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HEY BABIES I AM OFF TO CHURCH CAMP TMR SO NO CHAPTERS FOR A WEEK :( I spoil y'all with them everyday so y'all will be fine. This isn't edited but I will edit it when I come back so please ignore any errors. I love you guys! Also check out girls like you, it's a new xxxtentacion book I wrote inspired by on my block. Go check it out babies ❤️ leave a comment ily guys

It's been about 2 months since the incident and life has been just fine. Artemis is getting chunky, and becoming so much prettier day by day. Jahseh and me actually haven't been doing too good seeing that he found out what I had done and is not happy with me at all right now. I could give two fucks less, as long as my Artemis life, his, my family and friends, and my life is okay then I don't care.

"I just don't understand what the fuck was going through your head, are you who I'm gonna marry?" He ask slyly staring at me. "Jahseh, if I would've never done it she would be fucking with us. You're lucky I didn't kill her." I hiss as he groans. "I know baby, I do. She's all that matters. I just, I didn't think you'd be the one to do it."

I nod.

"I just- I don't know if this is what I want. For life."


Last thing he said to me before he went ghost on everyone, even ski. I was so hurt and mad that he would do this, it's been 2 weeks. He's been doing shows and focusing on himself, he hasn't even checked up on Artemis. My heart hurts.

I sat in bed, she breathed lightly as she sat in one arm and the other was occupied on my phone. I soon got off of it, rubbing my fingers across her cheek. I moved my body, letting her rest on a pillow as I stood. "Hey." I gasped as I saw jahseh in the corner of the door.

Oh the fucking irony.

I decided to turn my body, ignoring him and walking to the closet. Baby arte had an appointment since she's having a small fever, I went towards the closet looking for something to wear. "You can't just ignore me, that's childish." Jahseh claims smiling at me. "He  says 2 weeks later." My heart beats faster reminding of our first ever bad fight where he left me for 10 days. It makes me put on a small smile.

"Baby I needed air, I'm so sorry. I genuinely just wanted to breathe. I'm so young, I love you so much and I just needed my time away to remind me. Forgive me baby." He says wrapping his arm around me as I face the mirror. "It isn't even about me," I move out of his grip. "You left Artemis, fuck me. We have a daughter jahseh." I say looking at him.

He grips my hands.

"I know, I know. Like I said I just needed to remind myself. I needed to better myself, my morals so our life could be much better." He says sighing. "I really needed it, please forgive me. I vowed to love you and Artemis forever." He says grinning. I grin back.

"I love you baby."

I now sit by the pool where aiden, jahsehs little brother, swims around in the pool with jahseh. Artemis sits in Diego's lap, flaring her chubby arms everywhere. Gazzy and his current fiancé sat on the same couch as he showed us the ring he bought for her.

"It was 100k, I love it and I kinda love her too."

Something about her was kinda off so I observed her a bit, maybe I was just paranoid but I wanted to be sure she wasn't with geneva. "Yasmine! Come here!" Jacqueline says through the screen door, I stand walking towards her confused.

"Bitch, thay mulato girl is bestfriends with Geneva. I saw her Instagram post with her last night, she doesn't think I follow her. Get her the fuck out of here before I do." She whispers as mulato looks over. I walk towards her, standing directly in front of her I waste no time throwing the water next to her in her face. "Get the fuck off my property before I lite your ass up." I bark as Gazzy looks in confusion.

"What the fuck!" She yells as I push her off of Gazzy lap. I feel jahseh grab me up as I try to jump for her. "Bro what da fuck you doin!" Gazzy says grabbing mulato up. "You're the slower person I fucking know, she set YOU up. This bitch posted a photo Geneva last night, I'm sure on her private. She fucking set you up Gazzy." I bark.

He looks towards her as does everyone. "Y-you did?"

"No Gazzy I love you! Don't believe her stupid ass she doesn't know shit."

"You're lying," He says looking at her, he vegans laughing. "I'm fucking stupid. Give me my fucking ring back, and leave." He says sternly.

"Fuck you!"

She throws the ring on the ground as everything plays in slow motion. My ears ring as she pulls out of her waist band gun, aiming for Gazzy.

But she didn't end up hitting him.

Instead she hit-


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