Chapter 51: Baby reveal

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I didn't sleep at all. I literally just stayed awake all night watching YouTube and crying. Well that's most nights. I've been thinking about Elias. How is he feeling. He hasn't even gave me a text back. My door slams open and I flinch.
Christie~ "Hey so like me, and Dallas have set the party up and people should start arriving soon. So wake yo ass up." I turn and look at her.
Me~ "Christie I was never asleep"
Christie~ "Why. You been thinking about Elias ain't you"
Me~ "Maybe" I hop out of bed and stretch. "Well I'm gonna take a shower and get ready and shit so see ya" She walks out of my room. I walk into my bathroom and look in the mirror. I look like a whole mess. It's sad.

I get out the shower and dry off. I put my panties and bra on. It's 2:50. I look in my drawers and look for some clothes. I really only have two styles only. And I guess only one is appropriate for this occasion. I put some black ripped jeans on. I start to find a shirt to wear and I run across a shirt that draws me in. I pull it out and look at it. It's Elias' fucking Nirvana shirt he left here one time. I stare at it for a little while. I put it on and feel a weird sensation of happiness, and sadness at the same time. I put my socks and some regular black and white vans on. I walk out of my room and stop when I see Christies parents here. Already. Don't get me wrong I love Bridgette and Ronnie but I know how they feel about how Christie likes white guys, and well Andy isn't here right now. He's still on the flight home. I look over my shoulder and see Dallas he smiles and hugs me.
Dallas~ "That shirt is like 3 sizes to big for you baby girl. Who's shirt is it?" I just kind of stare at him blankly for a couple seconds. He catches on and makes an awkward face and walks away. I walk down the stairs towards Bridgette and Ronnie.
Me~ "Hey guys how are you"
Bridgette~ "Oh hey. We're doing great. How are you"
Me~ "I've been doing okay"
Ronnie~ "Yeah Christie told us that your having some relationship problems lately." I look over Ronnie and stare at Christie.
Me~ "Oh did she now"
Christie~ "Is that his shirt"
Me~ "Who's he?"
Christie~ "You know exactly who the he is"
Me~ "Yes Christie. It's Elias' shirt" My door opens and my Aunt and Uncle walk in. I greet them and everything.

6:00 PM
Everyone's here that we invited. Except Andy. Where is he?? Aunt Mary Lou and Uncle Kenneth asked me "How come your little boyfriend isn't ever around when we are" I just shrugged my shoulders and went along with my life. I pop my beer open and take a sip as I pop down in a chair next to my pool. It's a little early for me to drink but oh well ive havnt been too sad all day so I deserve it. Right when I sit down I hear a scream that scares the shit out if me. I stand up immediately after and see Andy standing in the door way holding Christie in his arms. There standing there exchanging there I love yous and I miss yous. Dallas looks at me and makes a fake gagging noise which makes me laugh. Me, Dallas, Christie, Andy, and Christies brother Courtney all take a nice picture together for my Instagram. I smile as I post the picture and then I get a call. From Elias. I freak out at first and run to Christie.
Me~ "What do I do?" She takes my phone and answers it for me.
Christie~ "Hello. This ain't she. Nah. Oh you wanna talk to her. After yo ass left her on read. ChRiStIe PlEaSe GiVe HeR tHe PhOnE my ass. I don't know. I don't give a fuck. Bye then." Christie smiles at me and hands me the phone. He hung up.
Me~ "What did he say?"
Christie~ "Just bull shit like lemme talk to her"
Me~ "Why didn't you give me the fucking phone"
Christie~ "Because you don't need that in your life right now" I look at my phone. I turn it off and put it in my pocket.
Me~ "Your right. I wish Evan and Nick were here because their dumb asses would cheer my dumb ass up" Christies smiles and rolls her eyes. She walks away to Andy and I sit back down. I get an Instagram notification
@iameliaswwe liked your photo
I smile to myself and then look at my lock screen. I changed a few days ago. It's a real goofy picture of me and Elias. Tomorrow I leave and go to Idaho for WWE live. I have to be on the flight by 10:00am.
Everyone's gone. I walk up to my room and get my bag out. I pack my bag with all of my needs. And flop on my bed. I check my phone for any trace of Elias. Nope. My door opens and AJ's standing there.
AJ~ "So Christie told me everything that happened. And I just wanted to stop by and tell you that I'm sorry and I wanted to give you a hug." I smile at him.
Me~ "Bring it in baby face" he jumps on my bed. I give him a big hug. I hear a little knock on my door frame and see my dumb ass brothers.
Nick~ "What's up Jack ass"
Me~ "Why the fuck are y'all here oh my god"
Evan~ "That part of training is over for now. We go back the day after tomorrow. I was gonna ask if you guys needed a ride or anything"
AJ~ "Yeah I never feel safe leaving a car at an Atlanta airport. Ever."
Nick~ "Understandable. Well bye guys. I love you Taylor. I'll see y'all later"
Evan~ "Bye love you"
Me~ "Bye whores I love you" They walk out of my room leaving me and AJ. My phone rings and AJ hands it me not looking at the caller ID. It's Elias. I make a face I guess and AJ takes the phone from me.
AJ~ "Well Taylor I know it's early but we have to be up early so just get some rest. You need it after you didn't sleep last night. I love you Taylor and I promise everything with Elias will be just fine soon." He kisses the top of my head. And leaves. Now I'm just here in my room. Thinking about if I should call Elias back. I don't know why I love him so much. He never fails to amaze me. Cotton runs into my room I pick him up and take "a pic for the gram" as the kids would say.
Me~ "Chriissttiie" Christie runs into my room
Christie~ "What's wrong?"
Me~ "I know very good and damn well you did NOT get my dog a Louis Vuitton collar."
Christie~ "I sure did. I also got him a Gucci bed and a bunch of other expensive shit" I smile at her and laugh.
Me~ "Well you just a boujee bitch" I say to Cotton. I put him down and Christie and Cotton both leave. I shut my door and walk to my bed. I turn my phone on and see
Missed call from Baby😍❤
I just with and put my phone on my night stand and charge it. I brush my teeth and hair. I put on sweatpants and a Cesaro shirt. I jump on my bed and just lay there. Being stunned and amazed by the fucking drifter

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