Proposal [Fatgum x Reader]

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Sort of a continuation from Scared [Fatgum x Reader]. Enjoy!~

"I'm off to work." Taishiro places a kiss on your forehead and you grumble, grabbing the back of his hair and pulling him in for a real kiss. He chuckles, giving you one last peck before leaving his apartment.

The two of you had been dating for almost a year now, and you frequently stayed at his place, preferring the company of your hero rather than being by yourself. You yawn and swing your legs over the side of his enormous bed.

"Crap, I forgot my clothes again..." You grab your leggings from the day before and throw them on before rummaging through Taishiro's closet for a shirt to wear. You sift through the large shirts looking for the smallest one you could find. You spot a few articles of clothing on a shelf that's pretty high up, but you go for it anyways reaching up on your tip toes to grab them. Your fingers grab hold of something and you begin to pull it down.

"Just a little mo- AAAH!!"

All of a sudden a mass pile of clothes fall onto you causing you to fall flat on your back. Thankfully there was already a mountain of fabric to soften your landing, but you were now covered in at least 50 articles of clothing. "Darnit, now I have clean all this up.... What's this...?"

At Fatgum's office

"Yo boss, you gave me the wrong paper work again." Kirishima says, frowning slightly at Fatgum.

Taishiro sighs in agitation, opening a cabinet to grab the right papers. "Sorry Red, my head just ain't where it's 'spose to be today."

Kirishima tilts his head to the side slightly. "What's bothering you then?"

"I dunno if I should tell yah... You're her brother an all....." Suddenly a light goes off in the blonde's head. "Actually, maybe yuh could help me after all. Sit down, Red."

Kirishima takes a seat in front of Fatgum's desk, gulping nervously. He couldn't imagine you, his one and only sister, would do anything to hurt Fatgum. Heck he thought everything was going great between the two of you. You always went out on dates, and he knew for a fact you were staying at Fatgum's place more often then not. Kirishima's curiosity and nervousness began to get the better of him as Fatgum sat in silence, clearly working out what he wanted to say in his head.

After what seemed like an eternity but in all reality was probably 30 seconds, Fatgum clears his throat, placing his arms over his chest and giving Kirishima a very serious look. "Listen Red, yuh can't breathe one word 'bout this to your sis, understand?"

Kirishima nods and Fatgum takes a deep, nervous breath. "So, I've been thinkin' for a while now. That uh, yuh know, I'd like t'marry yer sister."

"Are you serious??? Holy crap congrats sir!! You have my permission!" Kirishima gives him a wide, beaming smile. Fatgum smiles back, but turns his expression serious once again.

"Thanks Red, but that ain't why I'll be needin' your assistance. Yuh see... I've been debatin' on how I wanna go about the whole thing.." Fatgum lowers his face into his hands. "An I just can't think o' the perfect way, yuh know?"

Kirishima jumps up, his mind reeling with ideas and possibilities. He walks up to Fatgum and pats his shoulder. "Don't worry sir, we'll come up with the perfect plan. She'll be totally surprised!"

Later that same day

You glance at the clock on the wall near your desk, tapping your foot impatiently. Taishiro had texted you telling you he was taking you out tonight. Normally you'd be very happy but after what you found in his closet earlier, you honestly couldn't tell how you felt. You had the evidence in your bag, and you wanted to confront Taishiro about it, but you weren't sure how you would do that on a date.

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