Scared [Fatgum x Reader]

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Request for Peachy_Boba Hope you enjoy! <3

You sigh, walking down the street and shivering slightly. By the chill in the air you could tell a cold front was coming in. You rub your hands up and down your arms trying to warm up. As you're walking, your eyes widen at the familiar head of red hair walking ahead of you.

"Hey bro!" You shout, jumping up and waving as your brother turns in your direction. A smile lights up his face when he sees you. "Y/n!! What are you doing here??" You run up to him, giving him a big hug.

"I think I should be asking YOU that question seeing as I live here and you live 2 hours away!"

Kirishima chuckles, placing his hands on his hips and looking at you proudly. "I'm here interning with the pro hero Fatgum! Oh and this guy's interning with him too, his name's Suneater!" Your brother waves towards an awkward looking boy with black hair and a depressed looking face beside him. You wave to him and smile.

"Where's your mentor, then?" You look around, confused. Kirishima points behind you and you turn around quickly. "AH!" You jump, startled by the large hero right behind you. How you didn't realize he was behind, no one knew. Of course you had seen Fatgum around multiple times, you lived in the same city he worked in, but you had never been this close to the pro. You stared up, admiring him.

"Hi there!" You say with a big smile, bowing politely. Fatgum stares at you wide eyed, taken aback by you for a second. He stared down in awe at your small frame, a blush entering his face. You stand back up straight, raising an eyebrow and he snaps back to reality.

"Oh, uh, hiya there, miss."

"Fatgum sir, this is my sister y/n. She lives here in the city and we just happened to run into each other!"

You smile up at him and he clears his throat, reaching one hand behind his head and giving you a lopsided smile. "It'sa pleasure t'meetcha. Red Riot isa great hero'n trainin'." You stare up into his eyes, blushing lightly at the blue twinkle in them. "Th-the pleasure is all mine! Sorry to interrupt you're training.."

"S'no problem, really."

Kirishima looks between you and his mentor, smirking at your interaction. "Hey sis, after we're done patrolling we were gonna go do something fun! You free tonight?" You place a finger to your cheek, puckering your lips in thought. "I don't want to intrude..."

"Nonsense, it'd be great to have your company! What do you say Fatgum sir, Suneater?" You notice your brother elbow Suneater who stares at him with a weird expression. They exchange an odd look, ending up with the depressed boy nodding and mumbling something about it not being a bother.

"Of course we'd love yer company. We'll b'done in a few hours er so." You smile at all of them, eyes lingering on Fatgum. "Sounds great then! Just text me when you guys are ready!" You wave at him as you walk away.

Kirishima nudges his mentor, wiggling his eyebrows up and down. "She is single you know!" Fatgum uses his big hand to shove Kirishima away from him, a mad blush covering his face. "Shove off will yah?? I just met th'girl!" Kirishima rolls his eyes as they continue on their patrol route.

Later that night you meet up with the lot at an amusement park. "Fatgum sir, why aren't you in your quirk form?" Kirishima asks as they closer to the park. Fatgum places both hands behind his head.

"Y'think I can fit on th'rides when I'm 8ft tall an'400 pounds??"

When you see them you wave at them from the entrance and Fatgum stops in place for a moment, his jaw going slack at the site of you. You were dressed in skinny jeans and a black T-shirt, your long hair in a loose braid. As simple as you might look Fatgum thought you were anything but, his mind racing with thoughts of you.

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