Chapter 20: Old

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8:00 AM

When I wake up I check my phone. It's 8 in the morning. My flight leaves at 9. AJ didn't leave but I hear a knock at the door. I quickly get out of Eli's shorts and put mine on. I grab my socks and shoes and I run to the door. AJ is just standing there.
AJ~ "I would've been here earlier but I got is coffee and breakfast" he smiles. I'm not a morning person but he gets me out of my moods. I link my arm with his and I go to his rental motorcycle. We get on and head to the airport. When we get there we eat put food and drink our coffee. We throw our trash away and run to get to our plane. When we get to our plane we sit down and we can relax. We were worried that we would miss the flight. I get a text from Elias.
Eli: Why did you leave so early
Me: Woke up at 8. Flight was at 9. We're on it right now
Eli: We're??
Me: Yea me and AJ
Eli: Oh yea. Forgot about that pig
Me: AJ isn't a pig you jerk
Eli: Whatever
I just roll my eyes and put my phone away
AJ~ "What's wrong babes"
Me~ "Nothing it's just Elias is getting on my nerves"
AJ~ "What did he say"
Me~ "He called you a pig"
AJ~ "Tell him he can go suck a d*ck"
Me~ "Ok I will"
Me: AJ told me to tell you that you can go suck a d*ck
Eli: Tell him to f*ck off
Me~ "He said f*ck off"
AJ~ "Tell him to go f*ck Mella" I smile because that's funny. I'm not sure why though.
Me: He said go f*ck Mella
Eli: NO!!! Tell him to go piss in his mouth
Me~ "He said go piss in your mouth"
AJ~ "Tell him to go give Big Cass a blow job"
Me: He said go give Cass a BD
Eli: What the f*ck
I laugh really hard. I show AJ and he just smiles and gives himself a pat on the back. I love AJ. Not in the way I love Eli. I love AJ like a brother course that's what he's like.
Me~ "Remember in middle school when we went to that party and the kids there paired us up to do 7 minutes in heaven"
AJ~ "Yea see the thing is I used to have a huge crush on you and I was going through puberty so I got a boner that didn't go down until like 3 hours later"
Me~ "Back then when people kissed it meant they 'liked eachother' Now I can kiss you and it won't mean nothing"
AJ~ "I kissed you many times. I remember when we dated in 9 grade but we broke up after like 1 week because you said 'I flirted with Amy' I kissed you the night before. You know what. I'm going to bring back memories" AJ grabs my face and kisses me on the lips for like 3 seconds. I kissed him back. I don't feel bad or dirty because thats my bestest friend ever.
Me~ "You know what would be great"
AJ~ "What"
Me~ "If we invited our friends from school and we just had a hang out at my place. Before my party. Like tomorrow"
AJ~ "That would be cool. Let's text them" I pull out my phone and text Asa, Kayley, Kealynn, Erica, and Desmund. While I'm at it I check my email. A while back Kurt told me he wants me to be in a movie. He never said what type of movie, or with who or anything. All he said was that if the offer gets excepted id get an email. I just got an Email from a movie company seeing if I could be in a movie with Channing Tatum. Changing f*cking Tatum. Only like one of the hottest actors alive. They said I'll be playing his future wife. Oh my God.
Me~ "AJ guess what"
AJ~ "What"
Me~ "So you know how Kurt said he wanted me in a movie and all that"
AJ~ "Yea"
Me~ "I just got an email and they want me to be in a movie with Channing Tatum"
AJ~ "Really??"
Me~ "Yea"
AJ~ "That's great. I'm so happy for you dear" he hugs me and kisses my head
Me~ "Don't tell anybody"
AJ~ "Why? Don't you want people to know"
Me~ "Yea... and I'll tell them at the party" We smile at eachother. About an hour later we arrive at Atlanta's main airport. When we get off the plane we take pictures with fans and meet Nick at the parking lot. He's taking pictures with his fans too. We hop on the car.
AJ~ "So Nick how is your morni-"
Nick~ "Wait what"
AJ~ "I thought you were gonna tell everyone at your party"
Me~ "I was. Nick you can not tell anybody. Not Aunt Marylou. Not Uncle Kenneth. Not Evan. Not Bayley. Not Lainey. Got it"
Nick~ "O-Oh ok"
Me~ "I will beat you up"
Nick~ "Listen here shorty, your the short one now. I'm not."
AJ~ "She'll still beat you buddy"
Nick~ "I-I know"
Me~ "So you wanna call people name's huh. Ok then STUTTER BUG"
Nick~ "Go suck AJ's d!ck"
Me~ "Maybe I will"
AJ~ "That's fine with me"
Nick~ "S-so when am I meeting y-ya boyfriend Elias"
Me~ "At my party"
Nick~ "Well I'm going to be drunk. Don't know bout yall"
AJ~ "You know I will be"
Me~ "Same here brothers"
Nick~ "Yo I'm h-hungry as a mother f*cker. Y'all want some Chick-fil-a"
AJ~ "Hell yea"
Nick~ "Taylor we know you want some. Fat a§"
Me~ "Shut the hell up Nickleback"
Nick~ "Your just mad because I'm funny"
AJ~ "It was just a little funny"
Me~ "Ok whatever it was" We got our food from chick-fil-a and Nick dropped us off. I go into my house, Nick goes into his and AJ goes into his. When I walk into my house I plop down on the couch turn on the tv and eat my Chick-fil-a. I hear a knock on the door. I get mad because I just got home and I just want to be anti-social for no reason. I open the door and Sami is standing there. What does he want? Why is he here? I love him and all but still... why?
Sami~ "Taylor I don't mean to bother you but we needa talk"
Me~ "About what" Sami looks me deep in my eyes.
Sami~ "Elias. Carmella. You."

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