And Stuff [Shigaraki x Reader] Soulmate AU

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Request from SpunkyButt !!! We STAN Shigaraki Tomura.

It was a busy day in the middle of town. You were making your usual trip to the grocery store, snuggling deeper into your hoodie as you walked deeper into the heart of the city. Being quirkless you tried not drawing attention to yourself. While other people could defend themselves against criminals you had no such skills, so you tried blending in with the crowd as much as possible. Avoiding eye contact with everyone around you, you made your way into your usual store, taking a basket and heading into the isles.

You see, if you made eye contact with the person that was destined to be your soulmate, you'd know who they were immediately. You could call it 'love at first site.' While this sounded absolutely amazing to you, you weren't so thrilled with finding out who exactly you'd end up with. You're biggest fear was that they'd be disappointed that you were quirkless.

With that in mind you continued your journey through the store, grabbing the necessary items needed for the next few days and checking out as quickly as possible. As you exit the store with your goods in hand you're suddenly bombarded by a mob of people running away from an explosion nearby. You get shoved against a wall, hitting your head making you slightly dazed and confused for a moment. Before you knew it you were surrounded by fire, a giant villain spewing extraordinary flames from it's mouth running down the street causing a huge scene.

"Crap, gotta move!" You mumble, lifting yourself up and looking around quickly. You couldn't find an immediate escape route and the fire was getting closer causing you to start panicking. You look around frantically, trying to find a pro hero to save you, but no one was in site.

Suddenly the villain that was running a muck stops when it sees you, grinning sadistically. "Look what we have heeerrreeee a little TREAT for meeEeeEE!!!!" It lunges at you and you quickly dodge it, saying goodbye to your groceries as you slung them at the beast like creature, hitting him square in the face.

"AAAAAAaaaah you BIIITCCH!!!" It bellows, distracted for a brief moment by the pain.

"Darnit, that was all the money I had for the rest of the week!!" You yell to yourself, running around the villain towards the only exit you could see. But all too suddenly it was closed off, the villain jumping in front of it  and giving you the biggest stank eye you've ever seen.

"I'LL KILLLllllLL You for THAT!!" He screeches, billowing fire towards you. Running like a mad woman you escape yet again, only to find yourself now surrounded by the intense flames. The villain jumps into the middle of them and blocks the only exit, stalking towards with you vengeance clear on his features. You look around desperately, realizing this was probably the end for you. You gulp, staring down the villain with as much confidence as you could muster. 


"Well well well, what have we here~"

The villain stops momentarily and your head shoots up in the direction of the voice. A blue haired guy in a black hoodie stands on the roof of a nearby building, staring down the villain with a disappointed look. "What have I told you about making a scene without us, you damn flame thrower?!" The guy looks from the villain to you, staring straight into your eyes.

It was in that instant that your whole life would change.

You're suddenly immobilized, looking up into the guy's ruby red eyes. You feel yourself being pulled towards him, your whole being wanting nothing more than to be be wrapped up securely in his arms. You find yourself wide eyed and mouth open, staring at your soulmate.

"Soorryy Shiggaraki, but I have some businesS With this WRETCH Firrst!" The villain cries out gaining your attention again. He dives towards you and you brace for impact, when all of a sudden, he starts disintegrating. His body crumbles away and the guy from before is standing where the villain previously was, his hands outstretched where the villain should have been standing. He stares at you, wide eyed and mouth open as well.

"You.... You saved me..." You mutter out, not really sure what to do or say. After the villain had said his name you recognized your new found soulmate from the news. He was the leader of the League of Villains.

Of fucking course he was.

"Are you... Uh, alright?" He says, walking up to you cautiously. You look him up and down trying to figure out what to do. While every fiber of your being was screaming at you to run to him, to jump in his arms and start making out, your brain was telling you to be cautious. That he was a bad guy and you should be running for your life.

"Y-yeah, I am now..." You meet him half way, looking into his eyes trying to figure out if you were safe or not. But you already knew the answer. "So, you're my soulmate...."

"And you're mine...." He slowly puts his hand to your face, using four finger to brush your cheek. "You are... Incredibly beautiful."

Your face instantly heats up at his words. As you're about to speak you hear police sirens in the distance and Shigaraki's head lurches upwards towards the sound.

"I guess you uh, gotta go, huh- HEY WOAH!"

Shigaraki swiftly hoists you over his shoulder, calling on Kurogiri to teleport the two of you away from there, and just in the nick of time. As he's stepping into the warp gate, police begin swarming the area along with pro heroes who were putting the fires out. 

Suddenly you find yourself in a bar, Shigaraki setting you on your feet and making sure you were steady. "Sorry, but I couldn't just leave you there. I uh, I don't think I can leave you at all honestly-"

"Tomura Shigaraki, who might this be?"

Both of your heads snap up at Kurogiri's voice. He stands behind the bar, cleaning a glass and eyeing you suspiciously. Shigaraki puts an arm around you possessively. "This is my soulmate."

"Oh! How wonderful! I was beginning to think you'd end up alone for the rest of your life-"

"SHUT IT!" Shigaraki quickly leads you out of the bar and down a dark hallway, gently pushing you into a room and shutting the door behind him. You now find yourself in a fairly messy bedroom. Papers were thrown about everywhere, the bed was unmade and the only thing that looked fairly clean was the computer sitting in the corner.

Even through the whole situation, you couldn't help but smile, turning towards Shigaraki and grinning up at him. "I'm guessing this is your room. It looks a lot like my apartment! Hahaha." Shigaraki stares at you with wide eyes, taking in your intoxicating presence. You could look like a freaking alien and he'd still think you were the most beautiful thing on earth. 

"Why don't you take a seat? Do you need anything? A drink? A kiss- UH I mean..."

You giggle, moving a few things out of the way and sitting on his bed, patting the space next to you. "Come on, why don't we get to know each other a little? Since we're like, destined to be together.... And stuff."

Shigaraki itches at his neck for a second, making his way next to you and sitting down close to your side. Your arms touch and you stare at each other, admiring one another. Shigaraki leans down, cupping your cheek, making sure to only use four fingers of course. He gives you a swift peck on the lips causing you to instantly blush. He backs away quickly. 

"Sorry, I just, couldn't help it.... But yeah, we can get to know each other.... And stuff."



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