Broken Promise [Reader x Shoto Todoroki]

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"I'm sorry, but I can't return your feelings. Thanks for the flattery, though." Todoroki says monotonously to an underclassmen as you eavesdrop from around the corner.

"O-oh...I'm sorry..." She replies, looking distraught.

"Have a good day." He says, shoving his hands in his pockets and preparing to leave.

"W-wait! Is it because... you like that girl...Y/N?" She says, looking down at the ground and fiddling with the hem of her shirt.

"No, Y/N and I are nothing but friends. If I'm going to be a hero, I don't have time for unproductive things like that."He replies nonchalantly, and you feel your heart drop. Ever since you had become friends when you were 4, you had loved Shoto.

You always looked after him in any way you could, although there wasn't many, and you looked up to him for how strong he was in so many ways. In return, he gave you a very limited friendship,although this seemed to be enough for you for so long, your heart always felt scrunched up and painful inside you whenever you thought of him.

Your parents were never home, when they weren't working they'd go out to bars or just wherever they could go to avoid each other unless they were drunk, and Shoto took you in through those times, and distracted you to the best of his emotional capabilities, which wasn't much but it was enough for you.

Still though, you had been each other's closest friend throughout your childhoods, and he meant the whole world to you, but because of his upbringing, being a better hero than his father was the world to him, and it was just out of his reach. You couldn't help but imagine he probably felt a little about that the same way you did about him.

"O-oh...I'm sorry again. Have a good day..."You were quickly brought back to reality from the bitter pain in your chest by the sound of Shoto walking towards you. You pulled yourself together and pretended as if you were just walking back down the hall.

"Y/N-san?" You force out the best smile you can.

"Todoroki-kun! I was waiting for you outside, but you were taking awhile so..." You rub the back of your neck awkwardly, realizing the girl that had just confessed to him was still watching nearby.

"Sorry, let's go now." You nodded and headed out of the school and towards the train station. You and Shoto didn't live very close to each other, but he always went with you to the station regardless. It was one of those little things that meant a lot to you and would probably make your heart flutter if it weren't for knowing he had no feelings for you.

"Did you hear that girl and I talking?" Shoto asks you, taking your bag out of your hands.

", not at all." You said dishearteningly, part of you hoping he might pick up on your tone of voice and talk about something else. He nods shortly and stops walking. You furrow your brows and turn around to face him.

"Todoroki-kun?" You tilt your head at him as he looks you over slowly, looking thoughtful.

"Why have you never had a boyfriend, Y/N-san?" He asks, continuing his walk beside you again.

"Oh...same reasons as you I guess..."You mutter, suddenly feeling a little shy.

"So you did hear?" You grimace and turn a piece of your hair around your finger uncomfortably.

"A-ha...Only a little okay! I didn't want to butt in and I didn't want it to seem like I was eavesdropping." You mutter, picking up your pace in a hurry to get away from the awkward conversation and to wallow in your feelings alone at home.

"I don't mind. But that doesn't make sense. I just feel indifferent, but you don't feel that way, do you? You must have wanted a boyfriend to keep you company. You and Midoriya have always seemed close." He carries on, clearly unaware of the discomfort peaking through your voice.

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