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"Yasmine, bro fucking stop!" He yells but I don't listen, I sit by the elevator, waiting and pull out my phone scrolling through Twitter, pretending he's not even there. "I know you fucking hear me, don't play stupid." He says before ripping my phone out of my hand. I go to reach for it but he slams it on the ground and I've had enough. I stomp my foot before pushing him and heading down the stairs.
"What the- where the fuck are you going?" I ignore him stomping fast down the steps.

I ignore his yells for me to stop as he follows, thank god he wasn't that high up, just the 4th floor so getting out was fast. Once I got out, I sped through the lobby, Jacqueline and ski who now live in the same complex watched as he chased after me and I left in just socks. "Aye bro what're you doing?" Ski ask stopping him. "She's being a little bitch for no fuck-" I don't even hear him as tears flow and I run out the door.

He doesn't follow as I walk and walk to where ever the fuck I walk. I walked for atleast 45 minutes before I spotted Diego's neighbor hood. I sighed, seeing his torn down house. Deigo was poor like he lived in a ran down trap house with a mattress on the floor. I feel bad but he makes it work and he's happy most of the time so it doesn't bother him. I knock on the door for a minute before it opens showing a tired deigo. "What doing?" He ask rubbing his eyes. I take not he has no shirt on and is just in basketball shorts.

"I don't know," I say before more tears come falling, he ushers me in. His house had actually gotten better with time and stuff started coming together nicely, trust me I don't discriminate cause I've seen worst and I don't care about your house. I'll sleep on the floor with you.

He pulled me into a hug befor shutting the door. "Jahseh was being mean as fuck today and it's our one year and I was so excited and he got shitty we didn't fuck. He called me a bitch and I don't know, lately hell fuck me and leave me to go to the studio, it's been like 3 months of this shit. And on our one year, like ugh," I cried harder into my hands. Diego wrapped his arms around me, kissing my head and rocking me back in forth.

There's a loud pounding sound at the door as I woke up, seeing me laid next to deigo with my head on his chest. "Shit, Diego get the door." I said slapping his face. He groaned before actually waking up and stretching. He stands and looks through the peep hole causing him to jump. "No, it's jahseh, go hide!" He exclaimed. "What? Diego are you retarted? I can't do that!" I whisper yell back. "I'm NOT getting punched in the face again bro, go fucking hide." He runs over to me as I huff and run towards the closet.

I shut the door and hear him open the front door. "Where the fuck is she?" Jahseh exclaimes, I sense pissed in his voice. "Bro I don't know what y-you're talking about." I tried not to laugh at him trying not to sound scared. "I will beat the mexican out your ass, if you don't tell me where my bitch is."

"Hold the fuck up, who are you calling a bitch!?" I yell. I come out of the closet causing both of them to jump. "What the fuck!" Jahseh yells, I hurry in front of Diego trying to push him away but he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. "Nah this bitch is finna beat your ass up jahseh!" I yell pounding my fist into his back but he ignores me, he walks out of Diego's house and throws me directly into his car, but me bring me I refuse to stay in it. "No no no, get off me." I say sternly as he pushes me in but I fight against him.

"Yasmine, fucking quit!" He yells causing me to jump as he yells it looking me in the eye. I decide to obey and slide in the car. As soon as he gets in the car, the tears flow. He starts the car not noticing as I throw the hoodie over my head lean it against the window. He lights a cigaret before driving off and towards his apartment. As soon as we pull up I dart out of the car and towards his apartment, the elevator comes fast. Once I'm in and out I head towards his door, punching in the code I also head straight to the shower.

Stripping, I hug my knees to my chest as the water hits me. I set my head on my knees thinking. I hope he really isn't using me as one of his sex toys, I mean he post me but clearly not, but that also doesn't mean shit. Like I'm in love with him, I know I probably piss him off with me being a cry baby but my emotions have always been on my shoulders no matter how hard I am. I just noticed he's been distant, we don't even make love anymore. It's rough and quick then he heads to the studio.

My heart aches as I over think. I turn off the shower sighing and turning on the bath. Pouring some of his soap to be extra I sit with my head leaned back as the bubbles sink me. I close my eyes but it brings me back to my past of being used and feeling disgusted with myself. I feel myself sink under the water, I think too much, I need a break.

As I sit under I realize I'm not breathing and I'm not trying too. My heart tells me to drown while my mind screams to breath. I feel myself let go but before I can someone grabs me out of the water. I instantly cough and gag, wheezing as I try to breath. "Yasmine, what the fuck-" he doesn't finish his sentence as he lifts me up wrapping me in a towel. He stays silent, worry in his eyes as he sets me on the toilet the cold air hitting me. "Yasmine, why? What- why would you do that?!" I stay silent as his chocolate brown eyes stare into mine. He gets on his knees and between my legs, ignoring the fact that I'm soaked.

"Yasmine, please don't ever, and I mean EVER do that dumb shit again. I will go mad Yasmine, I will lose myself if I lose you baby. I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything I've done. I love you b-" I stop him with a kiss on his lips. "I'm sorry, I was overthinking and I just got depressed. There's a lot of shit I have yet to tell you, I mean I'm not gonna lie you were how it started but how it ended wasn't because of you. I love you always." I say holding his face as a tear slips out his eye. I wipe it away.

We avoid talking about it for the rest of the night as I promise I will tell him everything tomorrow. I lay on his bed staring at the ceiling as he sleeps on my stomach, well see what tomorrow holds.

Guys I'm always here, like I love you guys so much, I love everyone tbh like y'all are everything to me. Even to the person hailey who reads this often, I'm always here and I'll always respond.

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