Just A Memory [Katsuki x Reader]

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Request from SayuriNishida  Enjoy~! Also the song above is what I listened to while I wrote this. It's instrumental and super cute! 

You run through the school yard, a careless smile on your 5 year old face. It was time for recess, your favorite part of the day. As you're making your way to your favorite spot you see three boys from the class sitting there, all together in a small circle. You frown, pausing for a second deciding what to do. But as you're standing there one of the boys notices you. He nudges the one beside him and they all smirk, turning towards you.

"Hey Y/N, are we in your spot or what?" One of them says with a mean tone in his voice. 

"Well, I-I don't mind sharing..." You notice the other two boys stand up, all of them walking towards you, despicable looks on their faces. 

"It's our spot now and no girls allowed!!!" The tallest one shouts, shoving you to the ground. You fall and hit your back, little tears forming in your eyes as the boys begin to surround you. As you're about to get up you hear foot steps running towards you at a fast rate.

"HEY YOU SUMBAGS, LEAVE HER ALONE!" A blonde boy runs up, punching one of the boys in the face and taking a protective stance in front of you. You noticed him as Katsuki Bakugou, the boy that sat next to you in class. 

"Hey! I thought you didn't like girls, Bakugou!" One of the boys shouts as he helps his other friend up. 

Katsuki glares at them, little explosions coming from his hands. "I don't you moron! But Y/N is different! If you hurt her I'll kill you!"

The other boys give him dirty looks as they scurry away, muttering under their breaths. Katsuki was known to be the 'bad boy' of the class since he had the beginnings of a really flashy quirk, and the personality to back it up. But he never bothered you at all. In fact, he lent you his pencil just the other day. 

"Oi you don't need to cry Y/N." He says, stretching out his little arm towards you and wiping the tears away that were streaming down your cheeks. He helps you up and dusts your clothes off. 

"T-thank you,B-Bakugou-"

"Just call me Katsuki, it's fine." He grumbles, taking your hand and leading you towards your favorite spot. You sniffle and wipe your nose on your sleeve, your little cheeks lighting up pink at noticing you were holding Katsuki's hand. 

That was seven years ago, and ever since that day you and Katsuki were inseparable. You lived pretty near each other so every day he'd walk with you to school. You'd always be at each other's houses, studying or practicing your quirks. Your mom and dad were both pro heroes and they weren't around much, so they were thankful when you made a good friend to take care of you.

One day when you got home from school your parents sat you down, informing you that you were going to be moving soon.

"Moving where, mama? A new house?" You asked, raising an eyebrow in curiosity. 

"Yes, but this new house is very far away from here... It's in the USA, sweetie."

Your heart drops at your mothers words. A whole different country??? "But why?? I can't leave my friends or school! What about Katsuki???" You say frantically. Recently your feelings for him had grown, and you wanted to tell him you liked him. But now you might not ever have the chance.

"I'm sorry sweetheart. It won't be forever though, just a few years so we can do some business as heroes there. The people there need heroes! Don't you want us to be able to help save people in need?" Your mom places her hands on your shoulders and you give her a desperate look.  Of course you wanted them to save people, but couldn't they save people here??

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