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Not edited yet but I'm posting it

It's been 10 days and 22 hours since I spoke to jahseh, I got a new phone but I still had his number and I blow it up everyday. But I'm sure he blocked my number. I coughed and took a drink of my slushie as me, Diego, Jacqueline and, some kid named trippie sat outside matching blunts.

Me and Jacqueline were tweaking no lie but for the most part I was sad. We finished our 4 blunts as I took the last hit ghosting it. I put it out and left it in the ash trey. "Bruh, I'm fucking chopppped." Diego said staring st me as I busted out laughing. Diego and Jacqueline have been here the entire way and I'm so thankful, they are seriously good ass friends. "Gimme a drink," He ask holding his handout. "No bitch, this is the second one I bought. You drink all of em, go drink in there." I point towards the small get together happening.

Trippie invited us to some album party, fuck if I even knew the person. I stood up as did all of us. "Come on, let's go in." I say pulling down my joggers. I decided to wear grey and white nike joggers, grey and white slip ons from Nike and, a loose white crop top. Jacqueline wore  tight strapless red dress with her red vans. Diego wore red ripped jeans, black vans and shirt. Trippie wore all black basically, we were dressed to kill.

Jacqueline and trippie were I guess a thing, who knows with Jacqueline forreal.

I opened the sliding door and attempted to grab my slushie but of course Diego already had it. Kodak black playing in the back ground I moved my shoulders to it walking in to the living room of the house.

Once I did I instantly regretted it seeing jahseh, but fuck it, I'm gonna flex on him. I grab some random guys drink, and I start to chug it. Whatever it was was fucking gross but I could care less.

About 4 drinks down and I am fucked. "Diego!" I laugh as he gets slapped by some random ass girl he tried to hop on with. He turned around laughing with me. I scope for Jacqueline with Diego finding her in the living room, near ski, X, pump and, a whole bunch of people.
I ignore the sadness as I'm too messed up to even let it get in my head.

He looks amazing as always in his white-beater, Black ripped jeans and, black timberlands. His dreads also braided back.

"Ow!" Jacqueline yells as someone pushes her into me, which pushes me into some random ass y'all guy. "Watch who your pushing Bitch!" He yells over the music. I feel eyes on me as I try to move through the living room. "Don't talk to her like that!" Diego yells pushing me behind him with his right arm. I look over seeing some whore grabbing X's face kissing him. I sigh, but before I look away his eyes completely lock with mine. He grabs the girls neck, kissing on it captivating my eyes, I feel anger bubbling but I'm set off when he stares me dead in the face and sticks his tongue down her throat.

My eyes began to water but I won't be mad that easily. I turn around and grab Diego's hand, Jacqueline's too as she grabs trippies. I struggle walking as my head pounds but I don't give up yet. We walk towards the kitchen, straight through the sliding doors, out to the woods.

As soon as we hit outside I broke. "Guys I'm so sad!" I say tears streaming down my face, being a cry baby. "I love you trip but I miss ski so much." Jacqueline says wrapping her arms around his neck and squeezing him. His high and confused ass just comforts her, while I hug Diego sobbing in his shirt. "Like he's just so beautiful and I can't shut the fuck up so I fuck everything up and I just-" I break out into another sob.

Diego coos me and Cry's too over some hailey female. I don't know what was happening but even trip was bawling with his high ass. After so we laughed and rolled another one. Instead of going back to the party, trip just drop beus to Denny's. We all talked for hours, about conspiracy theories, sex stories to which I can't relate and, much more.

"Bye D, I love you so much!" I tell to Diego who kisses me on the cheek. "I love you too!" I hug trip and Jacqueline kisses him goodbye.

We giggle our way up to my house, we never go to hers cause she is kinda homeless. This house is huge and has rooms anyways so of course she's welcomed over anytime.

I hurry and unlock the door, laughing as we say we're being chased by ghost. Ready to sleep and shower considering I ate more then what was needed and I was super
Bloated. I didn't even want anyone to see so I stole one of Diego's shirts.

It's about 7am, I have yet to sleep. As I lay there staring at the ceiling, frank ocean playing in the back ground. I get on my phone, looking at all the pictures me and X took.

One makes my heart ache, it was a video of me showing my outfit in the mirror and X coming up behind me and whispering pet names in my ear. "Sexy mamas." He'd day as I laughed. I looked at the pictures of his head laying on my stomach, us grinning in the camera. I feel bad every day I treated him the way I did.

I think some more but soon my brain gives up and causes me to pass out.

Couple hours later I feel complete heat, all over me like someone next to me and luckily there was. And who it was made me scream.

"X!" I scream as he jumps. "Huh?" He ask. "Why are you here wi-" Amherst shushes me and pulls me closer to him. "Why do I smell blood?"

That confirmed my fears.

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