Accidental Love [Aizawa x Reader]

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Well well well, look who FINALLY decided to post something!
^.^' Sorry for the short hiatus everyone, but we're BACK and ready to start writing again! We have lots of one-shots planned, also slowly sorting through the requests. We're also very close to being ready to start our new Izuku story! We thank you for your continued support, and as always we hope you enjoy!

"This book goes here, this one here- AAH!"

An avalanche of books suddenly begins to crash down onto you. You knew the life of a simple librarian would end up being the death of you. But what were you supposed to do? You were quirkless and there wasn't many jobs for people like that.

You shut your eyes and lift your arms up bracing yourself for impact, praying that someone will at least feed your cat when you're gone, but the impact never comes.

"Are you alright?" A gruff voice says from above. You slowly open your eyes, seeing that a man had actually saved you from your inevitable doom. He had long black hair, his eyes bloodshot to hell. It was then you recognized him as the pro hero Eraserhead.

"O-oh, yes thank you so much! I thought I was a goner for sure! I was so worried no one would be around to feed my cat!" You say, awkwardly rubbing your arm. It's then you notice the mess of books on the ground, realizing Eraserhead had been hit with said books. "Oh my gosh are YOU ok??? All those books..."

"It's nothing, really. I'll help you clean up." He bends down beginning to pick up the books.

"Oh no please you already saved my life-"

"So what's this about your cat? What kind of cat is it?" His deep voice causes a blush to grace your cheeks. You shake your head back and forth, snapping out of it.

"Oh, she's the cutest little fluffy black cat! I've had her ever since she was a little kitten." You look at the pro hero, tilting your head to the side. He had an uncanny resemblance to your precious kitty, it was a rather strange coincidence.

"I have a cat too." Eraserhead says as he picks up the last book. You reach for it at the same time, ending up brushing your hands against each other. You both look up at the same time, staring into each others eyes. He blinks, turning his head away but you could have sworn you saw a slight blush on his cheeks.

"W-what kind of cat do you have?" You try your hardest to hide the emotions wracking your brain. It was like you had met the most handsome man on earth.

Eraserhead takes the books from your hands, placing them on the top shelf as he talks. "She's a gray tabby, not even a year old yet." He puts an arm out in front of you, lifting his sleeve slightly to reveal what were obviously scratches and bite marks caused by a kitty.

You laugh, knowing full well how rambunctious your own cat could be. "She must be a handful!"

A small grin lights up the pro-heroes face, a low chuckle escaping his throat. "Yeah, she really is."

The two of you finish cleaning up the mess of books, a pang of sadness hits you as Eraserhead gets ready to leave. He turns away heading towards the exit. "It was nice meeting you."

"W-wait!" You say in a hushed tone, red filling your cheeks at your actions. He turns towards you, raising an eyebrow. "I, um, I really want to thank you for helping me...." You rub your arm nervously not sure where to go with this.

"..... Alright." Eraserhead walks back up to you, holding his hand out expectantly. You look up at him and tilt your head to the side in confusion. "Let me give you my number."

Face palming you quickly pull out your phone, Eraserhead putting his number in your phone quickly. He hands it back to you, turning away again. "See yuh around."

"O-ok!" You smile, waving bye to him. After he leaves your field of vision you pull out your phone, scanning through your contacts until you see an unfamiliar name. "Shouta Aizawa...." You take a deep breath, calming your racing heart, a smile gracing your lips. "I can't wait... To meet your cat."


"I should have put on a jacket..." You grumble to yourself, walking briskly towards the coffee shop near your place. You had texted Shouta asking him when he was free, and the two of you agreed on meeting for coffee a few days after your encounter. Ever since that day you couldn't get him out of your mind, hell you even dreamt about him one night. Something about him made the butterflies in your tummy go haywire.

The two of you texted quite often actually, getting to know each other better. He even sent you a picture of his cat, causing you to smile and send him one of yours as well.

"Hey." Shouta waves at you from in front of the coffee shop, snapping you out of your thoughts. You wave back giving him a wide smile. He opens the door for you and the two of you head in, standing in line. Shouta stands close behind you and you're thankful for the heat radiating off of him.

You place your order, telling Shouta to place his so you could pay for it. "I can get my own-"

"No," you interject, "this is my treat since you literally saved my life."

Shouta stares down into your eyes for a moment, unreadable emotions passing through them. You could tell he was definently a closed book, but oh how you wanted to read every page...

The barista clears their throat and Shouta snaps his eyes up to them. "Black coffee with 3 shots of espresso."

"Holy shit is he trying to have a heart attack???"

"That'll be $8.50- thank you sir." You glare at Shouta as he hands the barista a $10 telling her to keep the change.

"It was supposed to be my treat!" You say exasperatedly, digging into your purse to reimburse him. Shouta simply shrugs, placing his hand on the small of your back leading you to a table. Your eyes go wide at the sudden contact, your mind going blank as you let him guide you to your seat in a booth. As he takes his seat opposite you, you shake your head back and forth trying to clear yourself of the embarrassing emotions running rampant in your head.

The barista quickly brings over your coffees. Shouta takes his in his hands, slowly placing it to his lips keeping his eyes on you. You stare down at your coffee, pink tinting your cheeks still. You grab the cup and take a slow slip, a chill running through you as the warmth from the drink enters your tummy. Smiling you take another sip.

"You gotta stop doing that."

You lift your eyes up to Shouta's, raising an eyebrow. "What?"

"Doing things that make me want to kiss you."

Shouta quickly leans over the small table, using one hand to move your hair back and placing a gentle kiss on your burning cheek.

"I-i... eh??" You stare at him completely bewildered. He sits back down, taking your cold hand in his.

"I'm going to be completely frank with you. I haven't been able to get you out of my mind since we met, and I'd like to get to know you as more than friends."

Shouta's sudden confession leaves your mind reeling. The thought never entered your mind that he might like you back too! Staring down at your combined hands you take a deep breath. "I w-would really like that."

You glance up at Shouta, a small smile on his face. He squeezes your hand and you smile as well, butterflies filling your tummy. You were really thankful those books fell at the library.

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