and wanted to leave her so she told the jail I beat her while she was pregnant, she even paid some girls to just jump her."

"I served a little time before I was out on bond for a while, I got put on probation until my next court date and she never left me alone. She was always there. She always texted me and threatened anyone else if they even came close to me. But yet she cheated and I was so so in love. My 19th birthday she came, we fucked and I vowed to never see or speak to her again and that's just what it was. I haven't since her since that day."

Tears leave my eyes as I realize I'm crying but he shushes me and lays me down. I feel horrible and there was no way I was sleeping with that unsettling feeling of some unfinished business between him and her.

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