Chapter 4: The talk

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I'm heading towards the airport. Hopefully Kurt will tell us who our opponents are. This week we're in Seattle Washington. I'll drive Tay to the hotel once we get there. Maybe I should text her. I didnt save her number.... Oh well I'll get it later. I get to the airport and get ready to board my flight. Once I get on my flight the first thing I do is pull out my computer. I start playing some games while the flight is happening. I get a text from Mella.
Mella: Hey Elias baby how are you
I just ignore it. I don't love her anymore. That's what I keep telling myself. I'm done with her I promised myself that after Tay spoke the truth at the Chinese Restaurant. I hope I'm not catching feelings. It's not like I don't like her it's just that I don't know her that well. Maybe one day in the future. She did date Seth. I'm not her type. She's my type. Mella wasn't. She's to girly and preppy and full of herself. Tay so far isn't. She's cool and usually jokes around and never talks about herself. I hope she doesn't always do that. I want to know what she is feeling so if she is sad I can help her. I also need to get her backstory. Like a very good version. I'll ask AJ later tonight. Once the flight lands I see Tay, AJ, and Rom. They must've got here earlier. But Rom lives in Florida. Must've left early. I walk over to them and they all smile at me.
Me~ "Are you riding with me to the hotel or...."
Tay~ "Yup. Your MY travel partner" she smiles and links her arm with mine. I've seen her do this a couple of times with people. I link mine back with here and we start walking to get a rental car. Once we do I put her suitcases in the back along with mine. I offer her the wheel but she doesn't want to drive. She's wearing an Adidas jumpsuit and her curly hair is touching her ass. She is so pretty. I need to stop thinking about her all the time. I might catch feelings and I can't do that. I'm to scared to get my heart broken again. It sucks. It really does. Once we arrive at the hotel we get our room. We got a room with two queen size beds and everything else like a kitchen, bathroom and you know. We walk up to our room and she unlocks the door. She immediately walks over to the bed closes to the kitchen and lays on it. Of course it's near the kitchen she loves food. Maybe if I do decide I want to be with her I'll just buy her some food. I keep glancing at her for no reason at all. She's just so nice to look at. I wonder if she noticed


I keep seeing Eli look at me. It's ok. He's cute enough to look at me. Why did I think that. Ew. Ok now I just sound like a teenage girl. I get my uniform out and get my hair bows out. We have a live show tonight. Those are always fun. I go to the bathroom and work on my braid. It's actually a really hard braid that my friend did once and everyone loved it so it's apart of me now. Everyone else usually gets there hair and makeup done by the girl back stage. I can do my own so I do my own. I decide to change into my uniform when I get there. I grab a banana from off the counter and the keys to the rental and Eli's hand and we head out the door. I give him the keys and peel my banana. I'm still holding his hand. I notice then let go really quickly and shyly. I eat my banana on the elevator. Finn Balor gets on. I tell him hi then put my banana peel on his head. He smiles and hugs me. Eli is standing there quietly but his jaw clenches a little bit. I don't know why. I'm obviously not his type. I mean he dated Carmella for like 3 years. She's pretty and tall and stylish. I'm ugly, short and don't care about my look. He's my type tho. Tall long hair and facial hair. And he plays guitar I mean that's pretty hot. Once we get off the elevator we go to the car. I try to make conversation but he keeps stopping it from happening. I ask him what's wrong and he just says nothing. Did I do something. I hope not.


I feel bad for deflecting any conversation she tries to start. I'm just mad that I know for sure I'm not her type. She likes pretty boys. That just makes me even more mad. I don't even like her though. I'm so confused. When we get to the stadium Tay looks a little upset. I did that to her didn't I. I pull her hand and pull her towards me. Why do I want to kiss her
Me~ "I'm sorry. It's not you. I just started thinking about something..."
Tay~ "Its ok" she pulls her hand away and walks off. What did I do? I breath in and go inside the stadium. I see Kurt talking to Tay. He spots me and tells me to come over there.
Kurt~ "Do you guys want to know who your opponents are now"
Me and Tay~ "YES!"
Kurt~ "You guys are going to have to do a segment where you talk smack"
Tay~ "Ok"
Kurt~ "Carmella and Big Cass"
Me~ "Great. I'm happy about that"
Tay~ "Thank you Kurt. This is amazing"
Kurt~ "Also... Taylor you know how to play guitar right??"
Tay~ "Yeah."
Kurt~ "Can you sing?" Before she could say anything Sami yells down the hall
Kurt~ "You guys are going to sing And play a song about Carmella and Cass."
We both just nod and Kurt walks away. I look at her and smile. She smiles back. I'm happy now. She walks away. We have the second segment so I need to go to the make up girl.


We rocked that segment. She actually is pretty good at singing and the guitar. All the girls backstage hug her and instead of me asking when she wants to leave or waiting to talk to her I chicken out and walk away. Why do I do this. Why do I feel like I'm catching feelings. I don't know her enough for this. I turn around and see her walking behind me. I stop and let her catch up. I walk with her. I want to know her more. I will ask her on a date. Or not. I'm scared. I'm gonna do it. Here I go
Me~ "So Tay... I-I was wondering if you would like to go for dinner with me. Tomorrow night" she looks at me and smiles that beautiful smile
Tay~ "Yea sure. Like a date or..."
Me~ "uuhhh yea..."
Tay~ "Yea where we goin"
Me~ "The bar"
Tay~ "Ooohhh nice. My favorite place ever." She smile and pokes my chest and walks away. I better not mess things up. I don't want to make her my girl until at least after wrestlmania which is in like a month in a half. Gives me time to get to know her. I look at her and she's smiling. She has a sandwich. Where the hell did that come from.
Me~ "Where did you get the sandwich"
Tay~ "Dean gave it to me. He came up to me and gave me this sandwich"
Me~ "How did I miss that."
Tay~ "I don't know. His voice is really deep I'm not sure how you didn't here him say 'Here sweetface' then walk off"
Me~ "What kind of sandwich is it"
Tay~ "Its his special Turkey, lettuce, and a little bit of mayo sandwich" she takes a bite out of the sandwich then holds it up to me so I can have a bite. I take it and eat it. This is really good.
Tay~ "He makes the best sandwiches"
Before I could say anything She looks at me. She looks concerned.
Tay~ "Don't you have to go to the bar with Deano, Roman, and Sami tomorrow" I forgot about them.
Me~ "Uuhhh I'm going to cancel that. Instead Me, You, Roman, Dean, Sami, Nia, and Alexa are going to hang out at the pool tonight" I give her a reassuring smile. I need to shoot all of them a text.
Me~ "I'm going to go change into some regular clothes and go get everyone and tell them our plans" I smile and walk away. I first go find Roman he's in the locker room. He just finished his match with Dean against Sami and Kevin Owens. That's basically half of the people I need. I tell them and they said they'll get ready. They also said "Why you ditching us man" And "Wait never mind. If I had a date with Tata is ditch us too" I walk off and go find Mia and Alexa. They currently have a match. I sit and wait till it's over. Once it finished and they head to the locker room I tell them the plans. Me and Tay head out and go to the hotel room. We get in our bathing suits and head to the pool.

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