Sick [Shoto Todoroki x Reader]

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Shoto walks into class, glancing around looking for Y/N. He takes his seat, glancing at the clock as the minutes tick by and waiting for you to show up. 3 minutes until the bell rings he decides to text you, asking if you were alright.

Y/N: Sorry Shoto, I'm pretty sick today... I won't be at school

Shoto immediately replies back worriedly.

Shoto: Do you need anything?

Y/N: No no, don't worry about me.

Putting his phone away as the bell rings Shoto sighs in frustration. He knew you would never ask for help even if you needed it. He also knew your parents probably weren't home to take care of you either. He glances out of the window, forming a little plan in his head.

After school Shoto stops of the convenience store, grabbing the items he thinks he might need. Medicine for every type of illness he could think of, gatorade, apple sauce, tissues... Whatever he could get his hands on he bought. Afterwords he stops at your favorite soup place, getting you what you usually ordered when you and him would go out some times. You guys were best friends after all, even though he had a crush on you for a while now.

He gets to your house, knocking for a couple minutes with no response. He tries the door and furrows his brows when it opens, realizing you hadn't locked it. "y/n, are you home??" He calls out. He goes straight to your room, opening the door slowly. Walking in he sees you lying on your bed, red tinting your cheeks and sweat pouring off of your forehead. Your eyes were closed, breathing labored.

"y/n!" Shoto goes to your side quickly, shaking you a bit. You slowly open your eyes, giving him a slight smile. "H-hey, Shoto....." "What's wrong exactly?" He questions, taking out a thermometer, some medicine and an ice pack. You shake your head, your fever putting you a slight daze.

"I just... I woke up with a sore throat... And fever...."

"Well you left your front door unlocked..." He scolds, sticking the thermometer in your mouth and putting the ice pack on you. The thermometer beeps, showing him you had a fever of 103.5. His eyes go wide. Taking out the medicine and some water he sits on the bed next to you, placing an arm around your shoulder and lifting you up so you could take it.

"Shoto, I told you not to worry about me...." You try lightly to push him away, but to no avail. "I don't want you getting sick too..."

"I'd rather get sick and know that you're okay. Now open." He commands(ohoho) and you oblige, allowing him to slip the pills into your mouth. You feel the cool water bottle pressed to your lips as you take a swig, enjoying the coolness going down your throat. You smile and lean into Shoto. "Thank you... I don't know what I'd do without you..." You smile, nuzzling into his neck.

Shoto blushes, trying to lay you back down but you decide to hold your arms around his neck, pulling him down with you. "Shoto, please lay with me..." You whimper. His face goes flaming red as he gulps, nodding and laying down next to you with his arms placed gently around you. You grab onto his shirt, your feverish haze making you almost delusional. "Shoto... Would you mind cooling me down with your ice?" You ask.

He doesn't respond in words, but simply places an icy cold hand to your head, removing the ice pack that was already melted. You giggle. "See Shoto, at least you don't melt! Ah..." You move closer to him, grabbing onto his shirt. "y/n, are you... Are you gonna be okay?" He asks nervously. He wasn't used to you being so clingy with him.

"Of course, I got my Shoto with me... My Shoto...." You smile, quickly placing a kiss on his chest where your head was resting. Shoto blushes a deep shade of crimson. "Y-your... Shoto....?" He stammers. You nod, continuing to kiss closer to his mouth. "You're my Shoto. Only mine..." You get to the corner of his mouth, eyeing him curiously. "Shoto, I like you so much.... I was just afraid you didn't like me back..."

Shoto stares at you in shock, then suddenly takes your chin in one hand, pulling you closer and planting a warm kiss on your lips. He pulls apart only after a few seconds though and stares into your eyes. "I like you too, y/n...for a long time now." You smile, grabbing onto the collar of his shirt and pulling him into you for another kiss. You mold your lips to his, enjoying the soft, comforting feeling.

"You're not just saying you like me because you have a fever.... Right?" He asks timidly. "Of course I'm not. I just didn't have the courage to say anything while my mind was working." You laugh, snuggling gently into his arms. He holds you close, and soon you're snoring contently in his arms. He gets up, being extra cautious not to wake you, and heads to the kitchen to make your soup. Once it's done he heads back to your room to check on you.

You were still asleep so he takes your temperature, happy that it had gone down. He places the food and all of the things he bought for you next to your bed, kissing your forehead as he headed out, making sure the lock the door behind him.

A few hours later you wake up, stretching and yawning feeling much better. You glance down at the food, memories flooding back as your face flushed. "I confessed to Shoto while I was sick... OMG!!" You freak out, pulling out your phone and calling him immediately.

"Is everything ok, y/n?"

"Shoto, I really hope you don't think I said all those things just cause I had a fever!! I really do like you!!!" You shout into the phone. You hear a slight pause on the other end, then a chuckle. "I know, and like I said, I like you too." You sigh in relief, happy that you didn't ruin everything. "Also, thanks for everything..." You say, eyeing the food in delight.

"Anything for you, y/n. Anything."

A/N: Heeeeyyy reader-chans! The BoiChans are pulling an all nighter and we decided to draw names out of a hat and write one-shots about them!!! We hope you enjoy everything we put out tonight/this morning! (It's currently 2am) ^_^

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