Chapter 48: No cookies

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I open my eyes. I'm laying on a couch. My feet are against Christies. I have no idea who's house this is. Christie opens her eyes. She sits up and her face immediately gets confused.
Christie~ "And where the fuck are we?" I shrug my shoulders. My head hurts like hell. We hear footsteps and immediately turn around. A fine ass guy is walking down some steps.
Guy~ "I see you ladies are awake" (he looks like this)

Guy~ "I see you ladies are awake" (he looks like this)

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Christie~ "Hi I'm Christie. I'm also single"
Me~ "Hi I'm Taylor and I also happen to be single"
Guy~ "Hi I'm Logan and I'm married to your friend Jasmine. I have two kids also"
Christie~ "He didn't say happily married"
Logan~ "Very happily married"
Me~ "Ok but Jasmine has kids"
Logan~ "Yes we do. Jayse who is 3, and Miley who is 1"
Me~ "Nice. Why are we here?"
Logan~ "Well you and your friend Christie passed out on the side walk after scaring away a robber. The bar tender put something in your drinks. Jasmine looked at Christies phone and it was dead. She looked at yours saw your lock screen which was you, a bearded man who I'm assuming is your boyfriend, Andy Black, Christie and your dark green jeep. Right when she saw that your phone died. So she called me and I got you both into the car. She looked for your car and couldn't find it."
Christie~ "So Andy and Elias left us?"
Me~ "I guess so. Bitches" A little boy comes running into the room with some cute ass curls.

 Bitches" A little boy comes running into the room with some cute ass curls

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Logan~ "Good morning Jayse. Did you sleep good buddy?" Jayse nods his head and rubs his eyes. "Jayse this is Christie and Taylor. They're our friends. Say hey"
Jayse~ "Hi." He waves at us. "Daddy I want tocit milk"
Logan~ "Ok buddy." He looks at us "That's how he says chocolate milk" he puts Jayse down. Jayse walks to us.
Jayse~ "I'm free yeas ole"
Christie~ "Nice. I'm 28"
Me~ "Me too. Jayse do you like cars?"
Jayse~ "Yeah like lightnin McQueen." He laughs. Logan comes in shaking a sippy cup. He gives it to Jayse. Logan puts on cartoons and Jayse sits down drinking his milk. Jasmine walks in holding a baby.
Jasmine~ "Good morning guys. Hey bitches. You feeling better?"
Me~ "Yes. And your fucking kids are so cute."


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Jasmine~ "Thank you so fucking much. Miley is a handful. She always cries. Like can I breathe without you crying" we laugh.
Christie~ "I want kids. Too bad Andy ain't getting in this cookie jar for a while."
Me~ "Same."
Jasmine~ "Did they just leave y'all?"
Christie~ "Yeah. Ima beat their ass. We bout to leave."
Logan~ "I'll drive you both home"
Christie~ "Please do sir."
Jasmine~ "No ma'am"
We get into the car and drive home. Once we get there we thank Logan an give him hella flirty looks. I run down my driveway.
Me~ "Baabbbyyy"
Christie~ "Fuck you doin? We can't forgive them yet" I stop and turn around.
Me~ "I was talking about my Jeep."
Christie~ "Fair enough" We walk up to my front door and walk in. Eli and Andy turn and look at us.
Andy~ "There they are"
Christie~ "Shut yo ass up"
Eli~ "Hey baby" Eli tries to hug me but I Dodge it.
Christie~ "Yall wanna leave us at the bar like that. Yall ain't getting into our cookie jars." They both pout.
Me~ "Hope you know that we passed out due to having something slipped into out drink and if it weren't for Jasmine and her fine ass husband we could've been raped and murdered"
They both apologize"
Eli~ "We tried calling you guys."
Christie~ "Our phones are dead"
Andy~ "How can we make it up to you?"
Me~ "Buy us hella shoes, clothes and take us to Chick-fil-A"
Eli~ "Are you for real"
Christie~ "Or you guys can never get any kind of nudity or sex from us ever again..."
Andy~ "So you want to go to the mall first or..."
Me~ "Yeah the mall."
Eli~ "Gotchu" he grabs the key to my Jeep and we all walk to it. Me and Christie get in the back. Eli sits in the drivers seat. Andy open the door and slides in the seat next to Christie
Christie~ "Umm no sir. Get yo ass in the front." Andy groans and moves to the front.
When we get to the mall me and Christie immediately go to the shoe store. We both buy 5 pairs of shoes. Then we go and get 10 different outfits. Then we go to Chick-fil-A and literally order the whole menu. Each. By the time we get home the boys are tired and me and Christie are happy as shit. Me and her secretly got pregnancy tests so we can take them an then when the results show up negative we can be like haha this ain't gonna say positive anytime soon. We go up to my room. She sits on my bed and I go to my bathroom and take mine. Perfect.. negative. Christie goes to the bathroom and takes hers. She's in there for a long time. She slowly walks out and she's in total shock.
Christie~ "Taylor..." Im confused as hell "I'm pregnant"
Me~ "What the fuck. For real?" She shows me the test. Sure enough it says positive. "Maybe it's a fluke" we decide to go to the conveinent store
We get there and buy 5 tests. See takes them and they all say positive.
Me~ "I'm so fucking happy for you"
Christie~ "I'm so happy. Now when we get back we gotta tell Andy and Elias!!!!" I get a phone call from Bayley.
Me- hello
Bayley- ok so don't say anything yet but im pregnant.
Me- I'm so happy for you congrats
We talk for about 10 more minutes and then we hang up. My phone rings again. This time it's Nikki
Me- hello
Nikki- guess what
Me- what
Nikki- me and Evan are engaged!
I say the same things I said to Bayley. I tell Christie
Christie~ "Damn they tryna steal my spotlight and shit" I laugh
Me~ "Man I really want kids now." We get home. Christie and Andy leave. She never told him. I tell Eli about Nikki and Bayley. I get another damn phone call. It's from Lainey
Me- whattup biotch
Lainey- I'm pregnant
Me- no
Lainey- yes
Me- are you kidding?
Lainey- no
Me- that's awesome
Well. I'm jelous.
Me~ "Laineys pregnant."
Eli~ "God damn. Another one. Next thing you know Christies pregnant.
Me~ "She is. Don't tell Andy"
Eli~ "Gotcha"
7 hours later.
There's a knock at the damn door.
Me~ "Now who the fuck is at my damn house this late?" I open the door and see Christie, Andy, boxes and a U-haul.
Christie~ "So we got evicted"

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