Scary Story [Shota Aizawa x Reader]

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"I'll tell the first scary story!" Hizashi jumps up from your side, marching to the other side of the campfire and holding his flash light to his face. You puff out your chest and gulp, preparing yourself for what was to come. You were already scared, out in a lonely campsite all night with the rest of your young classmates and your teacher, and Hizashi had already been jumping out and trying to scare you and Shota all day.

"Once upon a time..."

"Isn't that how you start fairy tales?" A small Shota says monotonously from beside you.

"THIS IS HOW THE STORY GOES ALRIGHT! Anyways, once upon a time, at this very campsite ten years ago, there was a group of 4th graders out on a field trip..."

"Ehhh? That sounds just like us though?!" Another one of your classmates chimes in.

"This story is already fishy..."

"LIKE I WAS SAYING, TEN YEARS AGO AT THIS EXACT CAMPSITE... One of the 4th graders was dared to go into the woods in the complete darkness alone for FIVE whole minutes. His classmates waited for him to return after the five minutes was over. 'AIZAWA?' They shouted, but there was no answer..."

"EHHH?"You clung to Shota's side, checking to make sure he was still there beside you. You didn't often get a response when you were clingy with him, but he leaned into your arms slightly, in a small comforting gesture.

"They started searching for him, shouting his name everywhere they went, and finally...they got a response." Hizashi begins flickering his flashlight on and off and you feel your heart thumping in your chest, even though the rest of your classmates seem incredulous.

"BZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!" Hizashi booms loudly in his best chainsaw impression with his quirk and you jump immediately. "KYAAAAAAAAAAAA!" You scream, shoving your face into Shota's shoulder.

"They found Aizawa laying on the ground, lifeless. Legend has it, that only if a young cute girl he liked from his class kissed him, would he ever wake up and heal from his wounds again..."

"Hizashi, don't you think you'e being too much? Your story is awful, and the only one you're scaring is little Y/N." You feel Shota's arm wrap around you protectively, his voice sounding careless but strong.

"It's a true story!! Come on guys!" Hizashi pouts and your heart that you thought was going to pump out of your chest was finally slowing down to a normal rate.

"Alright kids, enough joking around, go to the cabins alright? It's time for bed. Lights out in 20 minutes." Your teacher says, pointing towards the two separate cabins, one for boys and one for girls, across the campsite.

Shota gets up from your side, shoving his hands into his pockets and beginning to walk off to the boys cabin. "W-waaait! Shota!" He turns around to face you. "You want me to walk with you over there?" You nod shyly, looking down and feeling embarrassed.

"Come on Y/N-chan, let's go." You feel his hand grasp yours and you blush awkwardly. His hand was small and childlike, but it was still bigger than yours and it felt protective. He pulls you along towards the cabin as you walk as slowly as you can, although you arrive at the cabin door much faster than you wanted to anyway.

"Y/N-chan?" Shota says as you stand there still, staring at the ground.

"I don't want the lights to go out." You admit, pouting.

"Standing outside in the dark isn't going to prolong the lights going out." He says, but you feel his hand squeeze your own.

"If anything happens, I'll come straight here and save you. I promise. I'll come here first thing in the morning too. You just have to fall asleep. " You nod sadly.

"Good night Shota-kun." You say gloomily, heading into your cabin and crawling in to bed.

Soon after, the lights go out and, big surprise, you didn't fall asleep. The wind howled outside, causing you to cling to your blankets that you were holding just beneath your eyes. Every once and awhile the old cabin creaked, causing you to jump and your heart to race, or a tree branch would scrape against a window. It felt like it was hours before you started to finally feel sleepy.

"Y/N-chaaaan~" You jump up, your heart racing again as you looked around wildly to find the source of the ghostly voice.

"Y/N-chaaaaaaan~ Coome outsideee and plaaaay~" You shake your head frantically in response, looking around to see if anyone else was awake. Were you the only one hearing this?

"If you don't come out Y/N-chaaan, Shota might DIE!" Your eyes widen and you shakily remove yourself from your bed as quietly as possible, and then run out of the cabin, looking around in a frenzy.

"Go into the woods Y/N-chaaaan!"The ghostly unknown voice commands, almost sounding playful. You change your expression to one of mistrust, as if you were telling whatever spirit was talking to you 'Do you think I'm stupid?'

"Come on Y/N-chaaan, or else chainsaw-san will take Shota with him!" You grimace and slowly move your trembling body towards the forest. "I'll save you Shota-kun! I won't let chainsaw-san take you with him!"

"That's right Y/N-chan~ Almost there..." Suddenly, you trip over something and fall forward, face planting into the ground. You jump up and realize very quickly, to your surprise, you had tripped over Shota. "EEEEH?" You scream, seeing he was passed out on the ground. Your heart felt as if it started racing faster. Could it be... Did you need to kiss him like in the story?? You take a deep breath and close your eyes. You had to! You needed to save him!

You bent down on your knees and slowly, hesitantly, brought your lips to his, planting a short-lived peck on them. His eyes immediately pop open.

"It worked! Shota! You're alright!" You exclaim in relief, throwing your arms around him.

"Wha...HIZASHI!" He exclaims, rubbing his forehead in annoyance, and you noticed a small swell had formed where he was rubbing.

"Chainsaw-san almost took you!"

"Chainsaw...san?" He looks at you incredulously and you nod furiously.

"I-I had to kiss you to save you..."You blush and his eyes widen.

"Y/n-chan..."He quickly makes the decision to not tell you what actually happened, as to not embarrass you, and also partially because he wanted to relish in the moment a little bit.

"I think I need you to do it one more time, while I'm awake." You blush and shake your head, but he leans in anyway and leaves a peck on your lips. "S-Shota!"

"Thank you for saving me, Y/N-chan." He smiles at you in his unique, comforting way and you smile back.

Somewhere nearby, Hizashi was giggling behind a tree, the tree branch, which he had used to knock out Shota in the middle of the forest while he convinced him Y/N was danger, in hand.

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