Pippin [Izuku x Reader] sad

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In memory of our beloved cat, Pippin. 

"Hey, y/n, wake up..."

You lazily open one eye at Izuku's voice, one of his hands shaking your shoulder gently. "What's up...?" You yawn, sitting up and stretching. "It's Pippin, she's a little... A little sick this morning." Your eyes go wide, jumping out of bed and nearly falling over. Izuku is quick to catch you though, holding you in his strong arms making sure you were steady. He leads you to the other room where your cat was sitting in a corner. She was curled up next to a small pool throw up and blood.

"Oh no, Pippin!!" You quickly make your way to her, lifting her head slightly to check her exterior. She looked okay from the outside, but her eyes were glazed over, tongue sticking out slightly like she was completely out of it. At the smell of your hand she mewed softly, licking your fingers that were under her chin. 

"Izuku, can you help me get her to the vet?" You said restraining the sadness in your voice. He nods, fetching the cat carrier while you stayed with your beloved cat. You had her ever since you were a little girl, almost 19 years now. She was with you through almost every big event in your life, including when you and Izuku had started dating. That was a few years ago, now you were happily married and living with him pursuing your hero careers. 

Pippin had stayed dutifully by your side through it all. You eyed her sadly, noticing how much gray was in her beautiful calico fur. She had been losing weight for some time now, but when you took her to the vet they just attributed it to old age. Now you realize there must be an underlying issue.

Izuku quickly returns with the necessary items, taking her tenderly in his arms and placing her on a soft blanket inside the cat carrier. He holds it in one hand, placing his other arm around your waist and leading you to his car, trying to sooth you with calming words but they fell on deaf ears. You loved Pippin with all your heart, and you knew this might be her last trip with you.

On your way to the vet you held the carrier on your lap, Izuku holding your hand tightly, rubbing his thumb in soothing circles on the back of your hand. You thought back to all the fun car rides you had taken Pippin on. She never minded being in the car with you, and everywhere you went everyone awed and cooed at your precious little kitty.

Once at the vet Izuku went and opened your door for you, taking the cat carrier as you briskly walked inside. "Excuse me, I don't have an appointment but my cat, she's sick..."  The receptionist nods, typing your information into a computer and taking you back immediately, Izuku holding your hand the whole time. She leads you to a back room, where a vet is there. He takes Pippin out of her carrier, looking her over as gently as he could.

It worried you that she hadn't moved much. Normally she'd be complaining about a stranger touching her, but right now she was completely silent, laying her head on her paws and letting the vet do as he pleased. Izuku stayed behind you, wrapping his sturdy arms around your delicate frame. It felt like he was holding you in tact, like if he let go you'd fall into a million pieces.

"It looks like she's riddled with cancer, I'm afraid... There isn't much we can do in a situation like this."

You take in a sharp breath, tears that had been held back flowing freely down your face now. Izuku holds you closer, giving the vet a serious look. "Are you sure... There isn't anything...?" "The best we could do for her now, is to bring her peace." You felt your heart sink, your mind going numb at the vets words. You knew this day was coming. Pippin lived a full life, and it would be cruel to keep her with you out of selfishness. 

"Alright, let's do it... Then.." Your voice cracked. The vet nods, leaving to get the proper tools. You felt yourself start to shake, taking Pippin into your arms and holding her close to you. Izuku held the both of you too, gingerly petting her and holding you close at the same time. You nuzzled your face into Pippin's soft fur, remembering all the tears you had shed to her. 

She was someone you could tell all your secrets too, who purred when you pet her behind the ears and mewed when you didn't take her to the bathroom  with you. She was spoiled too of course. She wouldn't eat unless it was fresh food every time, and you had to pet her while she ate too, or else she'd just sit there staring at you like, "Ummm hello are you going to pet me now or am I gonna starve??"

The vet returns, carrying a few items with him. He looks at you and Izuku, explaining the process. "After I inject this into her, she'll simply fall asleep, and won't be in any pain anymore." Izuku nods, squeezing you tightly as you held onto Pippin. The vet puts the drug into her, only taking a moment then excusing himself from the room. Tears streamed heavily down your cheeks as you held her close. 

"I love you so much Pippin... I love you..." You say with trembling lips. She mewed softly one last time, giving your salty cheeks a small lick, her head tilting to the side as she moved into unconsciousness. You felt her last breath leave her, your body going completely numb as Izuku held you close, tears pouring down his cheeks as well. 

"Goodbye my beautiful, precious Pippy...."

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