Chapter 6: Tuesday night

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Tonight is the night I have a date with Tay. I still want to know what everyone was talking about last night. Nobody will tell me how Roman took it to far on Sami. It's killing me. I hope I'll know soon. It's 7:00 am. Tay's not awake yet, and I don't want to wake her up. Instead I go into the kitchen and cook. Morgan told me that making a girl breakfast in bed is a quick way to her heart. I make bacon, eggs, pancakes, and fix her some coffee with that creamer she uses all the time. By the time I'm done she wakes up and gets out of bed.
Me~ "What do you think your doing ma'am??'
Tay~ "Going to brush my teeth sir" She's not a morning person so I'll try to not get on her nerves.
Me~ "Uuhh no lay back in bed" She gives me a confused look then just shrugs her shoulders and lays back in bed. I fix her plate and get her coffee and bring it to her.
Tay~ "Thank you Eli. For the food and the view" I look down and see my shorts are past my boxers by a little bit and I'm shirtless. I just smile and get my food and coffee. I like it when she looks at me like that. It makes me have hope that one day we could be together. Just the thought of that makes me happy. I walk back into the bedroom and see her flipping through the stations while eating some bacon. She chooses to watch some reruns of 'The Walking Dead'
Me~ "You like this show?"
Tay~ "Uhhh yea. It's my favorite show ever. I love this"
Me~ "I like it too" She looks at me and smiles.
Tay~ "Team Daryl for life"
Me~ "He's my favorite too" She just smiles at me and goes back to eating her food. I never knew someone could be attractive while eating eggs. She makes me want to love her and I barely even know her. I don't even know her favorite color. Or song. I guess we'll learn tonight. I laugh a little bit for no reason. She gives me a confused look. I just look at my food and try to ignore the fact that I just laughed when Tyrone just died. Why do I do this?? When the show goes to commercial she goes into the kitchen and washes her plate. When she comes back in she smiles at me and tells me thank you then goes into the bathroom and brushes her teeth then gets in the shower. While she does that I start thinking about what I'm going to wear. I can't be to fancy then she'll think I care too much. I can't wear something to casual then she'll think I don't care. What is she going to wear. I'll just wait and find out what she's wearing first. I want this to go well because I want more dates with her. It's just I know I'm not her type. She probably likes Roman. I hear the water from the shower shut off. I look up at the clock. I was sitting in my thoughts for 10 minutes. Wow She really gets me thinking. This is insane man. She drives me insane even though I don't want her to. She just does. Carmella didn't even make me feel like this when I first met her. I did love her though. Do I love Tay. Of course not. It's to early to be thinking about this. She walks out the bathroom with a t-shirt that's to big for her on and pajama pants. Her hairs in a wet bun. Well I guess it's my turn for a shower. I walk past her and head into the bathroom. I get in the shower and let the water hit my face. Once I get done with washing my hair and body I change into some new gym shorts because it looks like we'll be having a lazy day today. I walk out and she smiles at the sight of me. She. Kills. Me. I just smile back and walk to my bed. I hope we have fun tonight.

6:00 pm

We start getting ready for our date.
Me~ "Soooo what are you going to wear" she shrugs her shoulders "you'll see in just a minute" she walks in the bathroom. She yells from the bathroom. "YOU BETTER BE READY WHEN I COME OUT" Damn I go to my suit case and go through everything. I pull out a black button up shirt and some black pants that are tight. I put them on and put on my black and white boots. I go to the kitchen and look at the mirror in there and put my hair in a man bun. I run to my bed and stand beside it waiting on her to come out. "YOU READY??" She yells from the bathroom.
Me~ "YES ma'am" I say back. I heard her giggle a little bit. She comes out wearing braids, a gray and pink shirt with a pineapple on it, white pants, and some white and gold Jordan's. She acts like it's a huge reveal. She smiles while she looks at me. She is so beautiful I swear. She pulls out her phone and I guess instagrams me. She smiles and just looks at me up and down.
Tay~ "You just look cute in everything don't you" I smile when she says that because she thinks I'm cute. That's a step closer to being with her. That's a step closer to being in the friend zone actually. Oh no.
Me~ "You look beautiful in everything don't you" she smiles at my comment. I walk over to her and hold my hand out for her to take. She takes it and we dramatically walk out the door and to the elevator. We're acting like we rule the world. As long as she's holding my hand I feel like I'm capable of anything. We get off the elevator and I escort her to the car. We're acting like this is a big date but it's just a date at the bar. Once we get to the car i hold the door open and look at her.
Me~ "Ma lady" She looks at me and smiles. That smile... it gets me every time. I go to my side of the car and put the keys in the ignition, and pull out the drive way. Alot of the time I drive with one time and put my other hand on the console. Every time I do that she looks like she wants to hold my hand. I do it this time and she actually does it. She grabs my hand and holds it. I glance down and smile. She looks out the window and then looks towards the radio.
Tay~ "Can I connect my phone?"
Me~ "Of course" She takes her hand away from mine to hook up her phone. Dang. I liked her hand with mine. It just feels right. Once she hooks her phone up a Linkin Park song comes on. Its numb. I. Love. Her.
Me~ "You like Linkin Park?"
Tay~ "Yea. And Eminem, Maroon5 Tupac, and Michael Jackson" I look her straight in the eyes and smile
Me~ "Well damn" she smiles and blushes a little bit. We get to the bar and I tell her to stay in her seat. I walk over to her side and open the door. I grab her hand and pull her out then close the door. We walk into the bar and they've got a little dance area. Nia and Alexa are here. They came in purpose I know they did. Tay spots them then walks over to a empty booth. I go and get us some beers. Once I get the beers I see this random dude talking to her hugging her. She pushes him off her and pushes him away. I walk over there.
Me~ "What's going on here" I give Tay her beer.
Tay~ "This creep won't leave me alone. I don't even know him. All I know is he just introduced himself and his name is Ethan.
Ethan~ "Baby come on let me dance with you. I want to fell your skin against mine. And look at that ass" he smacks her ass and I loose it. I push him against the wall and I'm grabbing a fist full of his shirt.
Me~ "If you ever touch her, speak to her or even look at her again I'm going to beat your ass" he pushes me off him and hits Tay's ass again. Before Tay could punch him like he was trying I punch him. I punch him over and over again. He grabs a bottle and hits it on my head and it busts. Steel chairs hurt worse. Before I could punch him again Tay grabs my arm along with Nia and Alexa. They hold me back and the security holds Ethan back. The security doesn't ask what happened because they saw it all. No one got video or anything. The security tells us to just go home. What a date. I walk past every one and just go to the car. Tay runs after me and before I get in the car she pulls my arm and I'm facing her. She looks me in my eye.
Tay~ "Thank you"
Me~ "For what" I know why she's saying thank you but I'm in a bad mood and I'm mean.
Tay~ "For beating him up. You didn't have to. You really didn't. Thank you."
Me~ "I DID have to. I don't want anybody grabbing you anywhere in anyway at anytime" I pull my arm from her but she just grabs it back. She looks at me and hugs me. It's not just one of those hugs she gives to her friends in the hallways, it's an actual meaningful hug and it calms me down. I hug her back and I squeeze her tight. I want her to know I care and I'm here for her. We both get into the car and I drive out of the parking lot.
Tay~ "Can we try this again next week"
Me~ "Yea baby" Oh no I called her baby. It just slipped out.
Tay~ "Yeeaaa don't call me that please"
Me~ "Ok" I feel her hand connect with mine again. I feel comfortable. It's nice. I feel blood drip down my face
Tay~ "Eli your bleeding"
Me~ "It'll be ok"
Tay~ "Are you sure"
Me~ "I promise Tay" I do have a terrible headache though. When we get to the hotel half of my face is covered in blood. She's about to say something.
Me~ "I'm fine Tay I promise" she just looks at me and grabs my hand again. When we get back to the hotel room she goes to the kitchen and wets it. She puts it to my face and cleans the blood off my face. She gets a bandaid and puts it on my forehead. I thank her then strip down to my underwear and crawl in bed. She looks at me and smiles. She goes to the bathroom and comes out in a over sized "Walk With Elias" t-shirt and gym shorts. She looks good in that shirt. I look at my bag and my "Walk With Elias" shirt is missing. I look at her and she smiles and giggles. She's so cute. She crawls in her bed and falls asleep after like 10 minutes. She's so pretty when she sleeps, eats, talks, walks, when she does anything basically. Now I have to wait a whole week to go on a date with her. That sucks. I just go to sleep. When I wake up it's 8:23 am. She's gone. There's a note on my phone.

Me and AJ left early. We wanted to go home early. It's been a long week. Yes I stole your shirt. No your not getting it back. It's comfortable and has your scent on it. You smell good. It's not cologne neither. Just you natural manly smell. Anyways I'll see you Saturday
- Taylor

Well the fact she likes she way I smell makes me weirdly happy. And it gives me butterfly that she stole my shirt. I'm not sure if it's supposed to. I get my stuff together and head to the airport. Once I get home I call Morgan and tell her everything that happened. She told me I probably her. I just deny it. It just doesn't make sense. I don't know her well enough. I do love everything she does though. I can't wait to see her again.

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