Trick-or-Treat [Izuku x Reader] 🎃

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In this story Izuku and y/n are little kids! Enjoy~

"y/n sweetie, Izuku is here to pick you up!"

"I'm c-coming!!' You yell back at your mom from your room, straightening out your Princess Ariel costume. It was Halloween night and your best friend Izuku was going trick-or-treating with you, dressed as Prince Eric of course. You rush down the stairs, stopping dead in your tracks as Izuku comes into your line of site. There he stood in all his princely glory, his hair was even dyed black and slicked back. Your cheeks light up a dusty rose color.

"H-hey, Zuzu...." You smile and bounce up beside him. When he sees you in your cute costume he instantly turns beat red, straightening out his own costume trying to make sure it looked good.

"y-y/n! You... Uh.. Your costume, eeehh..." He stutters, now a mumbling mess.

You stare at him with your big doe like eyes. "I, what? Is there something wrong with my costume...?" Your face falls but Izuku waves his hands frantically in the air and shakes his head violently back and forth.

"Nonononono! It's perfect! I mean, it's great! I mean.. Ehh.."

You smile at him, used to his nervousness by now. You take him in a big hug and pat his hair. "You look amazing too Zuzu, thank you so much for dressing up to match me!"

"YOU TWO ARE SO ADORABLE OH MY GOOD FREAKING GOSH I HAVE TO GET A PICTURE!!" You both jump a little as your moms oggle over the two of you, taking out their cameras and snapping at least a thousand pictures.

"Give him a kiss on the cheek y/n! It'll be SO CUTE!" Your mom shouts and your face instantly goes red again, but you do as she asks, placing a light peck on your best friend's cheek. He nearly faints.

"Alright you two, stay on lit side walks and don't go into any houses!" Your mom says as you and Izuku walk out the door.

"Izuku make sure you protect y/n!" His mom shouts and you both round the corner out of their site, thankful to finally be away from all the madness.

You smile happily at Izuku, taking his arm in yours and skipping down the sidewalk. "I'm so happy right now!" You begin going door to door, filling your bags with sweets. It was pitch black dark by now and even with the street lights it still scared you a little to be out on the streets so late, especially with so many kids dressed up as scary monsters, ghosts and the like. Suddenly you feel someone yank your shoulder from behind, screeching as a big bad wolf growls ferociously at you. Almost immediately Izuku recognizes the snicker from behind the mask.

"K-Kacchan, don't scare y/n like that!" Your best friend quickly puts himself between you and your scary classmate, shaking but trying to look brave. You stare at Katsuki wide eyed, now recognizing his laugh yourself.

"Why'd you have to go and ruin it?! Stupid Deku!!" Katsuki removes his mask, glaring at Izuku's position in front of you. "y/n, why are you alone with this stupid Deku?? You think he can protect you?? HAH, don't make me laugh! I could protect you way better than he could!" Katsuki grabs onto your arm trying to drag you along with him, but Izuku takes your other arm keeping you in place.

"S-she doesn't want to go with you! We match so we have to stay together!" Izuku's voice is quivering but he tries to stay strong and brave. You stare back and forth at the two boys, trying to figure out what to do.

"I DON'T GIVE A CRAP IF YOU MATCH! You're coming with ME!"

Katsuki quite literally starts growling at Izuku and you both stare at him with large eyes. Izuku gulps, quickly taking out his fake wooden sword and shoving it towards Katsuki, placing you behind him again. "I-if you want her, y-you have to f-f-f-f-f-f-fight me!"

Katsuki grins sadistically, little sparks coming from his hands as he gets into a fighting stance. "You're on you stupid broccoli head-"

"KATSUKI BAKUGOU IF YOU DON'T GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE IN 5 SECONDS WE'RE GOING HOME!!" You all jump at the sound of Katsuki's mom yelling at him. He sighs angrily, literal smoke coming from his nostrils and he stands up straight.

"I'M COMING YOU OLD HAG! Listen y/n, next year you're going trick-or-treating with me! Don't you forget it!!!" He yells, grumpily running back towards his mom.

You let out a shaky sigh, gripping onto Izuku's arm as he places his sword back at his side. He turns towards you and sees little tears starting to form in your e/c eyes. He quickly wipes them away, giving you a big smile. "Don't cry, I'll always protect you y-y/n!"

"T-thank you for protecting me! My hero!" You jump into his arms giving him a big hug and a small peck on the cheek causing the boy to blush madly again. You take his hand in yours. "Come on, we still have a lot of houses to get to!"

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