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I love you guys too much for a cliff hanger hahaha, comment babies and vote! Not edited btw so don't point anything out 😂 enjoy

Demarcus flies to the ground as he jumps in front of Gazzy, the bullet running through his chest. "You fucking bitch!" I scream as I run towards her, jahseh yanks name back cooing me. I scream for him to stop as she takes off running towards the exit, Diego grabs a screaming Artemis as Ski runs after mulato.

I hear a loud pop, guessing it's a gun. Jacqueline phones 911, I run towards Demarcus. "D, you're gonna be okay!" I scream as I clutch his. "I will be okay, just not here." He heaves as his grip loosens on my hand. "No no, you cant!" I yell tears welding.

"I died saving someone you've known and loved, I will be watching you. I love you Yas-" he stopped as his life did too.

I fall back into jahseh's arms, feelings tears weld my eyes. My dad comes out with a cake in his hand, it drops to the floor as does he.


"Baby, are you okay?" Jahseh as I nod. I sit in bed curled up with Artemis. She's sound asleep as I sigh, standing up. I go to the closet, I had just gotten out the shower and was about to get dressed to head house shopping. This house had too many memories.

"Baby stop, come here." He says as he walks behind me as I stare at myself in the mirror. I sink on the ground breaking down, Geneva took my fucking brother.

"I can't jahseh." I cry into his shoulders. He holds me and shakes me as we lay on the ground. "I love you so much. This will end, I promise." Jahseh says. "She'll be gone. I vow that."


Jahseh's p.o.v
Yasmine had been through enough before I finally decided I was taking it all in my hands. I knocked on the door to Geneva's apartment, waiting as Ski, Gazzy, And some other niggas sat in the car. She opened the door quickly, I winced at her eyes. Seeing Yasmine did her wrong.

She really thought I wouldn't find out.

I started at her before pushing her as hard as I can inside the apartment. "You need to leave me and my fucking family alone," I take out the knife out of my boot. (JUST LIKE YASMINE DOES GOALS) "Or ill kill you before she does." I say sternly. "Fuck her and you, I left it alone. I didn't know she had a kid-"

I slap her hard as fuck. "That's for stabbing my wife," I kick her hard in the stomach. "That's for having Mulato shoot my brother and this," I sucker punch her as she falls, blood flying everywhere. "Is for even breathing the same air as me, you fucking bitch. And if you ever," I grab her by her hair as she breathes heavily in my face.

"Think about touching my Artemis, I will fucking burn you alive and feed your toasted ass to the dogs. Bitch. You disgust me." I spit in her face before throwing her body down on the ground and leaving, shutting the door.

I lay next to a naked Yasmine, my side sore and not from hitting her. The irony of beating my ex's ass over my wife and getting a tattoo about my wife the same day. She's spoiled. I looked down at her, watching as her chest moved up and down, the little stretch marks on my boobs and stomach.

She was so fucking beautiful to me, it was crazy I'm seriously settling down and having a wife and a baby. I kinda want another one though, Artemis is my twin, she looks just like me. She has my nose and Yasmine's lips, I was so in love with her. She was beautiful, and I love the thought of watching her grow.

It's crazy both ski and I have babies now, he's thinking about popping the question too. It seemed like it was yesterday I texted her off that bet, god damn I love this girl. She groaned as I smirked. "Ya back hurt baby?" I say as she turns laying on it nodding. "You blew it. Again." She arches it a bit.

I look down, seeing her ass. Ever since she had artemis she's gained a lot of weight and she looks even more beautiful. Her boobs are huge, as her hips and ass. I can't count on my hands how many times I slap her ass a day, fucking or just in general, that shit was fat.

And when I be hitting it from the back she be-

I gasp as she punches me. "What the fuck I do!" I yell as she hits me again. "Can you not talk dirty for 2 seconds? I hope you realized you said that out loud. And shush she's sleep."

"Awh shit, my fault. But listen Yasmine I been thinking- let's have another baby."

"Nigga, do you understand how painful that shit is like it felt like a huge shit ball was coming out of- no a ducking rock-"

"Babe," I laugh. "Okay shut up. Just say no."

She laughs with me. I soon pull her on top of me kissing her and y'all already know what the fuck going on.

Kinda boring but here's one last update. Love you babes!

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