Melon [Mirio x Reader]

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Request from TheTrubbish We hope you enjoy! <3

You stare at your phone, a huge sigh leaving your lips. 

3:45pm Mirio💖: Sorry (y/n), I'm gonna have to take a raincheck on dinner tonight. Sir Nighteye needs my help with something big. I'll make it up to you tomorrow I swear!

It had been exactly one year since you started dating, and you had planned on having dinner together at a nice restaurant. 

"But his hero work is extremely important, so it's ok!" You try to cheer yourself up, thinking about how fired up your boyfriend gets when he talks about heroing. You were both in your last year of highschool, but you went to a normal school. Unfortunately you had been born quirkless, but you still admired heroes and everything they did. You sit on your couch, your dog jumping onto your lap and licking your face. Smiling you pat his head, the memory of how you and Mirio met coming to your mind.


"Come on Melon, you ready to go to the dog park??" You say as your dog leaps up and down, his tongue hanging out and slobber dripping everywhere. It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon, the weather perfect for taking Melon on a walk. Since your parents were always gone it got lonely sitting in your stuffy old house, so you thought some fresh air would do you good anyways.

You make your way into the dog park downtown, petting Melon as you crouch down to take off his leash. Suddenly he leaps up, knocking you flat on your back and running away. 

"Oow..." You lay there in dismay, rubbing the back of your head where a lump was forming.

"Hey are you alright??" 

You glance up, squinting your eyes as you stare up at something extremely bright. Shielding your eyes from the sun you see a tall, blonde haired guy extending a hand out to you, a wide smile on his face. You blush a little at how attractive he was. 

"O-oh, yeah I'm good..." You accept his help, placing your hand in his as he lifts you up easily, as if you weigh nothing to him. Smiling at him you dust yourself off. "Thanks for the help- MELON WHAT THE HECK?!" 

Abruptly your furry friend comes out of nowhere and tackles the blonde boy, wagging his tail and covering him in saliva. The guy lets out a loud chuckle, squatting down and rubbing Melon behind the ears.

"Melon, huh? That's the cutest freaking name I've ever heard for a dog!" You stare wide eyed as the boy continues to scratch behind Melon's ear, causing his leg to hit the ground repeatedly. You swore you saw your dog smiling.

"Sorry about that, he's kind of... Rambunctious." You give him a wry smile as he stands back up leaving Melon to run off again. He turns towards you, the smile on his face never leaving. 

"It's all good. I'm actually here cause my friend has a dog. I always wanted a dog of my own, but I'm always too busy." He scratches the back of his head  and looks you up and down, his cheeks tinting a light shade of pink. "Oh, um, I guess I didn't even introduce myself," he extends a hand towards you, "I'm Mirio! Mirio Togata!"

You shyly place your hand in his, noticing the size difference. His hands were large and slightly rough, and extremely warm. You smile up at him, your eyes bright and cheeks flushed. "I'm (y/n) (l/n), but just call me (y/n)."


"It was really all thanks to you, Melon." You grin, scratching behind his ear causing him to grunt in bliss. Sighing you lean back. "There has to be something I can do for him..... I know!!" A light bulb goes off in your head, an idea forming. 

You quickly run to your kitchen, looking through the ingredients you had. When you find exactly what you're looking for you smile, placing all the necessary items for Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo on the counter. "If you can't come to dinner, dinner will come to you!

Now, you honestly weren't the best cook and you knew it, but Mirio always seemed to love your cooking no matter how bad you thought it was. But this time you decided you were going to try especially hard to make it delicious. Glancing at the clock you figure you have a few hours to prepare everything so you take your time, slicing everything just so and cooking the chicken to perfection.

A few hours later you text Mirio, hoping he was getting off soon.  You ask him to come over and he obliges, saying he's almost through with his work and will be there in a bit.

You set up the dining room table nicely, waiting until the last minute to set the food out. You put a few candles on the center and dim the lights trying to create at least a semi-romantic mood. As soon as you were done you hear a knock at the door. 

"Mirio!!!" You greet your beloved boyfriend by throwing open the door and glomping him in a massive hug.

"H-hey, (y/n)!" He laughs and grins, holding you close to him and planting a soft kiss on your lips. You wrap you arms around his neck, pulling him as close as possible while he holds you by your waist. He lifts you up so your feet aren't even touching the ground anymore, holding your body as close to his as he possibly could. 

"I-I, made dinner.." You say breathlessly when you break away from the kiss, both of your cheeks flushed. 

"So that's what smells so delicious! Yay!!!" He quickly lifts you up again and you wrap your legs around him. He shuts the door and makes his way into the kitchen with you still in Koala position.

He sets you down gently, taking in a deep breath. The smell of chicken making his mouth water. "It smells amazing! I'm super starved!"

You both take your seats at the table, making small talk about your each other's days and what not. The whole situation was making you blush really. It reminded you of a newly wed couple, which is exactly what you wanted with Mirio some day...

Some day.

"I'm really sorry we had to cancel the dinner reservation. But I think this turned out much better!" Mirio says, happily digging into his food, devouring it like a ravenous animal. You smile, gathering some pasta onto your fork and taking a bite.

Your face quickly turns sour, your lips falling into a frown. "The pasta.... Isn't cooked all the way..."

"Say what? No way, it's freaking amazing!" Mirio says with half of his food already eaten. Small tears form in your eyes. You knew it wasn't great. Infact it was literally like eating a freaking stale potato chip.

"You don't... You don't have to pretend to like it..." 

Mirio's eyes widen as he sees small tears run down your cheeks. All at once he gets up, swiftly going beside you and pulling you from your chair to wrap his arms around you. He uses one of his large hands to move your head so your facing him, using his thumb to wipe away your tears.

Your boyfriend gives you a serious look. "(y/n), you know I wouldn't lie to you. I don't care what it is or how it's cooked. No matter what you make it's always the best."

You feel happiness bubble in your chest, suddenly throwing your arms around him and settling your lips on his. He pulls you close, slowly licking your bottom lip and nibbling on it causing you to giggle. You move away slightly, leaning your forehead against his. "Thanks Mirio, you're always so nice to me.."

"Hey, I wasn't done with dessert." He chuckles, pulling you back in for another kiss. 

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