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Ayeeeee we out here
The next first person to comment I will shout out in my book, I love you guyzzz

"I think we need a break. I need to find myself as do you, we can still co-parent and this isn't a goodbye. We are so young and have so much fucking life to live and so much things we need to understand and not even gonna lie- we- we act like children at points. We have to do this to save us or it won't work jahseh." I say as we both sit in the car near the beach after his intense talk. It was true, I couldn't describe the hurt I felt.

It made me wanna crawl into a ball and die but I couldn't do that because I'm a mom, Artemis won't remember seeing me cry at random times but I still don't want her to ever see her mommy hurt.

This would and could help us, that night I brought jahseh to his apartment. He kissed me goodnight and told me he loved me as did I tell him and that was it.

It's been 734 (2 years I think lmao) days since the last time I've physically seen him, I unfollowed him off Instagram which cause a huge stir for everyone, I had them on their feet. We needed this and we both knew it, Diego went to yours with him and would update me on him and him on me, I was still so in love with him and I chose to forgive him and push all that shit behind us in a whole year.

I've been glowing and growing, I'm 20 now and he's hit 22.

(I'm guessing I did not do the math)

Artemis is 2 and she's the happiest prettiest baby in the world, I'm so in love with that little trouble maker. She's seen her dad a lot but usually I have someone else like Ski just Take her, but today was the day it was time for Jahseh and I to meet. I was lowkey super nervous, we haven't seen eachother in so long.

I moved into a penthouse that's beautiful, Artemis loved her blue painted room. She started to love ninja turtles and was such a little tom boy, Santana and her loved playing with toy trucks together. She hated wearing the designer cloths family and I would buy her, unless it was Gucci, she loved Gucci.

Gazzy always get her something from Gucci almost every week, she loved both Gazzy and Diego the most. She would murrmer and coo weird things I couldn't understand sometimes but I could most of the time. I was amazed by her growth and so was jahseh.

I had a couple meetings today, I also took a huge step and let Diego take her out of town with him and Gazzy.

I decided on staying in my current outfit since after I'd be meeting jahseh, I walked towards my RR seeing paparazzi always surrounding me. Ever since what had happened with Geneva and Jahseh, my fame sky rocketed, I also came out with a makeup line that helped me a bit. My Instagram and Twitter also.

I walked quietly ignoring the questions being thrown at me, I soon climbed in, strapped up and took off. The drive to the Dinner place was extremely scary and nerve racking, I haven't seen him in forever and I have no clue what he looks like. I was scared, no flexing. I soon pulled up and parked, getting out before anyone could recognize me.

I walked in and instantly saw him as he did me, I grinned and ran over hugging him hugely. God did I miss his bitch ass. He squeezed me tightly, rubbing my back as I wrapped mya rms around his neck dropping my purse. "I missed you so much Yasmine."

My name rolled gracefully off his tongue.

"I missed you more baby." I said squeezing him tightly. We sat down and talked about everything, and I mean EVERYTHING. He told me honestly he hasn't even thought of fucking or touching anyone besides me, as I told him that too.

It felt like we were back too one, I still wore my engagement ring though, I'd never ever take it off. I was so happy seeing him, I felt giddy as fuck.

"You don't get how happy I am, I love you so much and I hope you want me back after this. It was the hardest thing I've ever done but it was needed, I feel way better about myself." I saw that he now braids back his dreads and dyed them black, he looks so sexy. "Lord, I love you." I said hugging him.

I decided to take us back to privacy, we left the shop and paparazzi swarmed around us but it didn't matter, we only noticed each-other. We got in the car and drove to my house in a comfortable silence, holding hands and just enjoying the moment we have. We soon hit my house, having someone drive my car to be parked, we walk inside of the gran hotel and head up towards my penthouse.

Before we get up there his lips crash into mine, I drop my purse, clutching his face as we kiss sloppily and slowly. We both jump and scream as the doors opening, showing some model and a guy. "Um, sorry." I say as we step out of the elevator. I clutch my bag to me as we bust out laughing when they leave. "That was fucking weird." I say as he goes silent, I realize he must be thinking I'm talking about the kiss so I slap him with my purse.

"Damn grandma." He says clutching his stomach. "The elevator moment was weird when the doors opened, not the kiss." I say as he laughs. "Good, my dick is hard." I gasp as he says that slapping him again as we walk through the hall way.

We open my door, but I'm doin attacked in kisses and held up against the door by jahseh.

I drop my purse and jump on him as he brings me to the bedroom. "You finna feel this revenge." He says in-between kisses as I make a mhm sound.

Here we go.

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