Ghost Adventures [Mirio x Reader] 🎃

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It's finally our most FAVORITE time of the year!!! We have lots of one-shots set up for Spooktober! We hope you enjoy~ >:]


"I dunno Mirio, it seems pretty scary to me.."

You cross your arms over your chest, pouting at your boyfriend in front of you. Mirio clasps his hands together, dropping to his knees and giving you a pleading look.

"Come oOoOoOon y/n, I've been ghost hunting plenty of times! It's not that bad, plus I'll be there to protect you!" He gives you the biggest puppy dog eyes causing your resolve to slip. As much as you hated the idea of going to a cemetery to look for supposed 'ghosts', you knew how happy it would make him. So as per usual you decide to go along with his childish desire.

"Alright alright, just get up! Jeezus."

Mirio jumps up with a giant grin on his face, taking you into his strong arms and twirling you around. He nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck, a small smirk on his face when you couldn't see him.


You walk up to the cemetery, the chill in the night air causing goosebumps up and down your arms. It was a little after midnight which made things all the more spookier. Reaching into your bag you pull out two flashlights, walking closer to Mirio and holding one out for him. "Mirio I brought some flash lights just in case..."

"You don't have to worry about that!"The blonde snatches the flashlights out of your hand, placing them back in your bag. He puts an arm around your shoulder and grins, pointing up to the harvest moon. "You see, the light of the moon is all we need!"

Gulping you nod, trying to put on the bravest face you could. As you enter into the cemetery you almost feel as though you're being watched. Glancing around you could have sworn something was moving in the shadows, but you play it off as your imagination. Mirio strides on, keeping one hand behind your back as you venture further and further into the city of the dead. You come across a large statue of an angel and stop there.

"I think this is a good place! What do you think y/n???"

Just as you're about to reply you hear a low growl come from behind the statue. Your eyes double in size and your heart leaps into your throat. "D-did you hear that...?"

"Hear what??" Mirio tilts his head to the side, glancing around as if looking for what you were talking about.

Shaking your head you try to play it off. "N-nothing. And I guess this place is as good as any..." You walk to the very front of the statue, trying to your best to look around it to make sure nothing was there. The wind begins to pick up a little causing leaves to twirl around. "Huh, I didn't know it was supposed to be windy today..."

"You ready to start?" Mirio asks with enthusiasm. You simply nod, mustering up as much courage as you could. Your boyfriend pulls out an EVP recorder, turning it on to record and placing it on the statue. "IS THERE ANYONE HERE???"

You cringe as he shouts his question rather loudly. "What the heck Mirio, if there's anything there you probably scared it away-"

All of a sudden a tree branch near you cracks and falls to the ground, the loud abruptness producing an ear piercing shriek from you. You turn towards the commotion trying to see if something caused the tree branch to fall but saw nothing. Slowly turning back to Mirio you reach your hand out to him. "M-mirio I think I've had enough-.... Mirio???"

To your surprise Mirio was no where to be seen. You look around frantically, desperately searching for your boyfriend. "Mirio where are you?! If this is a trick it isn't funny!"

You hear another disgruntled growl coming from the other side of the statue. Quickly grabbing a stick that was laid to the side you creep around back, trying to see if anything was there, only to find Mirio sitting cross legged on the ground.

You sigh in relief and frustration. "Mirio you scared the freaking crap out of me- Uh, Mirio...?"

Mirio tilts his head up towards you, his face blank and eyes rolled to the back of his head. He begins to get up, staring you down. "Yyyy/nnn~~~ I've been waiting for you.." His voice comes out completely different than usual. Raspy, almost ancient like. You quickly step back, keeping the stick you had picked up earlier in hand.

"W-who are you and what have you done to my M-Mirio???" You try to sound brave but your voice cracks, causing 'Mirio' to smirk.

"I'm the ghost that haunts this statue. You asked me if I was here, well here I am!!!" The seemingly possessed Mirio shouts, lunging at you. You dodge, trying to hit him with the stick but a large gust of wind knocks it from your hands.

You turn on your heel running as fast as you could away from Mirio. Quickly reaching into your bag you pull out what you thought to be a bundle of sage. 'Just because I don't believe in ghosts doesn't mean I didn't come prepared!' You think, turning around and facing the fast approaching Mirio. Hiding the 'sage' behind your back you wait for him to get close, then hit him hard with said bundle.

"DEMON BE GONE! DEMON BE GONE! DEMON BE GONE!" You shout frantically, hitting Mirio like a maniac. Suddenly Mirio's face becomes normal, his eyes wide as he tries blocking your assault.


You raise an eyebrow stopping for a second. The lady you bought it did seem a little fishy, but you had shrugged it off at the time. Glaring at Mirio you begin to whack him again. "Of course you would say that, EVIL SPIRIT! Everyone knows sage will ward you off! NOW GET OUT OF MIRIO!!!"

Mirio tries blocking but to no avail, poison ivy beginning to set in as you continue your assault. He looks around frantically as if trying to find someone. "GUYS COME ON PLEASE HELP ME!"

Suddenly there was another gust of wind knocking the 'sage' out of your hand. You know now that it isn't random, turning around to see Nejire and Tamaki running towards you. You stop your offense on poor Mirio, throwing the 'sage' to the ground and glaring at the lot of them. "So it WAS a trick! Mirio Togata I swear to all that's holy- Ugh, why are my hands itchy..."

You glance down at your hands, eyes going wide at the red rash beginning to form. Moving your eyes to your boyfriend you see a rash forming on him too, everywhere you'd hit him with what you now know to be poison ivy. "Oopsy...."

Mirio begins itching at the rash covering his body, frowning at you. "Where did you get that stuff?? Did someone honestly tell you it was sage??" You glare at him, the itch really setting in now.

"Well if you wouldn't have tried tricking me-"

"Hey guys, I think we have bigger problems to worry about..." Nejire says, her eyes wide as she stares at the statue from before. You all turn towards it, seeing a large shadow figure stepping out from behind it. It appeared to be an old woman, but her head was bashed in and her body was translucent.

"You DARE to mimic ME, YOU MORTALS???" It shouts, venom dripping from it's voice as it draws closer.


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