Chapter 2: The Free Day

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Elias is actually a pretty cool dude. He currently lives in Pheonix, Arizonia. He has a sister named Morgan and he's two years older than me. Plus he payed for my food. That's a great way to become my friend. My male best friends are Roman, Sami, AJ, and Dean. My female best friends are Sasha, Bayley, Nia, and Alexa. But Elias is defiantly making his way up to my best friends. He invited me to go to the gym so I agreed. Once we get to the gym he looks at me and smiles.
Me~ "What?" He just looks and shakes his head
Eli~ "Oh nothing" He just smiles at me.


Damn she's cute. She has the prettiest hazel eyes I've ever seen. What am I thinking. I told my self I'm done with relationships for at least a year after me and Mella broke up 8 months ago. I'm not thinkin bout dating her, just how cute she is. She went to work out and I'm just standing here smiling. Oh jeez. I walk to the treadmill and start running in place while I listen to music. I daze off for what feels like 10 seconds but it was actually 3 hours. No wonder I feel like passing out. Tay must've saw it on my face bc she tapped my shoulder and held out a water bottle. I take my ear buds out and smile. I take the water and drink it.
Tay~ "Wanna go get something to eat?"
Me~ "You and food" I laugh and shake my head. She laughs too.
Tay~ "I love food Eli... more than anything" She laughs and turns around. I find myself smiling again. Why is she so cute. I don't even know her that good. Raw was in Wisconsin. The only thing I know about Wisconsin is that they like cheese or something like that.
Me~ "Do you like cheese?"
Tay~ "Yea why"
Me~ "We're in Wisconsin don't they like cheese" Tay laughs and Nods her head. We get into the car and her phone goes off
Taylor~ "Hey Nick" "Yea" "Oh that's great" "Ok" "Bye I love you too" she hangs up the phone but I get jealous. I think she can tell but I hope not
Tay~ "That was my brother Nick. They just put him as starting Quarterback" She smiles and I feel better. I don't know why I got jealous. I don't even like her like that
Me~ "Tell him I said congrats. Does he watch WWE?"
Tay~ "Yea. Him and my other brother Evan are the ones who got me into it actually.  My little sister Lainey never liked it" She looks at her phone and texts someone. I think it's him but I'm not sure. All I know is i see a Chinese restaurant up ahead. Forget cheese. I heard her say she liked Chinese one time to AJ.
Me~ "Hey looks it's Chinese let's go"
She looks at me and smiles
Tay~ "Yay. I love Chinese and Nick said thank you and good match last night by the way" she says smiling. I smile at her knowing she's happy. For some reason that makes me happy. God I hate how she makes me feel. Like we just met. She gives me a weird feeling. We pull into the restraunt and head in. She orders her meal like she's ordered a thousand times. She probably has to be honest. When it's my turn I order the same thing as her but instead of General Tso Chicken I get Orange chicken. We sit at our table and she looks like she has something on her mind.
Me~ "Penny for your thoughts" She looks up and gives a half smile
Tay~ "I have a question for you"
Me~ "Go ahead"
Tay~ "So Carmella cheated on you with my buddy Enzo correct"
Me~ "Correct"
Tay~ "Why did you try to get her back after that. Like she broke your heart and she broke my best friends heart, so why did you want her back" I raise my eyebrow. The food comes we thank the waiter and start eating. I look up at her.
Me~ "Because I loved her and I'm stupid"
Tay~ "Your not stupid. I did the same thing in high school with my ex Xander."
Me~ "So now I'm a teenage girl" I smile
Tay~ "Yup basically" She smiles.
Me~ "I don't love her anymore. I'm moving on but I having found the right person to move on to." She looks up at me and looks down at her food.
Tay~ "When I was wrestling in NXT I fell in love with someone but I thought they didn't feel the same so I never told them. Turns out he did feel the same but thought the same thing I did. By the time I found out I was dating Seth Rollins."
Me~ "Who were you in love with?" She looks at me and looks back down at her food which is almost gone
Tay~ "Its not important"
Me~ "Are you embarrassed"
Tay~ "No it's just I don't really talk about my love life or feelings alot. It's not my thing"
Me~ "I respect that" She's finished her food and I'm almost done. She's really silent. I hope I didn't do anything to displease her. Once I finish we get into the car and head back to the hotel.
Tay~ "Thanks by the way"
Me~ "For what" she looks at me and smiles
Tay~ "For paying for my food. How much do I owe you?"
Me~ "Nothing. It's on me"
Tay~ "Are you sure?"
Me~ "Yea I'm sure" she smiles at me and then looks out her window. Once we get to the hotel she thanks me again then heads to her hotel room. I text Roman, Sami, and Dean so we can go to the bar like every Tuesday evening.

4:00 pm

We get to the bar and the boys order what they always order. Rom gets a beer, Sami gets some kind of mixed drink, and Dean gets some Jack Daniels. I just get a beer with Rom. There wasn't enough bar stools for the four of us so we sit at a table. My eyes shoot so Sami.
Me~ "So what does Taylor do on Tuesdays. Does she go out with somebody or..."
Sami~ "Nia, and Alexa usually drag her to the club"
Me~ "She doesn't seem like the clubbing type"
Roman~ "That's why Sami said 'drag her' She really isn't the clubbing type at all. She'd rather stay at home alone"
Dean~ "And don't think your taking her to the airport tomorrow"
Me~ "Why"
Dean~ "Since her and AJ live in the same state and really close to each other they drive to and from the airport together. Her and AJ are bestfriends"
Me~ "She's like best friends everybody aint She. Are you her bestfriend too Dean"
Dean~ "I don't think I've made it up there yet. I heard I'm right next to The New Day in the Really Good Friends list" Dean takes a sip of his drink. I just nod my head. I wonder what she's doing right now


I'm looking at my tv screen waiting on Smack Down Live to come on. Usually Nia and Alexa would drag me to the club with them, but they didn't tonight which is ok with me. I like being alone in my room watching tv with some ramen noodles right beside me. I look at my phone and it goes off. Elias texted me.
Eli: did nia and alexa drag you to the club again sweetheart?
Me: Nope. In here in my hotel room bout to watch Smack Down with some ramen noodles and beer
Eli: Oh me, sami, roman, and dean Are at the bar.
Me: tell them I said hey
Eli: ok
Eli: roman said come to the bar with us, sami said hey bestfriend and dean said hey sweetface
Me: tell rom I said not tonight tell sami I said I love you best friend and tell dean I said hi doll face
Eli: they all said they love you
Me: I have the best friends ever
Elias didn't text back. He seems really nice I enjoy his company to be honest.
Smack Down comes on and it starts with Paige going out there and telling everybody about the main event which is Daniel Bryan against Big Cass. I'm going to enjoy my self and some beer. There's a knock at the door. Who is knocking at my door. I open the door and see the boys. They just stand there smiling. Roman hold up a case of beer and so does every one else
Dean~ "We got beer can we come in" I just smile a nod my head. Yea sure come in. Not much happens except beer drinking and intense rock paper scissors games during the commercials. We all pass out while watching Chrisley Knows Best. When we wake up it's time to leave so everybody rushes to their rooms and gets things packed.

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