Mate [Dabi x Reader Vampire AU]

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Your could feel yourself sweating as you backed further into the alley slowly, feeling the walls around you. Your heartbeat was going faster and faster as you walked as quietly as possibly, attempting to duck into the shadows behind you. But then your attacker rounded the corner and smirked.

"As if trying to get away would work, I could hear your heartbeat from a mile away." As he smirked, his fangs were glinting in the lamplight. You felt your heart sink.

"Please...I'll...I'll do anything."You looked away from him, not wanting to meet his cruel gaze as he preyed upon you. He neared you and backed you against the wall, putting one hand against the wall behind you and using the other to pick your chin up so you were meeting his gaze.

"Anything, huh? What's so bad about a guy wanting to drink your delicious blood?" Your heartbeat rose even higher, if that was even possible. He had deep blue eyes and burn marks all over his skin with staples seemingly holding his skin together. His grasp under your face was soft but he was clearly very strong. 

"You'll kill me, won't you?" You gulped, meeting his gaze as strongly as you could even though you felt as if you could collapse at any moment.

"It just depends...I haven't decided yet." He smirked, lowering his teeth to your neck. You felt his warm breath against your cold skin, sending shivers all throughout your body. He paused there for a second as you trembled underneath him, chest rising and falling rapidly. 

Then, he sank his fangs into your neck. You gasped and felt your knees buckle underneath you, sinking into the ground but his strong arms hold you firmly in place. "Please, please stop!" You gasp, feeling the warmth leaving your body. Shivers of pleasure ran down your spine as the pain went away, causing a low moan to escape your lips.

You feel your predator gasp, gripping onto your shoulders and pushing you away. He has a look of disbelief on his face, blood dripping down from the side of his mouth. "So you... You're the one..." You feel your heart beat rapidly, gripping onto the front of your shirt trying to calm down. "The one what??" 

"You're mine, my mate." You eye him curiously, feeling the pleasure still lingering in your veins and wondering why you liked what he did to you. "What do you mean mate? What is that?" He sighs, licking your wound and pulling you into him. "It means your mine, for life. I'm going to mark you and you'll be mine forever..." You felt him grin against your neck, fangs grazing your skin again. 

"E-eh?" You furrowed your eyebrows. "You were just trying to kill me second ago." You had to cling on to him to stand up still. "You'll get used to it." He pulls up from your neck, meeting your eyes again. "H-how do I know you're not tricking me?" You mutter, avoiding his gaze now as a blush rises to your cheeks. Why were you feeling hot and tingly with this man who just tried to kill you?

"Tch, who knew my mate would be so stupid. I could taste in your blood, idiot. That's how it works with my kind." He picks you up bridal style, carrying you out of the alley.

"Sorry for scaring you, sweetheart." He smirks and you bang on his chest with your fists.

"Where are you taking me? I'm not going anywhere with you, idiot!" You scrunched up your face as you looked up at him, but he was still smirking.

"You can fight all you want, but you want me too, don't you?" You felt your face get hot all over again and you looked away, still squirming in his grasp. His grip around you tightened.

"If you keep being bad, I'm gonna have to punish you." Your eyes widen.

"PUNISH me?! If you think YOU'RE gonna punish me you have a whole 'nother th-" You were cut off by him pressing his lips against yours harshly. He swipes his tongue against your bottom lip and your body replies without you telling it to by opening up for him. He twirls his tongue on the inside of your mouth, then moves away abruptly. "We can have play time when we get back to my place. Hold on tight, princess."

Suddenly you're flying through the air, gasping as he runs at super speed for a few minutes. You wind up at an apartment, your captor taking out the key and opening the door. He places you down once inside and locks up behind him. "I don't even know your name, and you're expecting me to be okay with all of this?" You say, crossing your arms over your chest and giving him a stern look. 

He places his hand under your chin, piercing blue eyes locking with yours. "The names Dabi. I already know yours, y/n." Your eyebrows raise. "How do you know my name??" 

"I read your thoughts while I sucked your blood, one of the many tricks some of us vampires have." You suddenly find his lips against yours as he shoves you into the wall, gripping your jaw causing you to open your mouth for him, his tongue entering fast. 

He pulls apart for a moment, locking eyes with you. "I have many others I can show you though...let's have fun together okay y/n?" 

A/N: Who wants a part 2??? Let us know! <3

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