Chapter 19: thinking

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We're having dinner at 5:00 pm. Mom, Dad, Morgan, and her boyfriend Johnny are coming over at around 4:45. I just woke up I woke up to a bunch of texts from Tay telling me the line of events that happened on her day with Finn. Finn thinks he's the man. Nope. I'm the man. I shower and brush my hair. It's to early to get dressed so I call Finn.
Finn- Ello?
Me- Hi Finn
Finn- Oh hey Elias. Whatcha callin for? Need sum?
Me- No I just need to address this to you. I'm the man Finn. Ok you punched a couple of kids so what. I took a glass bottle to my head for Taylor. You my friend, are A man. But you are not THE man.
Finn- Oh Elias. I fought those two 22 year olds who were a half foot taller than me. They were bleeding and were scared. No one had to pull me off them. You fought a middle aged man who almost beat you. YOU were the one walking away bleeding like hell. I believe I stand with my point. I win. Talk to ya later fella.
Me- Finn--
That little basterd hung up. I'll show him who the man is. I try to get my mind off that subject so I think about WrestleMania. Tay is having a party at her house and I invited my little cousin Zay. Zay is 23. He is a big fan off Tay. He's my bestfriend. His real name is Zach but when he was younger his older brother Christian had a speech impediment and somehow Zach came out as "Zay" So that's what we call him. He's a fire fighter. Apparently he's a "heartthrob" he has curly black hair and ice blue eyes. He's a little chubby and I guess that's in now days. Tonight I'm going to wear a gray and pink tapout shirt and my skinny jeans with my timberlands. I'm not even going to put in an effort because mom seemed to have a problem with Tay "Not putting in effort" even though I told Tay to wear something casual and because I'm very petty. I bet Johnnys going to be wearing a nice shirt and tie with some slick back hair. I bet he's manager. I bet that's what he's going to be like. I mean his name is "Johnny" that's the name of a business major or something. I always have to cook and I really don't feel like cooking so I'm just going to order some Chinese food. My phone rings and my heart almost jumps out of my chest when I see that it's Tay.
Me- Hey baby what's up
Tay- Why did you confront Finn
Me- Because I wanted him to know that IM the man. Why does it matter
Tay- It matters because you shouldn't have confronted him
Me- Tay it wasn't even a confrontation. I called the guy
Tay- Still. Let the man believe what he wants to believe
Me- I just caught that
Tay- Caught what?
Me- "Let the man believe what he wants to believe" You just slickly called him the man. You think he's better than me don't you. Just because hes pretty boy and he hit to college kids
Tay- Really Elias. I expected more from you. When I refer to a guy I say "the man" grow up
Me- Your the one to talk. You just called me because I told Finn I was the man. My heart was pounding because I thought this would be a sweet call. Like you telling me you missed me or something
AJ- Hey Elias this is AJ
Me- What the h*ll do you want
AJ- I told her to call you. Shut up and stop being a douche bag to your girl
Me- Shut up and go f*ck your cousin you redneck hoe
AJ- B!tch I'll f*ck ya bobble head a§ up try me b!tch
Tay- Will you two shut the f*ck up. Both of y'all are some hoes ok. Ok. See you later Eli I love you. NEVER TALK ABOUT AJ LIKE THAT AGAIN
Me- I love you too
How could she take AJ's side. I bet it's because that's her "brother" whatever.

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