Chapter 53: Monday night awe

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I know that I need to talk to Elias. I am really scared. I'll do it tonight. Probably not, I'm what today's kids would say "a scary bitch" I don't have big enough balls for that. I'm driving around Idaho looking for some clubs. Christie said that even though she can't drink doesn't mean she ain't gonna have a good ass time. I come across one that looks fun. It's called "The Balcony Club" I park my car and walk up to it. It's closed right now but it opens at 7pm. I take a picture of it and send it to Christie. I'm hungry too. I look around and see a McDonald's. Well I might as well treat myself for finding a club. I walk to the McDonald's and I start smelling them fries. I walk in and it's almost empty which is good so not to many people will see me eat two big Macs and drink a large Frappe.
Christie~ "While yo add at McDonald's you better be getting me 20 piece chicken nuggets and a sweet tea" how did this bitch know I'm a McDonald's. Do pregnant people have powers or something.
Me~ "And how tf do you know I'm at McDonald's?" I walk up to the counter and get Me, Andy, Christie, and Dallas some food. So basically I just got a bunch of stuff that we don't even need.
Christie~ "I used find my iPhone"
Me~ "Why am I on your find my iPhone?"
Christie~ "Because I know that yo ass be getting drunk and if you get lost I needa find you"
Me~ "Good looking out I guess?"  They say my number and I get my food and cups. I have a carrier for all four cups in one hand and like two bags in the other. Some one taps my shoulder and see a guy who works here. Probably about 24.  He cute though.

Worker~ "Hi ma'am

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Worker~ "Hi ma'am. You need any help with that?" I look at the bags and the cup holder and look at him.
Me~ "Yes sir I do" He smiles and takes the bags from me. If I wasn't loyal I'd be trying to get with him. But I love Elias and really miss him. We go outside and I start leading the guy to my car.
Worker~ "My names Owen by the way"
Me~ "Oh that's a cute name. I'm Taylor"
Owen~ "That's a beautiful name. Beautiful name for a beautiful girl" Well damn.
Me~ "Eh. I ain't all that"
Owen~ "You from here?"
Me~ "Nah. I'm from Georgia"
Owen~ "Oh nice. Look I'm gonna be straight forward with you. Your hot, I'm hot, lets go on a date."
Me~ "Uumm I'm with someone"
Owen~ "Awe come on. I bet I'm way better than him" we get to my car.
Me~ "Well trust me, he's 6'0 and works out and beats the shit outta people for a living. I can call him so you can tell him if you want."
Owen~ "Yeah let's do that" okay them. This is a good excuse to call him. I get my bags of food and set them and the drinks in my car real quick. I go to my contacts and go to Elias. He answers almost immediately.
Me~ Ok baby so this dude out here sayin he better than you and I'm like hell naw but he said he wanted to talk to you and so your on speaker.
Owen~ Hey bitch I'm bout to steal your girl.
Elias~ Look man. I don't know who you are but you sound fruity. Stay away from my girl alright. And let's make this clear you call me a bitch again I will kill you and your whole damn family
Owen~ Wait Taylor, what does this man look like.
I hit the home button and there's a picture of Elias with no shirt being a cutie pie. I show it to Owen.
Owen~ Oh shit. My bad man I was just playing with you. Have a wonderful day ma'am and enjoy your food.
Owen walks away and I get in my car.
I look down at my phone and see that Elias hung up. Wow. I'm going to call his ass right back. I dial him and wait. He don't answer. I do it again. He don't answer. I do it one more time. He don't answer. What the fuck ever man. I connect my phone to the car so I can listen to my music. I put it on shuffle and I get in my damn feelings because "Lie to me" by 5sos comes on. I scream the lyrics.

4:00 PM

Raw starts in 2 hours. I just got to the arena and I'm scared to death of facing Elias. I walk through the doors and of course the first thing that's said to me is "Vince needs you in his office" I go to his office and knock on his door. I wait there for what feels like forever. He finally opens the door.
Vince~ "Aahh yes Taylor. Come in come in" it's not like I was going to stay out here. "Ok so tonight is a big night for you." He goes behind his desk and pulls out my new outfit. It looks like Bayley's but mine is black and has Insane written on the part were my titties is supposed me. That's in red. "So you don't have a match tonight so you don't wear it. But I'll go ahead and tell you that you and Sasha are going to be an official tag team called The unstoppables. And tonight you'll flirt with Baron Corbin and you, Sasha, and Bayley will announce Bayley's pregnancy."
Me~ Ok first of all, that tag team name sucks. But ok"
Vince~ "No it doesnt" I walk backwards heading towards the door.
Me~ "Yessir it do"

I'm standing near some crates with Sasha and Bayley.
Sasha~ "Have you talked to Elias yet?"
Me~ "Well there was some dude. Tryna hit on me. I called Elias. And the dude left. After talking to that guy Elias just hung up. So I called him 3 more times and he didn't answer. So yeah I talked to Elias but I'm sure he didn't wanna talk to me too"
Bayley~ "I'll beat him up. But you know he's going to complain that you didn't answer his calls"
Dean~ "right!" I turn around real quick and see Dean. Where the hell did he come from. Why's he holding a box of Krispy Kream Donuts?
Me~ "Where did you come from"
Dean~ "Krispy Kream. I got you some donuts" hell yea
Me~ "Are you for real?"
Dean~ "Yea. I just really want to be on your befriends list"
Me~ "Dean you've always been on that list"
Dean~ "Really?" I laugh. I love his dimples
Me~ "Yes" he hands me the donuts and hugs me.
Dean~ "Are you and Elias okay?"
Me~ "Peachy" my mood changes and I get a little sad. I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn around and see Nick.
Me~ "Oh my God hey Jack ass. Why are you here"
Nick~ "I'm here so we can reveal that Bayleys prego." He jumps up and down like a 3 year old. I know he'll be a great dad. Bayleys music plays and me, Sasha, Bayley, and Nick walk out to the ring. We get there and Bayley grabs a mic. She tells the whole world right there that she's pregnant. We all hug and leave. It was cool. We go backstage and Nicks phone starts ringing. He answers it and I automatically here yelling.
Nick~ "Why the fuck you yelling. Don't get mad. No." He hangs up and he's real mad.
Me~ "What was that about?"
Nick~ "Daddy over here screaming because I didn't tell him about Bayley. What the fuck man hes saying dumb shit"
Me~ "I'll fuck his ass up"
Bayley~ "Don't let it get to your head baby" A producer comes to me.
Quinton~ "Hey your segmany with Baron is about to start so you better go now."
Me~ "Shit bye y'all I'll see y'all in a minute" I start walking to Vince's office because that's where it takes place. Baron walks in getting ready. The camera crew signals go. I pretend like I'm I'm walking past Vinces office. Baron walks out and slams the door.
Me~ "Whoah Baron. You good?"
Baron~ "No. I'm not the General Manager elect no more. This is bull shit."
Me~ "What. You were the best though. You kept this company in check."


Raw ended and Elias never came up to me or even talked to me. I walk out to the rental and get in. I'm supposed to meet Christie, Andy, and Dallas at the night club. I already know I'm gonna do something stupid as hell

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