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"I don't know they just set me up for failure like all the time, I'm so sick of it I just-" a sob comes out. "I don't know, my heart hurts baby I don't know what to do." I exclaim. He holds me tight to his chest. Shutting the door with his foot, he carries me up stairs. Setting me on my bed he begins to talk.

"Life is never ever easy, I promise you. But we're here for such a short span of time we need to live it to the fullest. You have the people around you that are gonna love and support you till the end and that's truly all that matters, Jacqueline loves you even ski, and baby I love you so much. In these months you've given me the happiness no amount of weed or 10s of millions could. I love you so much and please don't let this bring you down." I cry even harder as the words slip out. I hug him tight to my chest. "I love you too jahseh."

After a few hours, were laid up in bed, his fingers scratching my scalp while he watches a movie on nextflix and I play on his phone. "Your eyes are so swollen." He states laughing. "Your dick is too." I sigh feeling it on my stomach while I lay between his legs. He laughs. "Not yet."

I open snap, and take a video trying to be cute just to see what I look like. Jah gets in getting flipping me over and on top of me, kissing me neck and cheek. "Mine, mine, mine." He says kissing my neck, sucking on it, I play around sticking my tongue out and rolling my eyes back. We laugh as I stop the video. "Baby, when can we tell the world who you actually date?" I say sighing, setting his phone down. "Wait, you pussy!
You haven't even asked me to be your girlfriend." I exclaim.

"Well it kinda just happened I thought we were dating anyway." He says laughing. "Wanna be my girlfriend Yasmine?" He says grinning as I nod, jumping in his lap as he groans.

"I love you." I say slowly. I kiss him hard.

Today is jahsehs 20th birthday and I'm taking him on a full vacation on a private jet and all to bora bora. I told Jacqueline and begged ski not to say anything. I'm super excited! Right now I sit in a tight white dress.

 I'm super excited! Right now I sit in a tight white dress

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(What they are both wearing to his b-day bash)

The lights casted down on my bright heels, everyone waited for X to arrive. "Y'all he's walking up turn off all the lights!" We turned off the lights, I quietly ran towards the door, hearing him unlock it. As he opened it everyone jumped out and yelled "Happy birthday!"

I ran up and hugged him as he laughed and smiled at everyone. "Y'all scared the fuck out of me! I love y'all man!" He says as everyone runs in, almost crushing me. The hug is brief before everyone moves back and goes to mingling. I sit with a drink in my cup, walking around enjoying watching X have fun. "Hey, Yasmine right?" A lady with a bob asked. "Yes ma'am." I say politely.

"Hi I'm jahsehs mother, you're the girlfriend?" She ask as I nod. "Yea we've been messing around for a couple months." I say grinning at her. Boy did she look like him. "Thank you, for keeping him out of trouble and his head right. His last didn't want him doing good at all. I wish you both the best and it's nice meeting you. You're a beautiful girl." She says going in for a hug, I hug her back. "Yes nice meeting you too, we should do lunch one day, I'd love to get to know you, Cleo it is?" She nods and exchanged numbers with me. After she walks off I head towards the bathroom, my heels clicking.

I take a quick selfie, before I leave I hear a knock. I open the door only to find X, "Hey baby." He whispers. "Hey sexyyyy." I say kissing him. We kiss for a minute before he pulls away. "You look sexy." He rasp, hands sliding and squeezing my ass. "All yours, but you better get back to your party," I say moving out of his clutch, when my hand hits the doornob, the other slides down his pants and squeezes his length. I giggle before leaving the bathroom as he gasp.

I speak to Jacqueline before everyone begans passing his gifts. He gets atleast 350,000 dollars worth of LV and other gifts. Ski even bought him a Bentley. I wait till it's my turn and tell him I got him nothing, to which he didn't care anyways. We slow dance and eat cake, then the turn up happens.

I'm in the middle of the floor dancing with his mom to 'work' jah comes up behind me, catching the rhythm too. "You took my heart, my keys and, my patience." I sing to him. He wraps his arms around my neck, still dancing with me. We dance before we walk to go grab something to drink from the tables, us laughing. "Baby, I'm so in love with you. Like I feel it, it's crazy. You make my heart melt." I say randomly taking a drink of my water, he smiles and kisses my head. "I'm in love with you too."

He pecks me on my lips. I turn around seeing a flashing light form Jacqueline's phone. I turn around and start to shake my ass but X quickly stops that. "Nah you can cut that shit." He says standing in front of my ass as I bust out laughing. After that we dance some more but the night soon comes to an end. Everyone leaves the apartment, we had so many People and I'm thankful he got a huge apartment.

I change into a his huge revenge sweat shirt, spandex shorts like always and black puma slides. I tell jah to stay home with ski while me and Jacqueline go pick up some stuff, we go by a couple midnight stores. Once we're done we stay out riding around.

My ♥️:
Baby where are you in my Bentley?

I'm riding around, coolin. I'll be home soon.

I packed all his stuff for him, I waited an hour, it was atleast 2 now and me and Jacqueline were bored out our mines. I decide to drive back since there's nothing to do down here in Florida.

Once we hit home, I walk in the room seeing him asleep with his lights dimmed red. I crawl on-top of him, watching him. I play with his hair while he sleeps, for atleast a good hard hour. Once it hits 3, I start shaking him, to get him ready to go. "Baby, baby get up." I say as I shake his lean body. "Huh?" He ask waking up. "I have a surprise for you, baby please get up!" I yell excited, I jump off him and towards the bags. "Jah, you ready?" Ski ask walking in. "For what?"


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