E-Date? More like E-Disappointed [Shouto x Reader]

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This whole thing is extremely over dramatic and y/n is a complete whore for attention here. It was a request I had when I first started writing these one-shots and I simply never got around to it, but I felt like writing something simple. So, sorry it's trash but I hope you enjoy!

"I swear y/n if you don't get off that
computer this instant, I'll ground you for a week!!!"

You roll your eyes, trying your best to ignore your mother's constant nagging. It hadn't been that long since you've been on....

You quickly realize it had actually been roughly 4 hours. Sighing you pull up your messenger, reading a reply from your boyfriend.

Shouto - "It's okay y/n, we can play something tonight, I have a few things I need to do anyways."

Sadness fills you slightly. Shouto and yourself had only started dating a couple months ago so everything was still so fresh and new. You wished you never had to stop talking with him, but you knew that if didn't appease your mom she really might ground you.

Y/n - "Alrighty, tonight for sure then... promise?"

"Y/n you have 1 minute to get your butt over here!"

You cringe at your mother's words, realizing the serious tone in them.

Shouto - "Yes, it's a promise. I love you y/n."

A deep shade of red covers your entire face, and you quickly put an "I love you" back, shutting down the computer and making a dash to your mother as she starts counting down the minute.

You loved Shouto so much, even though you hadn't actually met in real life you felt a strong connection to him. He was always so sweet, constantly taking care of you in any way that he could. You loved everything about him. Early on in the relationship you promised each other you'd work hard so one day you could meet in person, and you hoped that one day would be soon.

A few hours go by and night time approaches. Your mom finally gives you the go ahead and you run to your computer, excitedly booting it up. Hours felt like days when you couldn't talk with Shouto, and your heart was aching to spend time with him.

As you pull open your messenger a bright smile lights up your face, seeing that he's online. You quickly type out a hello and wait for his reply, getting something ready for the two of you to do together. Whether it was a game or watching something together, it was always fun no matter what you did.

A few minutes go by and you see he replied.

Shouto - "Sorry y/n, I'm working on something right now... We can do something another time, alright?"

Your smile diminishes quickly being replaced with a frown. He had promised though, why is he backing out of that? Maybe it's something important?

Y/n - "Oh, that's okay... what are you up to?"

Another few minutes go by before he replies, your sadness growing by the second. Of course you didn't mind if he did other things. You both had lives and you knew he could get busy from time to time, usually with Hero training. Since he goes to UA he is pretty popular, you knew he had a lot of friends and honestly you felt super thankful that he even spent any time with you at all. The problem was that he had promised...

Shouto - "Nothing too much but I'll play with you later, sorry y/n."

After his reply he goes offline and your heart sinks to your stomach. Tears prickle your eyes and you lay your head next to your keyboard, blinking rapidly trying to fight through the sadness. Of course he's busy, you understood, but a promise is a promise...

He always made a point to tell you how special you are to him, how much you mean to him and how you were more important than anything else. But if you really were, why would he ditch you?

Tears slide down your cheeks, your depression sinking in. Something you had been fighting through daily for years now. Shouto always helped, always trying his best to make you happy, especially when he knew something was making you sad. But not he wasn't here. You were alone with your dark thoughts, sadness overwhelming your body. You slowly creep into bed, pulling the covers over your head trying to hide yourself from the cruel world around you.

"I guess I'm not good enough, I guess I'm boring, I guess he really is getting bored of me...."

These thoughts plague your mind as you shut your eyes, letting the tears flow freely, drowning in your own self loathing. You stayed there the rest of the night, letting the sadness take you.

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