Oblivious [Present Mic x Reader]

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Request from Error404CodexBinary I was so happy to get a Present Mic request! We hope you enjoy! 

"Hey Y/N, you ready for our patrol??" Present Mic yells at you from across the room. You were sitting in a small office at the hero agency in town. Everyone in the room glares at the blond, but you smile at him, finishing up your paper work and walking to his desk.

"You bet, let's go!" You say cheerily as you walk out with him. It was mid day and the sun shown brightly, blinding you momentarily as you walked out from the building. Suddenly you feel Present Mic come up close behind you, placing his hands on your forehead to shield your eyes.

"Geez, the sun is almost as bright as you are!" He laughs, continuing to walk in his awkward position behind you. You laugh lightly, never bothered by his weirdness.

Present Mic and yourself were always on patrol together, seeing as you were best friends since highschool. Somehow you had both gotten into the same hero agency and often worked the same shift, along with your two other friends, Midnight and Eraserhead. Your quirk allowed you to manipulate plants, which paired well with Present Mic's quirk. You could easily wrap a villain up in your plants and vines, immobilizing them after Mic subdues them with his ear piercing screech. 

Towards the end of your shift you felt your stomach begin to rumble. Glancing over at Hizashi you catch him staring down at you. He quickly looks away before you can notice the pink dusting his cheeks. Frankly he had been staring at you for some time, you just hadn't noticed. You raise an eyebrow. "Do I have something on me or what?"

"You do. It's all over your face, actually..." He cups your cheek, staring down into your eyes, "it's called being beautiful."

Your eyes go wide, but you simply shove his arm off of you playfully. "Right, I'm a freaking angel." The sarcasm is thick in your tone as you continue to walk ahead. Present Mic quickly catches up, placing his arm around your shoulder and pulling you into him.

"You're absolutely right, you must be a fallen angel!"

You giggle at his joke. "Thanks Hizashi, you're such a good friend!" Present Mic's face falls along with his arm he had around your shoulder. He sighs exasperatedly and you tilt your head to the side, but before you could say anything the rumbling in your stomach grows more intensely. Distracted, you pull out your phone, texting Midnight. "Let's meet up with Midnight and Eraserhead to get some food, I'm starved!"

"Don't know why it can't be just the two of us..." Hizashi mumbles. 

"Awe Hizashi, you're always so considerate of other people. I know that they won't mind coming to meet us!" Present Mic falls to his knees, exaggerated tears streaming down his cheeks.  

The two of you head to a diner nearby, meeting up with Midnight and Eraserhead along the way. You all get a booth and Present Mic sits next to you, placing an arm around your shoulder and pulling you close to him. "What are you gonna sweetheart? Make it something good cause I'm paying for yuh!"

"What was that? Mic's paying for everyone's meals??" Midnight says with a giant grin on her face.

Hizashi nearly spits out the water he was drinking. "W-wait no, that's not-"

"Yep, that's exactly what I heard." Eraserhead agrees, grinning slightly behind his scarf.

"Hey it's ONLY SUPPOSED TO BE FOR Y/N-" He stops suddenly, looking down at you smiling up at him. His heart nearly stops at how perfect he thought you were. That sweet, radiant smile of yours melting his brain into mush.

"That's so sweet of you Hizashi, you're a really great pal!"

Everyone else at the table face palms, leaving you dumbfounded and confused.

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