Love Triangle [Tomura x Reader x Dabi]

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A/N: There's sexual content in this chapter!! Nothing crazy so don't worry uwu and it's not till the end!


You jump up out of bed, staring with wide eyes at your now shattered window. "Dabi-kun, what the fuck!?" You shout, staring down the tall boy in front of you. He gives you a half grin, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Hey, I was bored, so here I am."

You pout at him, crossing your arms over your chest. "I have a front door for a reason yuh know!" He makes his way to you, placing his arms around your waist and smirking down at you. "What fun is that?"

"I think not having a broken window is a LOT of fun!" You scowl up at him, separating his hands from your waist and sitting back down at the little table in the middle of your room to continue your studying. He follows you, taking a seat next to you and putting his chin in his hands. Glancing down at the material you're reading, he gives a long sigh.

"Studying again? Don't you ever get bored?"

You glare at him, jotting down notes. "Well we aren't all blessed with amazing quirks like you, I gotta study hard so I can finish up college and get a good job-"

Suddenly Dabi places a finger on your lips, effectively shushing you. "You know, I could always just take care of you..." He slowly runs his thumb along your bottom lip, a sultry look in his eyes. "Then you could spend all of your time with me."

Your face flushes deep red as you swat his hand away, your heart beating rapidly in your chest. "D-Dabi, please. I'm almost done... Then we can do, something..." He grins at you, satisfied at your answer.

"But ONLY after you fix my window!"

-The next day-

As you're walking home from school, you feel someone's arms wrap around your waist. You jump and turn around quickly, readying your bag as a weapon, but sigh when you see who it is.

"Don't scare me like that, Tomura-kun!"

He grins, pulling you close to him and placing his nose in the crook of your neck. "Sorry, I like it when you jump..." You feel your skin tingle as his breath flows onto your neck, causing you to arch your neck slightly. You push him away lightly, rolling your eyes. "What are you doing here anyways?"

He frowns at the lack of contact, taking your bag from you and placing his arm around your shoulder. "I don't like it when you walk home alone." Rolling your eyes again you stick your tongue out at him. "You know I can take care of myself, Tomura-kun."

"[y/n], using your bag as a weapon is not considered being able to 'take care of yourself.'" He suddenly takes your chin in his hand, jerking your face towards his, his red orbs locking with your [e/c] ones.

"And if you roll your eyes at me again, I'm going to have to punish you."

Tomura pushes you against an alley wall, his knee between your legs as he leans in close to you and you drop your bag from surprise. Your breath hitches as you close your eyes,not knowing how to feel but being intoxicated by him surrounding you... when suddenly he's ripped off of you abruptly.

"What the fuck man?!"

You stare up wide eyed at the sight of Dabi holding Tomura by the shirt collar, glaring into each other's eyes. "The fuck are you doing with [y/n]?!"

"Whatever the hell I want, you scarred up freak!" Tomura shouts, shoving Dabi away from him. You pout, not wanting them to fight again. "Hey, can we please just not do this today-"

"Listen [y/n], I... like you,okay? And I don't want this asshole taking advantage of you. I wanna be the one to take care of you. I wanna make you feel that way."

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