Tentacle Porn [Katsuki x Reader]

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Request from TerriblyDead
We hope you enjoy~ <3

"Oi (y/n), you look like absolute shit today."

You glance up from your book as Katsuki turns around placing his elbows on your desk, propping up his head in his hands with a mocking grin on his face. You simply rolls your eyes, turning your attention back to your book and not replying. Katsuki's eyebrow twitches in annoyance.

"What're you reading, fucking smut or something?" The explosive blonde rips the book from your hands and inspects it. You narrow your eyes at him. Great, now everyone's gonna know you read smut. Well, if the cat's out of the bag...

"What's better, reading smut or listening to your whiny voice? But I mean, if you're really that curious by all means keep the book. I have plenty more." You smirk and everyone in the classroom stares at you, not sure if you were joking or not. But by the way Katsuki explodes the book in his hands with a giant blush on his face, they figured it was the latter.

"Are you fucking serious??? What's wrong with you! Never mind the list is too long to say."

Ignoring his comment you pull out another book from your backpack, opening where you had left off and snickering inwardly at Katsuki's ever-growing rage. "Such a fucking nerd. I bet you write fanfictions and weeby shit like that too."

"At least I don't jerk off to tentacle porn of Mt.Lady-"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Everyone busts out in laughter (except Mineta who was genuinely interested) as Katsuki lunges for you. You quickly raise your arms in defense, but all of a sudden the blonde is wrapped up in Aizawa's scarf.

"That's enough you two, it's time for class." He releases the restraints and Katsuki takes his seat in front of you angrily. After class you wait by the door for your explosive friend who was called to stay behind.

"Listen Bakugo if you really are looking at those types of things I have to ask you to not use the school computers-"

"I'M NOT YOU DAMN IDIOT! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!" He nearly blows up Aizawa's desk in anger. Unable to control yourself you burst out laughing, tears streaming down your face as Katsuki exits the classroom. If looks could kill you'd actually be dead right now.

The explosive blonde grabs your arm roughly, hauling you through the hallways towards the exit. "I swear to shit if people start talking I'll murder you in your sleep."

"Calm down my boi, they all think it's a joke. I, on the other hand, know for a fact-"

"JUST SHUT YOUR SHITTY FACE ALREADY!" As you're exiting the school Katsuki let's go of your arm, shoving his hands into his pockets and following behind you while you headed towards your house.

"You coming over to study? I really need help with my English homework." You grin sheepishly at him. Even though the two of you fought almost constantly, you were honestly one of the only people that Katsuki could stand being around. It was sort of a love hate relationship, but it was always hilarious to see his reactions so you enjoyed it as well.

"I fucking guess. Somebody's gotta help out the stupid ones."

You skip ahead, turning around and walking backwards so you could get a good look at Katsuki. He looks up at you, cocking an eyebrow. "What the hell are you lookin' at?"

You suddenly get an idea, changing your expression to horrified. You slowly raise your hand, staring straight at Katsuki's face. "O-oh my God, Katsuki, it's all over you!!!"

Katsuki's eyes go wide. He begins frantically looking at his clothes. "What's all over me??? What are you getting at?????" You walk forwards and poke his cheek, grinning.

"It's called being an idiot. It's literally all over you- AAAH!!" You jump up just in time, Katsuki's explosion almost pulverizing you into the ground.


At this point you're literally rolling on the ground laughing your ass off. Tears pouring down your face as you hold your sides. "I-im.. HAHAHA oh God, HAHAHA I CANt.. Ka.. Hahaha Katsuki wait!" You quickly jump to your feet, wiping the tears away and running after Katsuki who was trudging away from you.

You stare at him from behind, admiring the way his hair looked in the sun. Your eyes traveled down his broad shoulders, a light blush and a small smile entering your features. Through everything you secretly had a huge crush on Katsuki.

Though you'd never tell him that.

He slows down a little when he notices how far ahead he was. "Hurry up shitty girl I don't got all day." You quickly catch up to him, wrapping your arm in his and giggling.

"So I was trying to think of the perfect pet for you and honestly I'm thinking a hedgehog or pomeranian-"


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