Chapter 11: Sorry

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I need to tell him how I feel. Why didn't I just tell him I love him back. I'm so stupid. Would he be awake right now. AJ is.
Me~ "AJ..."
AJ~ "Yes?"
Me~ "Can you drive me to Eli's house"
AJ~ "Of course sweetheart"
Me~ "Thank you. And dont leave right when I knock. Give it a minute so I can see if he's awake"
AJ~ "Oh trust me, after last night. He will be" I grab my phone and we go to the car. Once we get in the car i get butterflies in my stomach. I can't do this. I have to though. When we get to his house I walk up to the door and knock. He comes almost immediately. He doesn't look happy to see me. I walk past him and sit on his couch. I pat on the spot right next to me.
Me~ "Look Eli. I need to tell you I do lo-"
Eli~ "Its ok. I slipped out. I didn't really mean it"
Me~ "Oh..."
Eli~ "Yea"
Me~ "I came here to tell you that I didn't say it back because I'm so used to saying 'I love you" after we've been dating for a while. But you don't feel the same so I'll just go. I have to catch a flight in a couple of hours anyways"
Eli~ "Wait" I turn around. I'm not going to cry in front of him. I hold it in.
Eli~ "I lied. I did mean it. But I wasn't ready to say it yet. I didn't think you were neither."
Me~ "I'm not"
Eli~ "Ok then we'll say it after we start dating"  I turn around to Walk out the door. "Wait. Do you want to stay here for the week. Then we can fly to San Jose, Cali together"
Me~ "Can we sleep in the same bed"
Eli~ "Yea"
Me~ "Good because I'm exhausted" I go over to him and pull his shirt off. I walk to his room and put on his black Nike gym shorts, and his Stone Cold Steve Austin shirt. He comes up stairs and pulls his pants of. I smile. We get into bed and his hands are wrapped around me again. My back is touching his chest. I can feel him breathing but I really don't care. It feels nice.
Eli~ "I know we're supposed to be sleeping but I need to ask you a question"
Me~ "And that is"
Eli~ "You and Sami. Did you guys ever have a thing" Oh Jeez. My would he ask me that.
Me~ "No"
Eli~ "Ok i was just wondering because of how you guys act around each other. And like when we were at the pool and Roman asked Sami that question, he kind of looked down and looked at you. I'm surprised you havnt ever liked him" I turn around real quick.
Me~ "What the h*ll is that supposed to mean Eli"
Eli~ "I mean you do like them Pretty boys. And Sami is a pretty boy. Now that I see that I'm surprised you havnt ever liked Roman or Finn neither"
Me~ "First of all Eli, I don't like 'Pretty Boys' because if did I wouldn't be in this bed with you, I'd be in the bed with Dolph Ziggler or Tyler Breeze, so get it right. Second of all, I love Sami but he is NOT a pretty boy. And lastly Roman is basically my brother. And Finn is just a friend. I barely talk to him. I don't know where this came from but thanks alot this is the part I leave but I have a little something else to say"
Eli~ "And what is that baby"
Me~ "Don't call me baby. Your not my boyfriend, ok. But why am I in this bed with you. Maybe it should be Carmella since you like her so much."
Eli~ "Well Carmella is just one call away if I wanted her here she would be here. And I used to like her"
Me~ "Yea ok bye Eli"
Eli~ "Yea bye Tay, go get back in bed with AJ. At least HE'LL want you there" That made me want to cry. Eli knows it to. I see the sorry look on his face. I just give him the middle finger and walk down the stairs. I hear him calling after me. I text AJ to see if he's awake. He's not. So I text Roman. He is and he's coming to pick me up. I'm sitting on the porch I have a tear on my face. Eli walks outside right when Roman pulls up. Eli tries to hug me but I push him off. Roman is like the big brother I never had. He's also 2 years older than me. He comes to me and picks me up, like I'm a baby but I don't care. He flashes Eli a look right when Eli goes to say something. We walk towards the car and I lift my face off Romans shoulder and look up at Eli. He looks mad. He looks sad. He looks sorry. It hurts. Roman puts me in his car. He gets to his side and drives off. When we get to the hotel we don't get out. I tell him everything that happened. He tells me Eli didn't mean it. I tell him thank you and I love him. He says your welcome and I love you too. He gives me a kiss on the head. We fall asleep in the car. We wake up to AJ knocking on the window. He has my bags. I tell Roman thank you again and I get out his car and get in AJ's
AJ~ "So things didn't go as planned did they"
Me~ "Nope." I tell him everything and even AJ says that Eli didnt mean it. I get a call. Its Eli. I ignore it. He calls me three more times and after the 4 time I answer.
Eli: Hey
Me: what do you want Eli
Eli: Taylor I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything I said. Baby I'm sorry
Me: Ok.
Eli: I know your probably on the way to the airport but listen ok. I asked question I shouldn't have and went past a line I shouldn't have. I'm so sorry
Me: Its ok.
Eli: Taylor I'll see you Saturday. I'm getting a room with one bed
Why does that make me feel better
Me: Ok bye
Eli: Bye
When he hangs up AJ doesn't even ask who it was, because he already knows who it was. Why does Eli make me happy when I'm pissed at him. That makes me mad, but it also makes me happy. He confuses me so much.

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