Chapter 30: Reason

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Sami knows? Finally I can understand why she won't do it with me.
Sami~ "Ok the truth is... I wasn't really coming over. I was planning on drinking beer in my room alone to night while watching Taylor and Kevin fight in a pre mixed tag team match. But Taylor was leaving and she told me I can tell you. And honestly you have to understand. So basically after Seth got her prego my accident, even when they used protection, she's scared at getting pregnant at such an early point at your relationship. You guys have only been dating for a month. Even though it feels like forever"
Me~ "Oh well that's understandab-"
Sami~ "Wait there's more. She's also afraid she won't be as good as Carmella was. You know she's insecure."
Me~ "Why would she think that"
Sami~ "I don't know. Maybe it's the fact she hasn't done anything like that in 3 years. I for one believe she'd be WAY better than Carmella"
Me~ "3 years? And also Shut the hell up"
Sami~ "Yea so far Seth was her first and last. If I were you I'd go and support her tonight"
Me~ "I don't have a ticket"
Sami~ "Today's your last match your suspended from. Kurt will let you back stage. I'll come too"
Me~ "Well.... let's go!" Sami shrugs and we both forget about Sami's beer.
Sami~ "I wish I was in WrestleMania this year. I'll be backstage though"
Me~ "This is my first WrestleMania. You know when I first saw Taylor in the hallway, she had just debuted on Raw. You were showing her around and you ran into me. You said 'Oh hey Elias. Don't talk to Elias he's an a§hole' she smiled at you and looked at me. She said to you 'if he's an a§hole so am i' I said 'I'm not mean. What's your name?' You said 'None of your business. Let's go now'  you pulled her away and I stood there looking at you dragging her. I turned around and she did too. I did a half smile and she did one too. I was dating Carmella and I felt unfaithful so I never talked to Taylor again accept for some Hi's here and there. Until the day Kurt paired of together. I always thought she was cute. I never imagined me and her together though"
Sami~ "I remember that day. I didn't want you two having a thing. But now I regret not letting you guys talk"
Me~ "Why didn't want us to be a thing" by this time we've already texted an Uber to take us to the arena.
Sami~ "Because I knew her type. And you were with Mella. I didn't see her as someone youd like so I tried to save her heart"
Me~ "Every one thinks that. If anything Carm-"
Sami~ "I know. I know. If anything Carmella isn't your type. You've said it many of times already. We get it" we hop in the uber and wait for us to be taken to the arena.
Me~ "Well it's true though"
Sami~ "Ok but hear this. If Carmella wouldn't have cheated on you, Kurt wouldve never paired you and Taylor up, nor made you two travel partners. If Seth and Taylor wouldn't have broken up then they'd still be together. But let's just say Seth and Tata did break up and you and Carmella didn't. You would be in this mixed tag team match with Mella and Tata most likely would've been in one with Finn. Tata and Finn wouldve got together. You two are together because of some mistakes and Kurt" That makes me think.
Me~ "Maybe it's just fate"
Sami~ "Could be" the uber pulls into the arena. Raw hasn't started yet. Me and Sami pay the uber driver and hop out. I don't want someone to spoil the surprise of me being here. I need to hide. I can't hide in the mens locker room because women come in there all the time to mess with us. We go into there locker room too.
Me~ "Sami"
Sami~ "Yea?"
Me~ "Does Taylor love me?" Sami stops walking and looks at me
Sami~ "Yea. She does. More than you know actually. She puts up a wall and doesn't let people in. She's scared to get hurt. You need to take that wall down and show her that you'll never hurt her. You need to show her, not tell her."
Me~ "How am I supposed to show her if she doesn't let me get to close"
Sami~ "Act like she's your everything. She loves your random hugs. She loves your kisses. She loves when you look her in the eyes and don't say anything. She loves when you sing for her. She loves when you sit down and watch football and basketball with her. She loves when you sit down and watch fan made things with her. She loves when you grab her. Wether it's her waist or booty, it'll turn her on. She says she hated it bc she doesn't wanna be turned on. She loves when you sit down and watch a movie with her. She loves when she's on her 'monthly' and you sit down with her and respect her. She loves all that. I'm not just saying YOU I'm saying in general"
Me~ "How do you know all of this" Sami looks away and looks back. He laughs a little bit and then frowns a little bit.
Sami~ "Because I knew a guy. When she was in NXT, he loved her. She loved him. They loved each other but they were so scared to get hurt they didn't tell one another. He waited to long to make a move with Taylor, and she moved on."
Me~ "Who was the guy"
Sami~ "Figure that out your self" That's concerning. Me and Sami head inside of the building. We head to Kurts office.
Kurt~ "Sami. Elias. Why are you boys here"
Me~ "To watch Taylor and Kevins match. Don't tell her I'm here. I want it to be a suprise."
Sami~ "Same here. Can we hide out here"
Kurt~ "You do realize that there match is the main event right. You'll be here for about 4 hours"
Elias~ "Ok"
Kurt~ "If they win there match then you two have to go out there and surprise them."
Sami~ "Will do. Do you got any good channels on tv?" Sami sits down and grabs the remote.
Kurt~ "It's staying on WWE network"
Sami~ "Fine!!!!!!!" There's a knock on Kurt's door. Me and Sami get up and hide. Kurt opens the door and it's Taylor.
Kurt~ "Hello Taylor"
Tay~ "Wassup Kurt. Just wanted to stop by to tell you that-" Baron Corbin enters the room. He looks at Tay and smiles.
Baron~ "Hey beautiful. How are you" he winks at her. She rolls her eyes.
Tay~ "Back off Baron. I've got man"
Baron~ "Have you seen his penis"
Tay~ "No"
Baron~ "Then how do you know he's a man"
Tay~ "He's tall, he has a beard, his voice is deep"
Baron~ "It's called surgery"
Tay~ "Well in that case how do I know your a man"
Baron~ "Oh I can show you mine" At this point im ready to fight.
Kurt~ "Baron leave!" Baron smiles at Taylor and then leaves.
Kurt~ "I'm sorry"
Tay~ "It's ok"
Kurt~ "What were you abouta tell me"
Tay~ "That I wish Finn was here. I was gonna ask if you could call him and maybe we and him could do a segment together" I look over at Sami and he's doing a confused face
Kurt~ "I could look into it"
Tay~ "Thanks Kurt"
Kurt~ "Is he the only person you wish were here?"
Tay~ "Actually no. Two other men" Me and Sami look at each other and smile. "My brothers. But they couldn't make it" She walks out and Kurt shuts the door. Me and Sami come out of hiding.
Me~ "She doesn't want us here. We should leave"
Sami~ "I'm not f**king leaving. I'm here to support her. I know she wishes we were here. So I'm staying. If you wanna leave. Then leave. You do you Elias. But I WILL stay and support her"

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