Valentines Chocolates [Izuku x Reader]

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"But Ochako, I really don't know if Izuku even likes chocolates!" You whine, glancing over your basket in the grocery store. It was the day before Valentine's day. You and Ochako decided to bake homemade chocolates for your crushes, yours being Izuku. You and him had become friends ever since you entered UA, and you had wanted to confess your feelings for a while, but were too shy to do so.

"Don't worry [y/n], I'm sure no matter what you make he'll absolutely love it!" Ochako beams, grabbing some more needed ingredients. You sigh, picking a couple things out yourself.

You and her stay up nearly all night trying to perfect your concoctions. Finally after 10 or so batches you thought you had the right amount of sweet, salty with just a hint of bitter. You wrapped it up nicely, placing it in a bag with your heart beating fast, thinking of how you were going to give it to Izuku.

The next day at class, you hid the bag behind your back, walking into class with a giant blush on your face. You notice everyone giving eachother chocolates, most friendly, some romantic. You take your usual spot next to Izuku, a big smile lighting up his face. As per usual your heart goes into overdrive. "Good morning, [y/n]!" He beams.

"G-good morning, Izuku...." You glance down at your bag, debating on if you wanted to give him his gift now. You also planned on confessing your love to him when you gave it to him, and just thinking about it you feel heat rise to your cheeks. Izuku notices and give you a worried look, placing his hand on your forehead.

"Are you ok, [y/n]? Your face is so red!"

"Uuwaa!!" You almost fall back in your chair at the sudden closeness. Izuku catches you quickly, his concerned look growing even more. "Here, I'll take you to the nurse."

"Nonononono! It's fine, I mean, I'm fine, really!" You throw your hands in front of your face, waving them frantically. "I just, um, Izuku I have something-"

"Everyone take your seats, class is in session."

Your sigh in relief as Aizawa-sensei enters the classroom and you take your seat. You feel Izuku's gaze on you, so you write a quick note, passing it to him discreetly.

"Meet me on the rooftop at lunch."

He glances over at you and nods, a faint blush gracing his freckled cheeks.

At lunch you stand nervously on the rooftop, holding Izuku's chocolates in hand. You pace back and forth, still debating if you wanted to do this or not. What if he didn't feel the same way? Did you want to risk ruining your friendship?


You jump and spin around coming face to face with Izuku. Gulping you place the chocolate behind your back, and he notices, tilting his head to the side. "You wanted to see me about something?"

Mustering up as much courage as you could, you thrust the bag out in front of you, staring at the ground and your face as red a tomato. "I-I made these for you, Izuk-ku...." You glance up at Izuku. His face was as red as yours as he takes the chocolate, silently opening the bag and popping one in his mouth.

"They're... Delicious!"

You sigh in relief, putting a finger to your chin and smiling up at him. "I'm glad you like them, there's something else though-"

"[y/n], I like you."

Your eyes go wide, staring straight up into Izukus. You hadn't expected him to be the one to confess to you, and now you weren't sure what to do or say. "Y-you really... do???"

He closes the gap between you, placing his arms timidly around you pulling you into a gentle embrace. "I hope I'm not being too forward in assuming that's what you were about to tell me, too." He says, brushing a piece of hair behind your ear. You gulp and nod, placing your arms around his neck and leaning up to him. "I like you so much, Izuku. So much..."

A smile lights his face as he tilts his head down, planting a soft kiss your lips.

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed this cute little fluff! Feel free to request anything, maybe the next one will be a little spicier... ^.~


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