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Me and jahseh have been talking about meeting for a good week or two so finally I dropped my nuts and invited him over. I already told my mom and dad which they of course weren't home so didn't care. I layed on the basements couch, clad in a pair of joggers and a tank top. Jacqueline laid across from me, laying in leggings and a huge t-shirt. I decided to invite her over because she's been wanting to meet with ski but not alone, she's been telling me he's tried to fly her out and take her on a little baecation but she wasn't going for it.

The door bell rung as we looked at eachother. "Not it!" I say before she can even think of the word. "Shit." She murmurs. I do a victory dance in my head before she's up running up stairs opening the door. I hear loud and heavy ass foot steps as the boys arrive down stairs. Ski greets himself with a shake up while X just- we'll stares at me. I watch as Jacqueline sits on the couch and ski joins her, taking his boots off, peeking his feet on the table and throwing his arm around her.

I look back over at jahseh who's now staring at me, once again. "Stop staring, that's rude." I say lightly shoving him, cracking a small smile. "Well I am rude so it'd make sense?" He says scanning my outfit. I do him aswell, a pair of Nike slides with Nike socks and Nike shorts, adding a white-beater. I'm shocked as he grabs the top of my tank top and pulls it up. "Not everyone should see those." He says shrugging. I shrug back before inviting him to a game on the wii, the funnest game of all Mario kart.

I turn on the device, handing him a stick. Once the game starts the battle begins.

(2 hours later)

"Move!" I say hip bumping jahseh as I whoop him in just dance. He pushes me with his hip but I don't even move, I fucking fly. I grunt as I fall to the ground, teeth sinking into my bottom lip. "Ow! You ass hat-" I yell, as he laughs loudly and helps me up. "Sorry pretty girl, i forget how big I am some-times." "Yea, I can fucking tell. This shit hurts." I complain as I taste blood on my lip. "Let me help you clean that up."

Before I can deny anything he leans in and kisses me. And sis when I say kiss I'm talking about soul snatching kiss my nigga, this wasn't no sweet ass cute kiss this was I'm hungry for you type kiss. I try to keep up as he basically tongue fucks my mouth. His hands meet my ass, as mine meet the sides of his face. We kiss for a good minute before I pull away to breath. "Holy shit." I say breathing heavy and collapsing on the couch, he slowly crawls between my legs, making himself comfortable. "I've been waiting to do that for a while now." He says cracking a smile. He pushes his hips against me as I feel his wood pecker.

"Does little jahseh have a wood pecker?" I ask teasingly. "Aye! Can you blame me?" He says raising his hands to shrug. "Yea, that's gross." I say shaking my head. "You like it though." He claims putting his hands on either side of my stomach, leaning down to my neck. He starts kissing and sucking, but I push his head away before he can leave any marks. "Have you had sex before?" He ask putting his hands on my hips and rubbing them. "Actually no I haven't, i really have never done anything with anybody." I say looking him in the eyes.

His chocolate eyes widen, "You haven't even been fingered?" He asked his jaw almost dropping. "Nope, I went to a private school so boys were pussies, and I was a bit too ghetto for them. I've made out with boys but I've never let em touch me, but like once and he touched my boob for like 5 seconds." I say watching his expressions. "Oh damn, you're honestly the first virgin I've ever messed with, to be completely honest." He says as he kisses my forehead. I smile back at him and kiss his cheek, before grabbing my iPhone.

One of my friends snap me, I decide to open it and send a picture real quick. As I'm sending the picture Jahseh jumps in real quick kissing my cheek as I do the duck face. "Hey!" I say saving it and sending it. He grabs my phone real quick and begans taking a video. He makes the light skin face as I laugh in the background, "long dick style." He says while doing the duck lips, I laugh at that too. We joke around on snap with the filters and such, laughing the weird ones and cute ones.

After a good hour of that we all decide to order a pizza, once it's done and eaten, we now lay in a comfortable position. His back between my legs, my knee hiked up as he rubs my sore feet. (She had socks on and just out the shower so her feet are good.) I take a real quick picture of him watching the current movie playing and rubbing my red painted feet. I put the my bae, best bae sticker over his face, posting it to my story. "You add me on there?" He ask as I set my phone on the table. "Yea I did, I'm getting tired, can you take me upstairs?" I ask feeling restless. He nods and picks me up bridal style, before I leave I see Jackie and ski both asleep on the couch. Of course naked that little hoe better tell me all the juice.

Jahseh lays me in my bed near the wall as I yawn and welcome him in too. My puppy barks from his cage, don't worry me and jahseh already fed him and took him outside. He opens the cage so she runs down stairs towards the kitchen, probably to eat again. He shuts my door and climbs into the bed, wrapping his arms around me and before I know it, I'm out.

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