Scary Movie [Amajiki Tamaki x Reader]

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A/N: For my son, who's in love with Amajiki. <3

"I don't know [y/n], the last time we tried watching a scary movie you nearly fainted..." Tamaki stated, a sweat drop appearing on your head. You jumped up off the couch, crouching next to him looking at his movie selection. "It's different now though Tamaki, I'm a lot more brave!" You put on a brave face for him, scrunching your eyebrows and putting your lips in a thin line.

Tamaki sighs, not buying it. "I really don't want to have to drag you to the ER again." You frown, sitting on your knees and giving him a pleading look. "It's just Jigsaw Tamaki, come oooonnn~" You scoot closer to him, giving him puppy dog eyes and causing him to blush a deep shade of red.

"Eeeh... Fine, then. But if gets too scary we're turning it off."

Your face lights up, a large smiling spreading across your face as you pounce onto Tamaki taking him into a big hug. "Thank you Tamaki!!! I'll go make the popcorn-"

"Oh no you don't."

Suddenly you found yourself scooped up into his arms, staring at him wide eyed as he plops you down onto the couch surrounded by tons of pillows and blankets he had set up for you. "You sit here and get the movie ready. I'll get everything else." You smile up at him, nodding and turning on Netflix, flicking through all the movies finding SAW.

A few minutes later Tamaki walks in with a large bowl of popcorn, some candy and a couple soft drinks, placing them on the side table next to you. He sits next to you, making sure you're wrapped up tight in your blankets like a burrito. You pout, "Tamaki, how am I supposed to eat when I can't get my hands out!?"

With a blank expression he puts a piece of popcorn to your lips. "Open." Your eyes go wide as you comply, savoring the salty treat. "Just tell me what you want, I'll feed you." You gulp as a blush creeps up onto your face. Tamaki starts the movie, feeding you popcorn and candy as you pleased.

About half way through you were sunk into your blanket, eyes wide trying not to scream at all the jump scares. You notice Tamaki continuously glancing at you, ready to stop the movie when he thinks it's too much. You get distracted by his facial features, his big dark eyes, the way his jaw is just so perfect, when suddenly a woman screams bloody murder on the movie, causing you to scream in return.

"OHMYGOD!" You jump out of your burrito blanket, landing in Tamaki's lap and clinging onto him. You feel him stiffen at first, then slowly wrap his strong arms around you, sighing and snuggling his nose into your hair. "I'm turning it off-"

"Nonononono!" You stammer, looking up at him pleading. His face flushes at the closeness but you look at him determined. "I'm fine, I promise! I just... I just wanna stay like this though." You end shyly, laying your head onto his chest and taking in his scent. "Fine, fine.." His voice is low and calming as he runs a hand up and down your arm, enjoying the cuddling.

You make it through the entire movie, extremely proud of yourself. "See Tamaki, I told you I could do it!" You stick your tongue out at him when suddenly he grabs it between his index finger and thumb, tilting his head to the side. "You wouldn't have made it without me you know. Although," he lets go of your tongue, "I really wouldn't mind watching scary movies more often if I get to hold you like this..." He pulls you close to his body, placing a gentle kiss on top of your head.

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